Self Respect

Men will always be men
Lustful animalistic creatures
Whose desires are easily ignited
By the sight of a bare flesh
From the opposite sex

You can't blame them for this
They are wired this way
Even saints can fall from grace
For this primal human tendencies
In the face of temptation

Women are like men in nature
They have the same desires and weakness
And some are even bolder and more wild than men
When it comes to expressing their desires and lust

But morality draws the line
Humans' sense of morality sets them apart from animals
They lose that attribute as humans
When they just give in to their basic instinct Everytime their urges arise
To the point of losing their self respect and morals

Respect is earned
You cannot demand it
Even if it is your right to be respected
In a world where everything is not black and white
Humans can only rely on their moral compass
To know their boundaries
And learn right from wrong

But along with morality
Our freedom of choice holds the rein
In all our life's decisions and paths to follow
Thus, to each his own
Written by Summerrain75
Author's Note
Random musings on a new year's evening.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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