Poetry competition CLOSED 11th February 2018 1:54am
spectralfeline (vharlin)
View Profile Poems by spectralfeline
RUNNER-UP: Zach_of_all_trades

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Take a walk with me...fellas

Tyrant of Words
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 3672


Where did it all go wrong....
Oh, perhaps when I professed my love in a song
and confessed my insatiable lust for Belial
and a beautiful smile not seen in awhile

Clenched shells producing precious pearls
like Hell-inducing imperial ferret squirrels
slinking through my soul to devour my nuts
like so many men have had done by sweet sluts

Farewell to luxuries such as these
now a feral fading faint disease
Farewell to the fast-set facets of fantasy
of a past as its passed on unto thee

Old love withers as new serpents slither
and her clam shells seek out new pearls to make with her
with a new cock grown and inevitably shown
I guess I should have known....
Written by archetype23
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poet Anonymous

archetype23 said:farewell-sweet-whore

Thank you for joining us achetype23! It's awesome to see so many different expressions from just those two lines.  

Tyrant of Words
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 3672

Thank you for posting the competition. FromTheAsh, I always enjoy new challenges and seeds of ideas.  

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

Related submission no longer exists.

Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84

Where did it all go wrong, perhaps we were dangerous
Causing drama in the streets acting all pseudo famous
Pretending to care I guess our cover is blown
So both self absorbed I guess I should have known

Where did it all go wrong,
I should have known.

Those powders, pills and potions were great
Fallout of good and bad times could not anticipate
Washed in dopamine kisses of sunshine
Serotonin depleted pretend I am feeling fine

Where did it all go wrong,
I should have known.

Alone now teasing the cliche of self destruct
One day happy next day inevitably fucked
You were my toxic muse I had to lose
Realities and white lies became easier to confuse

Where did it all go wrong,
I should have known.

Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 839


Where did it all go wrong?
Immediate was our attraction
Plagued by insomnia
Desperately seeking relief
When, by pure kismet,
Like a heavenly angel
She appeared.
By her love I am cured
In broken English,
Sultry Russian accent
She whispers sweet everythings
A genuine vision of beauty
Big hazel eyes, smooth skin
Elegant nose, cascading tresses
Alternating from red to pink, blonde to brown
Depressed was I before we met
Lacking in virility
Now imbued with new confidence
For her I could slay dragons
Once certain I was her one and only
To my utter dismay
I find that she has many lovers
110,302 to be exact
She calls them subscribers
I fail to see the distinction
Was our passionate kisses in the rain
Intimate evenings together, alone I thought
Just some game she plays with my heart
I guess I should have known

(Based on my short-lived obsession with an ASMR artist)
Written by Gahddess_Worship (Osomajestuoso)
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poet Anonymous

OctoberArts said: overreaction

Wow! That was one helluva ride! Thank you for bringing such an unexpected piece to the page, OctoberArts!

poet Anonymous

composedWITHrazors said:Where did it all go wrong, perhaps we were dangerous

Thank you for joining us with such a great piece, composedWITHrazors! It's good to see so many awesome entries!

poet Anonymous

Gahddess_Worship said: on-screen-romance

Another great entry! I love this piece, Gahddess_Worship! Thank you for bringing it to the page!  

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 7th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 82

The Illusion of Unity by Kyle Montgomery

Where did it all go wrong...
The dream of united, no longer divided.
Founded on the wings of Bold Eagles,
On the backs of the betrayed and battered,
By the lips of advocates and activists,
Using treacherous and tormenting tactics.
All for the idea of a free and just society,
On stolen soil that was bathed in blood,
Fertilized with broken bones and broken souls,
A land made from hell to become a haven.
A place for the hopefuls with nowhere else to go.
The idea of reforming so that all the sorrow,
The centuries of thievery and butchery,
Countless innocent brutalized as though guilty,
Would've not been massacred in vain.
When the discussion begins and questions are asked,
The people cry out to know how,
The people beg to know why,
Our united is so divided and self-denying.
To answer the screams for clarity,
I say was it ever truly united,
Was it always truly divided,
Because their is little to say otherwise.
The people reflect their environment and themselves.
Searching deep within is the truth of the matter.
It was an illusion cast over the eyes of the naive,
When the truth is reveled it's so very obvious,
Leaving each individual with a single thought,
How I should of been aware of my own hand in the illusion.
I guess I should have known.

poet Anonymous

Hidden_Flame said:The Illusion of Unity by Kyle Montgomery

What a great thought provoking piece, Hidden_Flame! Thank you for bringing such a worthy subject to the page.

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 31st Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 49


Where did it all go wrong
When did I first excuse my misuse
Of our flame  
To light-up the darkest parts of me

Proclaimed a lost cause long ago
Before I was left alone
In the ashes of my own destruction
Your fingerprints  
And footprints remain  
Lit by the embers
Left as proof of your existence
And absence
And my guilt

No flowers grow from fire
And you
My love
Did not deserve to wilt

I hope you found the rain
To wash you clean of me
The sun shines bright
Upon your plains of possibilities

I tried to fix
My broken parts
But our flame wasn’t meant
For the welding of hearts

I guess I should have known

poet Anonymous

prestonGibson said:Fire-starter

This is such a bittersweet piece. With heartache and compassion woven equally into your words. Thank you so much for bringing this one, prestonGibson!

Strange Creature
Joined 6th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 8


In the midst of a circle consists of  fragile pains,
Beneath a sly smile, I'm writhing by scratching my veins.
Blameless faces have alined curiously around,
Peeking their rots without mind the mornful sound.
More noisy than hypocrite confessions, a dirgeful story is being told,  
By the mutes to deafs, to deceive the coming of foretold.
The matt masterpiece have captured the sky,  
Rising by grumbling, silenced menace is nigh.
A secrecy blessed with soil is waiting upon a serene howl,
Spilling out a delusion and a dream from mouth of an owl.
Trying to straighten up and ignore the pain a dull aeon long,
To reach a shelter as frail as a cradle song.
My blunt heart is bleeding, bewaring from violence lying in wait,
But can't help minding the tender voice coming from labyrinths reaching out my fate.
Walking through the silent ruins around the cold and moist stone track,
Watching the ravens hiding the time and flying into black.
An old tree, shoken by thunder once and will never bloom,
Lies beside the sea enclosing a naive gloom.  
Running towards exhausted to lay down under it for a forlorn sleep,
But the ground is shaking with a cursed scream from deep.
Shaking me, the lost roar of a forgotten nightmare,
Glancing up to the sky, mire have covered the air.
The faceless man is nearing to me creepting within miasmal cinder,
Postponing the untold till the arrival of frozen winter.
Written by ulas12selvi
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poet Anonymous

ulas12selvi said:untold

Thank you for joining us ulas12selv, but your entry is missing the required opening and closing lines. Did you mean to enter a different piece perhaps?

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