Smile for the Camera

It’s a sad day when they’re setting that kind of precedent
When cult followers think a criminal is heaven sent
And while the rest of the world laughs at the elephant
It’s evident the supporters like the taste of excrement
It's a sure shit show with these shifty-eyed schmucks
These lame shameless people are just plain dumbfucks
Doing someone else’s bidding or be at their beck and call
Just like sheep, they’re willing to follow and take the fall
Maybe the problem is nobody wants to be a critical thinker
Why buy a lie hook line and sinker right from the sphincter?
They just will not understand they’ve been compromised
The party goers don’t realize they’re getting sodomized
So the next time someone tells me something asinine
I’ll understand that the sour grapes makes them whine
But if they want to defend the honor of the criminally rich
I’ll just point to the eye and say “smile for the camera bitch”
Written by wallyroo92
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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