Long Poems About Courage
Long poems about courage. 300 words or more, most recently published poems first.
DUP Mafia Romance Finale
Since leaving Frank's office, I've felt a little unnerved. He knew I didn't want the money. Was it that obvious? But am I that person who can share her man? He made it loud and clear that he doesn't want a relationship in the sense of monogamy.
He also showed his cards that he wanted something I'd never given to any other man. Is Frank that's special that I will give my virgin ass to?
“Bethany girl, are you OK?” One of the backup singers asked.
I smiled at her and just nodded because whether I liked it or not, this is my career, and the show...
Since leaving Frank's office, I've felt a little unnerved. He knew I didn't want the money. Was it that obvious? But am I that person who can share her man? He made it loud and clear that he doesn't want a relationship in the sense of monogamy.
He also showed his cards that he wanted something I'd never given to any other man. Is Frank that's special that I will give my virgin ass to?
“Bethany girl, are you OK?” One of the backup singers asked.
I smiled at her and just nodded because whether I liked it or not, this is my career, and the show...
78 reads
It's not the date that counts but the significance of Christmas that actually matters!
By Stanley Collymore
So President Maduro of Venezuela
purportedly wants to essentially
move Christmas day crucially
from December the 25th to October the 1st;
so what's actually wrong with that? It's now
rather undeniably, the month of September
and already actually along with Halloween
there are literally unquestionably plenty of
Christmas items obviously on display and
similarly specifically for sale in numerous
shops quite evidently, around the country
generally. Progressively a state of...
So President Maduro of Venezuela
purportedly wants to essentially
move Christmas day crucially
from December the 25th to October the 1st;
so what's actually wrong with that? It's now
rather undeniably, the month of September
and already actually along with Halloween
there are literally unquestionably plenty of
Christmas items obviously on display and
similarly specifically for sale in numerous
shops quite evidently, around the country
generally. Progressively a state of...
95 reads
Dance night at the school gymnasium
He would go to those dances
He could never get the nerve to ask a girl to dance
Like he would really know what to do when he got out on the floor
He had tried dancing alone in his room and had gotten so embarrassed that he just had to stop
He watched men & woman dancing on TV & movies
They made it look so easy
Women were so mysterious and full of shit
He wouldn't have a clue what to say to one if he ever got the chance
The dances went by and he went to almost all of them
He would find the darkest part of the gym and watch them with his back...
He could never get the nerve to ask a girl to dance
Like he would really know what to do when he got out on the floor
He had tried dancing alone in his room and had gotten so embarrassed that he just had to stop
He watched men & woman dancing on TV & movies
They made it look so easy
Women were so mysterious and full of shit
He wouldn't have a clue what to say to one if he ever got the chance
The dances went by and he went to almost all of them
He would find the darkest part of the gym and watch them with his back...
105 reads
How do restore your balance when you start to feel drain, and your energy levels are at a all time high. 🤔 Yet you need to sustain your own personal thoughts, on so many levels of subconsciousness. NOW that I have your undivided mind attention. I want to explore your deepest thoughts as you relax your mind, and inhale and exhale bringing the calmness to your own mind, as you breathe and picture a place of TRANQUILITY. For it is necessary to concentrate, on the sound of your own voice, softly talking whispers like the wind within your ears. Now I want you to picture this frame of a...
155 reads
Elegy On Not Giving Up
Do you ever have times when you think you can’t win,
Or you’re getting no gain from the pain you are in?
Are you troubled by thoughts that you’re losing your groove,
Do you have a conviction that things won’t improve?
If you’re not fitting in, or you’ve taken a hit,
Or you’ve fallen right into a bottomless pit,
If you don’t want to deal with what’s real any longer,
If the pain you are feeling has been getting stronger,
And you’re feeling downtrodden, forgotten, or blue,
As though every god is abandoning you, ...
Or you’re getting no gain from the pain you are in?
Are you troubled by thoughts that you’re losing your groove,
Do you have a conviction that things won’t improve?
If you’re not fitting in, or you’ve taken a hit,
Or you’ve fallen right into a bottomless pit,
If you don’t want to deal with what’s real any longer,
If the pain you are feeling has been getting stronger,
And you’re feeling downtrodden, forgotten, or blue,
As though every god is abandoning you, ...
170 reads
God's children
God's children
Bien venido
To a beautiful day
Let's not waste that day
By sleep in
If we sleep in we will
Not sleep at night
So we must enjoy this day
That our father gave to us
Here on earth
yes we are having the Summer
Here on earth
that our father create for us
With his holy hands
Also we took a look in the sky
And there was no sign of rain
We don't like the rain at all
Because when it is
There is lighting and thunder
The noise of lightning and thunder
Wake us up when we are sleeping during...
