Poetry competition CLOSED 20th February 2018 11:51am
View Profile Poems by KrystalG



Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 194

Poetry Contest

Write a "Hallmark" Greeting Card Poem to your FIRST CRUSH Ever....
We all remember the joys of having a FIRST Crush:  The stomach butterflies, the heart-pounding palpitations, the sweaty palms, dry-mouth, distorted speech....Whatever your symptoms and whatever your story, whatever age and whatever happened....Let's Turn Back Time!

In Commemoration of the Valentine's Day Card Giving/Exchanging Tradition, write your very own "Hallmark" Poem Card to your FIRST CRUSH EVER!  Take a trip back down OLD Memory Lane, REAWAKEN the moment and BE INSPIRED to CREATE YOUR VERY OWN "HALLMARK" CARD to your SECRET (or NOT-SO-SECRET) CRUSH.   Say you love'em, say you hate'em, say you've moved on...Just say something, in poem/card format!

IDEA SUGGESTIONS:  Confess NOW how you felt, THEN!  Did they impact your moving-on with life in any way?  Do they pop-up in your mind occasionally even today?  Have you moved on or would you long for a second chance if you could to RIGHT whatever WRONG?  Your card, your thoughts!

*    Maximum Entry:  1 entry per poet
*   Maximum Limit:  No limit but NOT dramatically lengthy.  IT'S A CARD!
*  POEM TITLE:  Remember to TITLE your poem


Lingering mysteries dangled over my head
In hues of colors, bright blues, yellows, and reds.
Painted portraits of what could have been clouded my mind
As the dancing silhouettes followed directly behind.
Both our faces flushed when our eyes would meet
Neither of us could utter a word when it was time to greet
Looking down and away, we both were shy
We’d scurry away before uttering our first “Hi!”
From a near and far distance, my mother saw the full picture
Of how our chemistry blended well as the perfect mixture.
She thought to herself, “If he should ask when she’s of age
I’ll have to oblige and let them date.”
Who would have guessed that, after waiting so long,
At the turn of age, you would have gone…
With another girl who slipped right between our open gap
To venture with you into a night recap.
You slipped away just as I almost reached you with my fingertips
And got caught under the other lucky girl’s loving grip.
Leaving me standing in the cold and in the rain
Holding my umbrella as my heart swelled in pain.
All those years I spent daydreaming of the day
You’d scoop me up and take me away
All the romance and fantasies that danced in my mind
Waiting for its birth met the shredding grind.
Strange romance we shared, you and I.
A romance that never existed, but in our minds.
How many times did we not travel across a different land
Leaving our bare prints along an island's beach sand?
How many times did we kiss passionately on the lip
Or walk hand-in-hand, feeling the lite touch of our fingertips?
Life changes; the world turns; life goes on
As we are carried away and drifted along.
But, regardless of the journey life has taken me through
From time to time, my thoughts would return running back to you…
Thinking of what we COULD HAVE BEEN….
If I could have had a fair-play to win...…

But now that I have found my “Happily Ever After”
I find no use anymore for our book or our chapter
For you’ve become a vapor of an unborn dream
Of what once came close but wasn’t destined to ever be…•

Ready?  3...2....1.....Go, let the thoughts flow!

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Unrequited Crush

Heart stopping and heart pounding affection.
Every time you turned my way, I had to stop
From fainting. As we got older, the connection
We once had faded because you would chop
My heart into pieces and pretended like you
Never knew who I was to you. You smiled at
Every pretty girl, but I never had the luxury to
Be on the receiving end of it. I was a doormat
And an outsider, but I am over it now because
A guy like you does not deserve my infatuation
Or to be my unrequited crush. It made me pause
Wondering why you would be my temptation
Because you are nothing more than a daydream
In a fantasy. Someone else gives me that gleam.
Written by eswaller
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Tyrant of Words
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 3672

Never say goodbye

I'm watching the petals fly eternally  
upon the fleeting breeze  
echoing angels lost across the seas  
Down upon my knees  
Beckoning the reckoning in pleas  
please erase these memories  
which songs sing with subtle ease  
to deliver delightful disease  
I'm falling apart at the seams, and it seems  
nothing is real, and I feel like I'm in a dream  
If memory dies, I'm free  
Reality lies, I see.....  
Nothing is real nor will ever be.....  
Not for me.....  
I'm falling in love with memories, and she sees  
nothing in me that she wants to see  
let it be
let a letter fly free, let it die free  
let her see, let it be  
Let her see  
Let it die,.....  
 But never let her say goodbye
Written by archetype23
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128

A Love Letter

A Love Letter
Grace (IDryad)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


I have a crush on you
You have a crush on me
Who ever of the two of us
Is the most courageous
We’ll very well soon see
For who ever tries to kiss first
Is by far the bravest

So, I dare ya!
Come on, I dare ya!
To try and kiss me!
Written by snugglebuck
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Lost Thinker
Joined 13th Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 4

Empty Jack

A distant sail on evening's set
no color binding form
an empty flask where you once sat
and kept my shoulder warm
reminders gone
no keepsakes marking time
no lost refrain or captive song
depletes infectious rhyme
Revoking nights of shameless play
beneath a comber wave
where fervent sky entombing dusk
rent heart to looming grave
Conception nests in solitude
o'er seabird casted song
born in mist of crashing swell
adieu ...
bereave prolongs
In time perhaps
in your respite
you'll stumble
breaking stride
beneath your step an empty flask
your memory
Written by McEltic
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Your First Coming Out

Your First Coming Out
Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1881

Caught in a Glance

I remember dreaming dreams,
Of flying in the bluest skies,
My heart beating faster,
Just by the look from her eyes.

I remember feeling feelings,
And things I couldn’t understand,
But I just wanted to be near,
And maybe even hold her hand.

I remember wishing wishes,
Although I never had a chance,
But those emotions were innocent,
Even when she caught my glance.

Through the years I sometimes remembered,
A face, a name but I always kept hush,
A secret memory belonging to me,
The feeling I felt of my first crush.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 11th Oct 2015
Forum Posts: 44

Dear Daniel,

Dear Daniel,  
You should know....  
I always thought of you....  
How your deep dark eyes    
They mistified    
Your words to me    
Were like honey    
And when you kissed me    
I felt the complete embarrassment    
With the shyest blush upon my cheeks    
You said it was ok    
I felt so shocked you even gave me what I wanted    
Deep down    
There is no words that could have Explained  
How happy you made me in the moment    
Never knew    
You felt the same way too    
I feel like i messed up our first kiss though....  
Maybe one day a redo?  
The butterflies    
So wild in my little girl tummy    
Never imagining    
Someone like me would ever get    
What she wanted    
It was hard keeping them at bay    
But as time went by  
And you disappeared...    
I let the butterflies fly  
A sweet memory in my thoughts    
Was all I had    
You gave me a memorable experience.....    
And for that    
I thank you  
for one of the best memories I ever had  
Written by KrystalG
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