Long Poems About Dogs
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Long poems about dogs. 300 words or more, most recently published poems first.
The Old Dog
( After Stevie Smith )
The sun-warmed porch,
its faded wood absorbing heat
under this arthritic skeleton—
once a conqueror of meadows
and dawn hunting parties.
I listen to my mistress
praise cardinals in winter
with a neighbor, again;
O! how pretty in snow!
You know—
it’s a deceased loved one,
visiting us now!
I curl up, unseen,
forgotten in age, think. . .
Ah! to be admired again—
a conquistador of duck
fox, and...
The sun-warmed porch,
its faded wood absorbing heat
under this arthritic skeleton—
once a conqueror of meadows
and dawn hunting parties.
I listen to my mistress
praise cardinals in winter
with a neighbor, again;
O! how pretty in snow!
You know—
it’s a deceased loved one,
visiting us now!
I curl up, unseen,
forgotten in age, think. . .
Ah! to be admired again—
a conquistador of duck
fox, and...
1369 reads
God Plays With LOADED DICE
Einstein claimed "God doesn't play dice with the universe."
But I say God DOES play dice but its loaded dice.
IOW, God uses CHANCE to work evolution, but its chance ENDOWED by God - like dice that have been "endowed" or enabled, enhanced - "loaded."
In Gen. 1.20,24 God commands "the waters..the earth" to create ("bring forth") life forms - the ORIGINAL, earliest species !!
This can mean God endowed or blessed these forms of NATURE ("the waters..the earth") with divine power that they would not otherwise have possessed.
And on top of that, God commanded Nature...
But I say God DOES play dice but its loaded dice.
IOW, God uses CHANCE to work evolution, but its chance ENDOWED by God - like dice that have been "endowed" or enabled, enhanced - "loaded."
In Gen. 1.20,24 God commands "the waters..the earth" to create ("bring forth") life forms - the ORIGINAL, earliest species !!
This can mean God endowed or blessed these forms of NATURE ("the waters..the earth") with divine power that they would not otherwise have possessed.
And on top of that, God commanded Nature...
#birds #fish
#birds #fish
404 reads
MacroEvolution Goes With MicroEvolution
A lot of people accept microevolution but reject macro. Here's my answer:
Macro is nothing more than micro on steroids.
I mean once u accept micro, its like cancer before the stage 4 metastasis.
I mean once the cancer has begun, the metastasis is just a later stage.
I mean macro is simply micro squared.
It is the LOGICAL extension.
I mean the earliest mammal is the miotreme (?) which secrets milk but has no real breasts, but then the later mammals evolve breasts.
Take the reptilian duck-billed platypus.
It obviously is half reptile, half...
Macro is nothing more than micro on steroids.
I mean once u accept micro, its like cancer before the stage 4 metastasis.
I mean once the cancer has begun, the metastasis is just a later stage.
I mean macro is simply micro squared.
It is the LOGICAL extension.
I mean the earliest mammal is the miotreme (?) which secrets milk but has no real breasts, but then the later mammals evolve breasts.
Take the reptilian duck-billed platypus.
It obviously is half reptile, half...
#birds #fish
#birds #fish
363 reads
The Other Vacations: Your Flock of Griefs
Ouch, the empty spot is unbearable isn’t it? Our recent losses in this inner circle have spanned the void - losses human, animal & inner/ psychic....
Dare I say, the magnitude and substance of love and grief with our animals or realities/ dreams / beliefs is the “same” in substance as what we hold and lose for parent, child, friend - we just pretend otherwise in some sick “bystander effect,” shy to display the blade sunk to the hilt in our ebbing sides. Talk of “attachment” is twinned with talk of “loss” as if our loves and lives are measurable and discrete; jellybeans in a...
Dare I say, the magnitude and substance of love and grief with our animals or realities/ dreams / beliefs is the “same” in substance as what we hold and lose for parent, child, friend - we just pretend otherwise in some sick “bystander effect,” shy to display the blade sunk to the hilt in our ebbing sides. Talk of “attachment” is twinned with talk of “loss” as if our loves and lives are measurable and discrete; jellybeans in a...
513 reads
DOG: Our God a Bit BackWard
PHOTO: "Bongo the Great" portrait by dkzk, june2019, oakland
Doggyy'boy Dan,
the dogface man.
Wonderin' which hole to dig
dig on this veryfine
dog'happy day.
Some( t)rump kerplunks his lump'o
poop on the ground and the
dog'day earth is forever cast
for greater american greatness.
This writ deserves to go
Doggyy'boy Dan,
the dogface man.
Wonderin' which hole to dig
dig on this veryfine
dog'happy day.
Some( t)rump kerplunks his lump'o
poop on the ground and the
dog'day earth is forever cast
for greater american greatness.
This writ deserves to go
515 reads
Aikah is Leaving
Armies of angels
Cast careless from heaven
Handfuls of silver seed
Take purchase among us
Thrive grow bend in the wind
Mingle their starry roots with ours
They fall unexpected
Taking their light
The short sweet shine
Leaving a breadcrumb stardust trail
A fading comet’s tail
A few pictures
A chewed toy
Some fur
Dispersing, reminding ever fainter
Echo hounds bouncing down
Our narrow canyon walls
Remember my joy by your side?
