Self resolve (mirrored sin)

Dear mothers, dear fathers, dear siblings of woe

Were art thou in the presence of your foe?

Breeding and adapting, but in all the wrong ways.

And yet you whine about your life being in dismay.

So let me set this straight in your whole yard of eight

We whine about things in statuses to for emotions to deflate?

And what about the vicious cycle of continuing hate,

and the drama that bit you, a piece of you it ate?

Lets be sick. Let us be done we have had our fun.

Nothing is more infuriating than insanity itself

The insanity defined as repeating things for the same results,

But thou have not learnt from experience.

Go ahead- play the hard way. Lets see what goes on today.

Or tomorrow perhaps; or ever for that matter.

I have watched you strangle others, and yourself for the pleasure,

and then the whole world turns blue-OH! What to do!

Its the whole worlds fault and nothing should go wrong.

Blame your friends, blame your kin, blame even the president

for somehow he even made his sins.

In the mirror however, is a familiar reflection.

It is the self that is and its what it wants to be

And the guilt in its heart grown as big as a tree.

Be honest with yourself and break the glass.

Get away, the past is the past.

Look towards the present in new light

And look towards a future you want to be bright.
Written by cheesypocket (Ken)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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