
Twisted Dreamer
Read Poems (21)
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Member Since 29th October 2023
Maeve_Edmonson joined 342 days ago and last visited 312 days ago
Comments 134
Forum Posts 1
Group Posts 68

Poet Introduction

My name is Maeve. I've been writing poetry the last couple years, although I've written stories since I was a little girl. My brain tends to scatter thoughts, so I write about any and everything. Give me a follow if you want to be friends.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Emily Dickinson & Edgar Allan Poe

About Me

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I'm a mom of four writing poetry to stay sane. It's always been my outlet as another form of therapy. when I write I feel a sense of Triumphant joy letting out all my emotions that overwhelm me. Just looking for other people who are similar.