untamedfox (spike)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (7)
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Member Since 9th January 2018
untamedfox joined 2604 days ago and last visited 2357 days ago
Comments 11
Forum Posts 3
Group Posts 5

Poet Introduction

I'm an alchemist who likes to create crazy concoctions of wordplay, and you allowing me to experiment on you. Maybe someday I'll turn lead into gold, working on it.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Kim Addonizio, Dickens, Fyodor Dovesky, James Joyce, Nabakov, Hemmingway, Faulkner, Yeats

About Me

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half Korean, half Vampire.
Poet from Chitown. I write, draw, paint, and cook for friends sometimes, like ramen or tacos or some experimental stuff I want to try out on them.
I'm the kind of friend who reads "How to cheat your friends in Texas Holdem" type of books, and then would buy you something nice with the money I swindled from you.
I'm also the type who does something that seems very hurtful/painful/mean but it winds up being something extremely beneficial in your favor, but I'm never around for you to thank.
I think with my heart, and I feel with my brain if that makes sense. I admire stupid human tricks and DIY Mac'Guyverism + geekery. My drone's taking pictures of you taking pictures of people taking pictures of attractive, sexy strangers.