Poetry competition CLOSED 7th June 2017 9:27pm
Zazzles (Broomie)
View Profile Poems by Zazzles
RUNNER-UP: SatansSperm

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Poetry or Death

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 15awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 241

Martyrs Of Poetry

Take over me now my Muse
For this might be my last
No,I am not confused
Our glorious days have passed

Last night I heard their scream
But I hoped it wasn't real
On reaching the slaughter scene
I saw the martyrs of poetry

In a pool of their own blood
Deep in the sleep of death
For uttering poetic words
In cold blood they snatched their breath

Dear Muse now give me the power
To write and rhyme my best
In the face of danger and never cower
Fearlessly unto eternal rest

If to me in the end is given
Death or poetry to make a choice
Sternly I will look to heaven
And join the saintly voice

Of poets murdered for their Art
Please let me soar above
With joy filled in my heart
For dying for what I love

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Speaking Out With Poetry

The words are being silenced and censored.
They are making an effort to ban and make them
Become a taboo. Darling, we have entered

A new reality and we cannot let the drum
Beat carry it all away like sand on a windy day.
It is like taking the main parts like the stem

And root of a flower. It is like every ray
Of sunshine disappearing forever. We will sneak
Out when it feels like they are going to betray

Our freedom and hope. We are not weak
When they take away our voice because we
Still have a strong and steady way to speak

The truth out loud within every tree.
Within every root we are standing tall
And taking back what makes us feel free.
Written by eswaller
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Strange Creature
Joined 24th May 2017
Forum Posts: 5

Frantic Scribblings

Frantic scribblings
I write
In the deep
of the night

Have power
More than men
They are here
and then
But words

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1799

withdrawn sorry Dave
I'mma edit this I'll be back ...
thanks,  Z

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

"Czar Trump Stops the Presses"

The great oppressor brought writing truth to a sudden grinding halt
And the world was fooled into believing it was all the Russians fault
While the poets were all driven into hiding in the dark deep underground
Scratching prophesies in rhymes on walls to be spoken without sound
Until one day when the unknown bard will rise to write us free of this prison
For the press is dead, executed as false claims of fake news have arisen
All that's left is for a silent society of dead poets to raise their mighty quills
And stab them down on the empty pages to pen their independent wills
To make a declaration that will constitute a new world where freedom will not rest
Where those elected to serve US will be kept in check by the freedom of the press!

(JJ Johnson)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080

On Granite Walls

tales of battles and wars
death by spears
traps to shove them down
into ravines

the glow of this etches live on granite walls

tales of conquests
of maiden warriors
and man slaves
of procreation

they are written on cave walls

bard songs
thoughts and ideas
will be etched again
on granite walls

away from the eyes of tyrants

to avoid tickets punched
too early
eternal sleep to keep
into the caves and mountain

they will go...
the prosecuted poets.

poet Anonymous

An open letter to the letter readerer

These days
we send our poems
to each other

'cos here
the sheer volume
of spite

has polluted

so we talk
and watch the demi_-gods

their stupidly


and of course
the outright

of  Goldilocks  
and her twelve warts

we chat about poetry
  how it used to be

and how
there's never been
a fatality
because words
not here

the power trip
is good for no-one
cep't  the same few eejits
who fall over themselves
to be someone

part of the illusion

but hey
let them carry on
it's of no significance
in the long run

Tiocfaidh ár lá

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 14th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 71

Blood In The Ground

Perhaps poetry is dying 
beneath this stagnated air
perhaps we’re all tangled
 in this wave of fate
Tears of blood
smeared in purple hues
bruised and betrayed
by friends and poe
Skinned and hung
dark side of the moon
where gloom oversteps
blooming death next door
Even scarecrows hide 
appalled by the night
and carnivores tongues
lap unfaithful light
Pious and hypocrites
knee sunk in muck
mocking the Word
Vein’d of true blood
Vigilant rains pound
cold clayed-Ground
demanding for seeds
planted in our hearts.
Written by Lena-underneath
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poet Anonymous

Fake Roses

predators restless this moonless night
disguising as white roses of purity
beautifully stained with venomous luv

little do they understand about us
bloodied slain hearts stain paper coffins
blood drips in cursive scarlet ink

buried in shallow graves pens whisper
at darkness of midnight they rise
bleeding stories under a blackened moon

Copyright © 2017 Flowergirl All Rights Reserved

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

no problemo Zazzles :-)

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1799

please listen while reading thank you.


I will die 10,000 deaths and 10,000 times more before I give up my freedom of speech
poetry is my sanctuary and my sense of peace
my go-to place when I'm feeling out of sorts
my personal unlimited outreach source

Do with me what you will
but I will write with my black feathered quill
till the bitter end, while I can and,
I won't go quietly undeniably with my heart
on my sleeve for all to read ...

I won't just lay down and die and I,
I will write until my hands bleed
until my fingers show bone
until my blood rains heavy at my feet
and I die alone.

Poetry or Death? You Ask?
I choose death....


jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Death of a Poet

Ha!  I don't choose your death,
Not the kind you threaten with.

Who are you and your army,
Isn't the size of you man enough?

Does that mean I won't die for you?
I'll go on my own terms thank you,

While I keep on doing
What I've always done

Since I was a child in the trenches.
That way, when you get one of your

Henchmen to do your dirty deed,
To send a metal jacket

To my brain when I'm not looking,
When I'm bent over a tree trunk

Writing hastily in my field journal,
Doing what keeps me alive

And will be the death of me,
Pull the trigger, face-down in the mud

In which I stand when it rains
And when it isn't raining.

Do what you will with my journal,
You can't lock away the words

Or kill all poetry,
You'll only quiet my pain.

You will never stop the poets
No matter what the holocaust.

So here I am.  I hold my pen aloft
One last time, in utter defiance!

Tyrant of Words
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 3672


I Know you want me to say what you want me to
those three little words will be said, and be true
tickling your ear and the hole in your soul
as I whisper forever to you....
  "Well ....Fuck you...."

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

...Jamás Será Vencido
(...Will Never be Defeated)

Poetas unido,
jamás será vencido!!!!

these guns can merely free our souls to stars,  
our words, our dawn, will burn your night to ash      
Poetas unido,  
jamás será vencido!!!!

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1799

LOL i edited my entry 6 times David,  Eeek!

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