Image for the poem Untitled


Learning when you,...I feel

When you speak to me
I feel hopeless yet I desire you
When you win
I feel like a god standing on the side of a cliff
When you leave me
I feel desperate and crazed 
When you quiet down 
I feel remorse
When you sleep
I feel some measure of peace
When you wake up
I feel the cycle begin again
When you are no where to be found 
I feel lost, suicidal, thankful, confused

Addiction will you leave me alone

When you speak to me
I feel peace
When you win
I feel like I have a purpose
When you don't leave me
I feel like I can get through it
When you quiet down
I feel the need to listen harder
When you are there and I can't sleep
I feel I can talk to you
When you answer 
I know your listening
When you are every where I look
I know I am walking with you

God, help me to never turn away again
Written by CWS64
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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