Poetry competition CLOSED 15th June 2017 3:29am
_shadoe_ (yiyi)
View Profile Poems by _shadoe_
RUNNERS-UP: David_Macleod and Duende

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Who's The Sexiest Female On Dup And Why?

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1799

Poetry Contest

Who's The Sexiest Female On Dup And Why?
Hello Fellow underground poets/poetess
Thought it would be fun to Nominate
The sexiest Female On Dup!

Updated 6/7
I was going to send this to a vote but i changed me mind

1) Nominate a Female poet by their nick here on Dup.
2) Write a poem telling Dup
why she is so sexy and at the end of the poem tell Dup
why she should win the covenant title of The Sexiest Female on Dup

EXTRA points if you use the full options
when posting in this comp and post their pic
and post a link of her best poem in your opinion.

The poem can be sexual or not.
use your imagination people!

No Colabs
You must tile your poem
or your entry doesn't count !

Any poetry Style
A minimum of 4 stanzas
No max word cap.
2 weeks
Good luck everyone!

Winner gets a personal tag with their name &title saying The Sexiest Female on Dup which you can put in your profile  

There is also a Sexiest Male on Dup Comp too!

Note: Ladies, please be a good sport if you see you are nominated here  

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

It’s Hard

Difficult question
Difficult to answer
Dangerous to choose
Chose and you lose
Regardless of your choice
Choose one of them
What about the rest
As disappointment
Leads to hate
All of a sudden
Your poetry is shite
Nobody comments
Positively anymore
You end up
On the shit list
Even from the person
You picked – WTF?
Cause women band together
Like birds of a feather
You offend one
You offend all
And overnight
You’re a sexist pig
A Misogynist
A shallow fool
With a small penis
Or no penis
And no brain
A lad insane
Anyway if push
Came to shove
Id put on a dress
Slap on some make up
Actually a lot of make up
Some fishnet pantyhose
Stiletto heels
And a high hair wig
Then there would be
No competition
The sexiest female
In the DUP
Would be me

I feel under the gun
To choose only one
In that circumstance
With my hand on my pants
I would choose Crimsin
Sweet Brenda
A master poet
A true wordsmith
Dark and mysterious
Writes erotic good
Sometimes gives me wood
No that’s an achievement
But it’s not just that
I feel a connection
In joy and sadness
Goodness and badness
I don’t know what she looks like
I don’t have to know
She is the full package
And this impotent old fool
Thinks she’s oh so sexy

Who is the sexiest female in DUP – Crimsin (Unveiling)

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1799

Great entry good luck!

Just a simple poet
Dangerous Mind
Australia 5awards
Joined 10th Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 122


I know a lot on here, Crimsin is good for sure a close second for me
But it's cruel to make us pick just one when there is so many!
I picked this woman because she is pretty and nice a bit like sagar and spice
I see beauty not just on the outside, she is very kind she always takes the time
She took the time to show me around, so sweet of her to do that
I'm glad she talks to me, she is honest, she helps me out, farout I'm a lucky man
I feel she is sincere when we talk, she makes me smile, when we talk
One of the many reasons why I picked her, I hope she don't mind
The sexiest woman on DUP would have to be, there are many reason why!
So with out further a do I've nominated

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Who is the sexist female
On Deep Under Ground Poetry?

The answer to this question
Is quite easy

The sexist woman
Is the poetess
That in the morning
I find sleeping next to me

poet Anonymous

JohnnyBlaze said:
* Lub Dub... *

So handsome...

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1799


Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1799

Good Luck!

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1799

Good luck !

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Noire Poetry

She shine like the gloaming
Brilliance and smoooothe shadow
Hot poetry that has a voice
Soft and sexy
Yet loud as thunder
And in total control of my senses
You feel.her hips groove
Grinding against the needs of men
Her body in anticipations flux
Causing a sweet burn
Imagine her lurid lips move
As words pronounced with a foriegn tongue you imagine tasting
Fall like ripe berries
Bursting with hot pleasure
Into.your open mouth of willingness
As her juices issue over trembling lip
And i savour her untamed sensuality
Vicarious thrill stimulating what lies between these thighs
And I .....unnnn
Rock back and forth until.eminent release pours forth
As my desire echoes into midnight
In quiet Howling Whelms

For Noire Rose

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1799

Good luck!

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1799

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
Np if your poem is picked as the winner then you get the graphic tag instead and the credits :)

poet Anonymous

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