Bien venido
To a beautiful day
Let's not waste that day
By sleep in
If we sleep in we will
Not sleep at night
So we must enjoy this day
That our father gave to us
Here on earth
yes we are having the Summer
Here on earth
that our father create for us
With his holy hands
Also we took a look in the sky
And there was no sign of rain
We don't like the rain at all
Because when it is
There is lighting and thunder
The noise of lightning and thunder
Wake us up when we are sleeping during...
92 reads
Death the independent and simply impartial arbitrator!
By Stanley Collymore
Death is the inevitable arbiter of
our earthly existence; a state
of affairs actually against
which, following its objective decision, no
one regardless of their station in life, can
either individually or otherwise, simply in
league, evidently collectively with others
actually challenge let alone overturn the
actions it has specifically and decidedly
taken. And for all those who're very self
servingly as well as similarly thoroughly
and conceitedly enamoured with all...
Death is the inevitable arbiter of
our earthly existence; a state
of affairs actually against
which, following its objective decision, no
one regardless of their station in life, can
either individually or otherwise, simply in
league, evidently collectively with others
actually challenge let alone overturn the
actions it has specifically and decidedly
taken. And for all those who're very self
servingly as well as similarly thoroughly
and conceitedly enamoured with all...
104 reads
They say know One is sent to you by chance or accident, for if you want a do right man or a do right woman, you gotta do right and be able to articulate your needs. YOUR wants and your desires to be able to share, your thoughts and insight and emotions and your strength and courage and perseverance. For your commitment must be fore coming, with consistency and real communications with honesty and truth and trust. For sure there will be a time in our lives, that we all have to learn to walk away, from the negativity of the norm of what someone thinks. THAT you are willing to accept. Yet that's...
164 reads
About what I have been going through since 2021 with different stages of cancers prostate cancer and kidney function and tumors and lung cancer 🙏 This isn't really about me it's about you 🤔 YET my real question to you is WHO DO YOU TURN TOO, when you are lost and confuse and afraid. AS you sit alone within the very confinement of your four walls 🧱 that you call home 🏡, as it is there where you can find yourself in peace with tranquility. For the betterment of your life for it is necessary, to be able to understand, that no day. WILL never be the same...
111 reads
Old guitar Part 2
Oh this ol guitar it just does
some-thing To me
cracks me open Like an ice cold
Bud light
N I starting pouring out all the things on tap ,
that I feel inside
It sure has a funny way somehow of fixing me
Just by hearing its sweet melody
Yeah when he Gave me this ol guitar
I said i swear Grandpa
I'll forever Near and far
carry on This old 6 string and your name
Ill keep it as strong as they were
The day you started the change
with the lesson You handed down to me
With this ol guitar
some-thing To me
cracks me open Like an ice cold
Bud light
N I starting pouring out all the things on tap ,
that I feel inside
It sure has a funny way somehow of fixing me
Just by hearing its sweet melody
Yeah when he Gave me this ol guitar
I said i swear Grandpa
I'll forever Near and far
carry on This old 6 string and your name
Ill keep it as strong as they were
The day you started the change
with the lesson You handed down to me
With this ol guitar
119 reads
Kneel Unto Heaven Stand Upon Faith (The Book of Esther)
Lord, I'm going to hold steady on to You and You've got to see me through.
Harriet Tubman
Heritage to Queens and Kings to proclaim battles with written declarations of one's sovereignty with unspoken philosophical weapons
Twisted tongues in life, adaption of its feeble scorn
In the hereafter, I have glimpsed mortality to give hearts reprisal upon reborn
To the keepers of the wind, fire, air, and of the sea
The fourscore entwined, defined of mouths when...
Harriet Tubman
Heritage to Queens and Kings to proclaim battles with written declarations of one's sovereignty with unspoken philosophical weapons
Twisted tongues in life, adaption of its feeble scorn
In the hereafter, I have glimpsed mortality to give hearts reprisal upon reborn
To the keepers of the wind, fire, air, and of the sea
The fourscore entwined, defined of mouths when...
227 reads
You are who you are not what you obviously desire to be!
By Stanley Collymore
Any person born to at least one
South African parent evidently
automatically receives South
African citizenship, at birth! Children, however,
born to legal South African residents are only
permitted to become South African citizens,
when they clearly, reach the age of majority.
Therefore, this obviously Miss South Africa
contestant whose presence is distinctively
discernibly and quite undoubtedly causing
this controversy, of whether she should be
in the competition or not was undoubtedly ...
Any person born to at least one
South African parent evidently
automatically receives South
African citizenship, at birth! Children, however,
born to legal South African residents are only
permitted to become South African citizens,
when they clearly, reach the age of majority.
Therefore, this obviously Miss South Africa
contestant whose presence is distinctively
discernibly and quite undoubtedly causing
this controversy, of whether she should be
in the competition or not was undoubtedly ...
96 reads
DU Poetry : Long Poems About Courage