Poetry competition CLOSED 14th August 2017 8:30pm
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DUP Poets Kings Erotic Comp

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Poetry Contest

Write an erotic tribute in honor of a poet on here
In honor of the many handsome men here in Deep Underground, I'd like to see some tributes in a erotic
fashion in honor of your favorite poet.

- Title the poem with the poet's username you've chosen
- 1 entry only
- Pick only one poet
- Nothing extremely vulgar, but still keep it sexy
- Can be as long or short as you want
- Be creative

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17147


Oh Mr M, such passion in your talk
speaking Of Promises Broken
Although we both know
You are in search of something to feel

You speak about that ‘Passion Fruit’
with your ink,  imagination flies
especially when you talk about
tightness and darkness in private places

you speak about the gentle touches
of white and black keys
I think about brown ones
Just like me

Reading about your soul lotion
and the soul kiss
a strange rhythm
beats somewhere within me

MusicallyMrM, your body talks
splattered ink
on screen
A Lust Interrupted.

poet Anonymous


the mind ripples
seduced by the tones of you
as your verbs slide over synapses
your vowels caressing flesh
in a sometimes wanton breath
pen sculpting images
too potent to ignore
felt in tremors
heartbeats thumping softly
percussion in the core
whispered adjectives so sultry
even your nouns must quiver
slightly damp with their desire
as your words yet again
light another fire

Dangerous Mind
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 49

FromTheAsh said:Naajir

the mind ripples
seduced by the tones of you
as your verbs slide over synapses
your vowels caressing flesh
in a sometimes wanton breath
pen sculpting images
too potent to ignore
felt in tremors
heartbeats thumping softly
percussion in the core
whispered adjectives so sultry
even your nouns must quiver
slightly damp with their desire
as your words yet again
light another fire

i am so so deeply honored
divine poetess
this is very eloquent and sultry
and igniting ...
i think i'm in the mood for writing..
thank you for the succulent
food for thought
and good luck in the comp..

damn delicious this is!!!

Tyrant of Words
United States 18awards
Joined 17th Sep 2010
Forum Posts: 631

Simply honored to be honored......and thought I know that a main component of the competition was to be written in an erotic way, this was written in a very well-read way.  Quips and allusions to some of my better compositions.  A directive to good reading (and she did read them)  Highly flattered.  Regarded as more than just erotic ramblings.  Much appreciated  Truly hoping that more shall contribute to this competition......and that my very good friend, Grace will win  Good Luck : )

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765


Your words are feeling soft to the touch.
Your shoulders and neck, I want to clutch.
We are getting lost in paradise, never to be
Found again. I want to go into this fantasy
World, just slipping, sliding and exploring
Each other. We find a way of soaring
High. I am just like an addict looking for
Her next fix, I am always looking for more.
I want to paint your words across the sky
With a paintbrush, a soft caress to the thigh.
The desire burning deep and stretching across
Miles. Darling, we are going to become the boss.

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Michael I'm sorry but you're disqualified this comp is about your favorite male poet 😂😂😂

Dangerous Mind
United States 2awards
Joined 23rd June 2017
Forum Posts: 54


 Tyrant of many Words  

My favorite cowboy
From New York city
Reading my EROTIC poetry
You make me feel very special
Beside me you're the EROTIC king
Leaving comments on my erotic poetry
Making my girlfriend wet and horny
Just from HER reading your EROTIC poetry
Making my bald-headed yogurt slinger extra hard
Thanks my homey
Life is what you make it
No matter what it takes
I take my mask off
To read your erotic poetry
With the lights on
On my smartphone, tablet and Apple laptop
Reading you daily
You're my vitamin D
Milk and coffee
You're very sweet
When you leave comments on my erotic poems
Thanks again my favorite erotic male poet

Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 179

You got it Boss Trome

You are walking in my footsteps

Appreciate the nod

You're girlfriend has a great ass btw


Fire of Insight
Malta 1awards
Joined 12th July 2017
Forum Posts: 24

holes and graces

so many holes and so many places
Which is the best of all your graces.
A pussy deep and ass so round
Your sex has pushed me so profound.
Nipples aroused and hard on touch
To put my lips and there I’ll clutch.
I dream of you naked and free
Makes my dick hard just like a tree.
And if I ever get inside
Your legs will be completely wide.
Thrusting hard and at times slow
We’ll cum together with a blow.
Written by joeborg
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Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Joe, are you talking about a male poet? if not you're disqualified

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141

The Itch

Fushia tones flush adrenaline
Rich and thickly under tongues
Turning them unwelcomely dry
A cord in your neck augments
So perceptible with it's taut ticking
And I would arch my own to
Taste your salt
Above it's beat
If only coaxed...
For my capillaries cavort beneath shy cheeks
Under my umber summer spots
Freckles kindled flush to betray thoughts
I prefer to tightly keep
But your pupils protract
As if to embrace all of me
Extracting evidence my epicurean cues tattled


Lush air suspends "friends"
Heavy (indeed, nearly heaving) with alternate goals
Craving to blend their loose ends
Consciences stroked by infatuated illicit themes
Estimating tender ends to dreams
Rending friendzone fences at the seams
Written by AtoMikbomb
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poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 18th July 2017
Forum Posts: 3


You had me with Nine passionate kisses
Each one I felt as I read you in my bed
I feel your hard and my wet should meet
and our senses will be filled
with the touch, the taste, the smell
of our desire- these pages will burn
as our heat ignites an undying flame
when my mouth encircles your maleness
and your pleasure erupts on my tongue
and I want to see your face as I look up and ask
'Am I pleasing you?' I long to hear you say
'Yes- Yes! You are Pleasing Me'.

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