Poetry competition CLOSED 11th August 2017 2:58pm
View Profile Poems by JohnFeddeler
RUNNERS-UP: LobodeSanPedro and David_Macleod

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Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470


I speak not of your name
For you haven't got any
I took a thousand pictures
But none with you in it
For you are a being
...That hadn't seen the light of day
Nor the dark of the moonless sky
...That never showered in the rain
Nor baked under the scorching heat of the sun
Flowers in bloom
Its scent to you unknown
Sweet heavenly goodness of chocolates
Not a taste bit your palate
For you have chosen another path
Besides living...
Against existing...
Out of my reach...
Beyond anyone, everyone..
Not even to none.
But only I

Would never stop feeling
The warmth of your presence
The fragrance of your essence
Not even a thombstone was built
To remember you by
But I shall forget not
The time when your heart
Echoes the beat of mine
From within the pit of my being
My baby,
The invisible part of me...
I am with you
Even now when you are gone
Never to be seen nor touched
Still and until
Life is no more here
And all ceased
No one would care nor give a damn
Who you were and still are
But only I

©All Rights Reserved
Written by OxyMoronicMe (G.L.)
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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Joined 21st Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 201

Little Istanbul

He kissed her with such intensity that she was certain he tried to climb inside her heart as his walls fell around beneath the both of them.

Literally, he took her breath away as she felt her heartbeat racing, wondering, about the lovely creature that held her head in his hands.

Who knew that a kiss could ever be soul searing in the heat of an early December morning as the early morning rays of the sun blazed upon us.

That kiss would be their last as she bid him farewell on a journey that changed their lives, forever. The summer rain masked her tears as they turned in opposite directions, and went their own ways.

Sometimes, the earth ceases to spin upon its axis when the balance has been lost.

Berlin wasn't renowned just for communism.
Written by shadow_starzzz
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Starving demons
Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 6th July 2017
Forum Posts: 75

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2082


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17122

Now and Then

He was Loved

picking wild flowers
for his lovely lass
tears of happiness
in his eyes

a single teardrop
on a flower petal
I am loved
he thought, smiling

he felt her arms
around his waist
he choked in happiness
I'm loved.


Walking Away

he watched her leave
suitcase in her hands
a slight smile reflected
in her eyes

not touching her
although she was so near
love wiped from her face
she was so detached

the sound of the car
diminished and then, silence
he stared into the distance
sorting out his confusions

words spoken promises broken
hearts shattered tears fallen
left him swimming in Alone
round and round...

Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 840

   Who Me?

   Fat ass?
   You don’t even know me
   Mr. convertable beemer-man
   I’m just delivering
   Getting my job done
   Crossing the street
   Were you trying to run me down?
   Am I too pedestrian for SF streets?
   And you’re calling me fat-ass
   Is it because I flipped you off?
   Please see the inaccuracy in your statement
   Fat belly, yes
   I’ll own that
   But upon closer scrutiny you’ll observe
   I have no ass!
   It’s flat back there
   Hence the droopy drawers
   All I ask for is truth
   Lo these 20+ years
   Why do I hold onto such a banal criticism?
   Of all things
   Why should I give a damn?
   Was there a grain of veracity in your words?
   Perhaps it’s a good thing
   Maybe a slendering inspiration
   And I’ve never been called worse
   You’re forgiven my haughty tormentor
   I’m letting this one go

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 23rd Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 45


Cold...numb, bitterness clogs my system as I gazed through life with stains from my past wandering through my mind. I'm always reminded of how FUCKED UP people are, constant disappointments that kills me slowly on the inside. As I breathed deeply into my shirt in attempt to quell the burning sensation in my heart...tears flooded my face anger stirs my spirit. As I drift reenacting my most shameful but hurtful deeds, the sacrifices I make but yet still I'm struggling, struggling to keep and stay afloat...my mind is like a tangled thread with no ends insanity is near! As I feel light headed the voices in my head had a million questions and I could only grasp only a few
 " Are you sure your sane?"..." Is reality a mere dream with an audience watching your brain activity on a wide screen"..." will you always feel like this?"...
My body twitches as I unscramble the other voices and I caught up with myself whilst looking around to only realize I am on the border of sanity and insanity because that's what pain buried and covered with fake smiles and laughter does to a person.
Written by ThaSeductress (Daii_Cevyn_Belladon)
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Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

becoming your job

it was time to leave

wings of the sparrow
loping through juniper berries
caress my lids into submission

she's nesting
as I've fed her soft grain
as an afterthought
one pint at a time

zoophilous screams of the quartet
wane on down the boulevard

I jump in a taxi
less I'm seduced back inside

He asks me
Where to my brother

In the moment
it was only cue I needed

I ask him
What brings you here

Bad dreams
his reply
About my children
orphans all them

I ask

civil war


How worse

Their mothers can't fight back
Because elephants can't shoot rifles

Orphans have nightmares
Crying well into the night
Then through the sunrise
And sunset

He tells me

He bedded with them
No more than straw
And a blanket

but the screams of infants
fell like mourning stars
in between the cackles of hyenas
Feasting on the flesh of their mothers

So he left
No longer able to soothe
innocence mutilated

he's trying to remember to forget
but he's like them now
nothing is forgotten

Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

              after sixx

this place is like a ghosttown these days
walk down the barren streets, pale in the lamplight
hunch my collar against the wind

there’s a scrawny mutt cowering in the alley
been kicked too many times
and if I said my own name
his eyebrow would rise & he’d bark once for ‘what?’

even uptown where the traffic snarls & spits
my luck’s as ragged as crushed Camel butts
can’t beg a handout or bum a smoke
can’t even get laid

insomnia’s my only blessing
can’t dream if you don’t sleep
the heart is still a hunter
in the dim alcoves of a ramshackle tenement
where love’s an illegal drug

those far-aways & long-agos
still kick me in the back pocket of regret
the country girl who needed a man
to reach the candy jar on the high shelf
or the gypsy-eyed rodeo widow
who slipped out of my lariat

it’ll be another rainy night
and I can’t find a disputatious newspaper to cover my head
so I jam my hands in my pockets
and go home

cold-hearted as I am, I still pity them
who need the wax blowtorched outa their ears

nobody hears the poetry anymore…

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 20th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 79

1990 Toyota Supra

Staring unfilled, day dreaming brooding at this red car
Warm and sunny South African day, it was a Toyota.

Looked like a Ferrari, wondering where I will be in 10 years time.
It's lights would come out the front end electronically, 10 years old and this a sign post in my mind's eye.

I remember thinking that this was such a cool car, wonder how far I could get in 10 years, who will I be? What will I see?

Remember this moment clearly, I heard myself say, We moved from S.A to Portugal, that same day.

Fire of Insight
Joined 7th May 2017
Forum Posts: 106

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 7th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 17

in the pitch black dark on that old park bench

that day i slipped on a beautiful banana peel
and fell, fuzzy head over worn out heels,
in crazy carnival ride love with you.

i was never as happily confused as the night we met.
i couldn't think through the pounding deja vu in my head.
in my bones, i knew, it was as real as it could get

in the pitch black dark on that old park bench.

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