
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Read Poems (15)
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Age 44
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 11th July 2010
bedfordgal joined 5326 days ago and last visited 4422 days ago
Comments 7
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Poet Introduction

I use poetry to be heard... which is strange as a lot of it sits unread on a shelf.  But I write them to express my thoughts and feelings and maybe my imagination to an extent.

About Me

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I live in Edworth, a tiny hamlet in Bedfordshire.  Due to my stupidity with money I live with my parents, I am 29.
I work in a coffee shop in a busy service station and enjoy coming into contact with new people, getting to know them and hopefully putting a smile on their faces.
I, apparently, am funny... Don't know if that's a compliment or not, I do know I like to make people smile.
In my spare time I read romance novels, hover on facebook or head to the pub with my friends.
Though I am quite a happy person at work... I am in no way 2 dimensional.  There is a deeper part of me, a part that needs, a part that cries and a part that just wants to give up.  The one thing that I really want though is to be noticed, to be recognised for the person I am, to be loved for all of me... and perhaps it would be nice to be understood?
I have always written -stuff- poems and just long nags about life.. but it all seems pretty pointless if it just sits on a shelf ignored, maybe that's where it should remain... and yet I long for someone just to hear me - if only to say it is rubbish.  Part of me is screaming to be heard - and that part of me is what brings me here now...

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