Will you truly, deeply always remember me?
Not just...
Cast careless from heaven
Handfuls of silver seed
Take purchase among us
Thrive grow bend in the wind
Mingle their starry roots with ours
They fall unexpected
Taking their light
The short sweet shine
Leaving a breadcrumb stardust trail
A fading comet’s tail
A few pictures
A chewed toy
Some fur
Dispersing, reminding ever fainter
Echo hounds bouncing down
Our narrow canyon walls
Remember my joy by your side?
Will you truly, deeply always remember me?
Not just...
660 reads
On FaceBook i belong to a group that discusses the origins questions:
why is the universe here? How did life come about?
Fundamentalist Christians that are part of the group always claim that evolution says Man is just an accident.
Life is meaningless if u believe in evolution, according to YEC (Young Earth Creationists).
They have made the big mistake of turning evolution over to the atheists completely.
"We have to define evolution according to how the atheists define things" - the YECers act like.
I say No-No-No. The atheists' s definition isn't mandatory...
why is the universe here? How did life come about?
Fundamentalist Christians that are part of the group always claim that evolution says Man is just an accident.
Life is meaningless if u believe in evolution, according to YEC (Young Earth Creationists).
They have made the big mistake of turning evolution over to the atheists completely.
"We have to define evolution according to how the atheists define things" - the YECers act like.
I say No-No-No. The atheists' s definition isn't mandatory...
351 reads
Ruthie's Goodbye
Ruthie's Goodbye
“Ruthie, I want you to know how you took such great care of me. If I was down you picked me up with the expression of love in your big brown eyes. I felt needed by you and that gave me a sense of belonging. As long as you were around everything was great. Our goodbye here won’t be forever. You’re just going ahead to our new home.”
“What do you mean I’m not going home with you? Just because I’m having trouble walking doesn’t mean it won’t get better. I can still stand up on my front legs. Just give me time to heal. I’ll be as spry as ever given a few...
“Ruthie, I want you to know how you took such great care of me. If I was down you picked me up with the expression of love in your big brown eyes. I felt needed by you and that gave me a sense of belonging. As long as you were around everything was great. Our goodbye here won’t be forever. You’re just going ahead to our new home.”
“What do you mean I’m not going home with you? Just because I’m having trouble walking doesn’t mean it won’t get better. I can still stand up on my front legs. Just give me time to heal. I’ll be as spry as ever given a few...
507 reads
Be Not
Be not Grains of Sand to see for Time holds not Infinity, our
Hands may grasp Eternity, our Life is short upon this World.
Be not Doves and Pigeons burdened, break the Cage, release the Birds, when
Only then, birdsong be heard and Angel’s Wings shall be uncurled!
Cages on which wrath incurred and into Hell we should he hurled!
Heaven’s Rage shall be unfurled!
Be not Starving Dogs’...
Hands may grasp Eternity, our Life is short upon this World.
Be not Doves and Pigeons burdened, break the Cage, release the Birds, when
Only then, birdsong be heard and Angel’s Wings shall be uncurled!
Cages on which wrath incurred and into Hell we should he hurled!
Heaven’s Rage shall be unfurled!
Be not Starving Dogs’...
#greed #poverty
#greed #poverty
508 reads
Ruthie's Episode
Ruthie's Episode
My entrance into the bedroom finds Ruthie on the floor with her legs flapping madly as she rolls. My first suspicion is that she is choking on something she swallowed. So I pick her flailing body up and put her on the mattress. My false assumption that she is choking leads me to check her mouth for obstructions. By this time she has salivated tremendously with her eyes glazed and her tongue sticking out motionless. To my way of thinking she looks dead. But quickly she revives to her close to normal self. My relief is huge and I can breathe again along with her....
My entrance into the bedroom finds Ruthie on the floor with her legs flapping madly as she rolls. My first suspicion is that she is choking on something she swallowed. So I pick her flailing body up and put her on the mattress. My false assumption that she is choking leads me to check her mouth for obstructions. By this time she has salivated tremendously with her eyes glazed and her tongue sticking out motionless. To my way of thinking she looks dead. But quickly she revives to her close to normal self. My relief is huge and I can breathe again along with her....
#illness #dialogue
#illness #dialogue
491 reads
A Female Cat Celebrating New Year

397 reads
1 Comment
Autumn In The Air - Hooray
Respite from punishing
heat wave - yay
which above line,
could "speak" volumes,
and be a stand alone poem
offering readers
a reprieve nsync
whence roasting, sultry,
and torpid unpleasant
weather since yesterday
boot such brevity,
would disallow
me to extemporize,
but more importantly today
this intrepid word
smith doth "say,"
he would never
wanna miss trodding,
the formerly (golden
in their heyday now sketchy),
heat wave - yay
which above line,
could "speak" volumes,
and be a stand alone poem
offering readers
a reprieve nsync
whence roasting, sultry,
and torpid unpleasant
weather since yesterday
boot such brevity,
would disallow
me to extemporize,
but more importantly today
this intrepid word
smith doth "say,"
he would never
wanna miss trodding,
the formerly (golden
in their heyday now sketchy),
496 reads
DU Poetry : Long Poems About Dogs