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Poet Introduction
The Elusive Mr Dunne (Crown Court Banned Poet) ➡ Jailed for Poetry (2008) ➡ Banned at Court (2009-2014) ➡ Author of 21 Books & 2 Gagging Orders! ➡ Actor #RealLifeTVUK (YouTube, Yanga, Sky TV 186, Freesat 171, Freeview 264)
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[Last Updated] 10/12/23
The Elusive Mr Dunne
(Crown Court Banned Poet)
➡ Jailed for Poetry (2008)
➡ Banned at Court (2009-2014)
➡ Author of 21 Books!
➡ 2 Gagging Orders!
➡ Actor #RealLifeTVUK
(YouTube, Yanga, Sky TV 186, Freesat 171, Freeview 264)
➡ RIP Mel 💔 (03.01.66-21.02.23) #PfizerKilledMySoulmate
Back in 2008, I was arrested, charged & remanded in prison for threats to kill, slander and harassment through poetry & hip-hop lyrics exposing family racism towards my daughter & the abuse I had suffered as a child at the hands of my narcissistic dad & step-mum.
In 2009 after a week's trial at Crown Court, both the threats to kill & slander charges were dropped, but the harassment charge stuck leading to my material being banned for five years...
The first writing censorship of it's kind here in the UK!
The Elusive Mr Dunne
(Crown Court Banned Poet)
➡ Jailed for Poetry (2008)
➡ Banned at Court (2009-2014)
➡ Author of 21 Books!
➡ 2 Gagging Orders!
➡ Actor #RealLifeTVUK
(YouTube, Yanga, Sky TV 186, Freesat 171, Freeview 264)
➡ RIP Mel 💔 (03.01.66-21.02.23) #PfizerKilledMySoulmate
Back in 2008, I was arrested, charged & remanded in prison for threats to kill, slander and harassment through poetry & hip-hop lyrics exposing family racism towards my daughter & the abuse I had suffered as a child at the hands of my narcissistic dad & step-mum.
In 2009 after a week's trial at Crown Court, both the threats to kill & slander charges were dropped, but the harassment charge stuck leading to my material being banned for five years...
The first writing censorship of it's kind here in the UK!
My Reading List
The Lasting Dose
by BundleSlangah916 (Bundle Slangah)
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