Nice Guy Chronicles VII

So I was in a two for two situation
but in reality that evening
I was just playing wing man
No actually I was taking one for the team
My friend had this girl he was 'seeing'
And on that evening he needed someone to balance the equation between friends.  
Now it was a casual outing  
So I didn't mind plus I was on holiday  
However the thing was that
The girl which I was 'with'
She really didn't seem to like me
I was nice and courteous
I think that made her furious  
We both drew the short end of the stick
The least we could do is try and be civil
You never know how things could turn out
She just wasn't having it
The other two were enjoying themselves  
However the tension in the room was also killing their vibe
I felt like I was baby sitting or something  
Now I don't know if it was my pride or the alcohol but eventually I just left the three of them there
I left to go do my own thing.  
I don't live around here
so this was my chance
to meet some people.

This venue had a lot of space to be called a bar but it didn't also have loud music like a club.
I don't know what to call it
but it had a lot of friendly people.
We all had our fun but later in the night  
The girl my friend was with came to get me:
'You are in a lot of trouble you know that'
We used one transport to get here.
So I guess things would be awkward on the journey back.
Walking out of the venue my friend looked a little helpless.
He gave me a staunch look which basically translated to 'fix this'  
So I went up to talk to the other girl
And boy was she not having it
That was it and I honestly didn't care.  
The journey back was silent
you could cut the tension with a knife
Until out of the blue, the very girl who seemed to hate me earlier  
Started making out with me
She was a bit aggressive  
I don't know I guess being ignored is a turn on for her
Yet she just revived everyones mood.  
Later in the night it was the two of us
It's easy to guess where this was going
I felt like she was trying to prove something to me and I was just going with it
That is until something happened  
If I still had alcohol in my system
This was a sobering thought:
I started thinking about the girl,
who I was talking to for some time now.  
We weren't flirting or anything  
but in this situation were clothes  
are starting to be removed
My thoughts were very revealing  
An internal dialogue started to ensue:
'She won't know, just go through with this'
'Yes but the thing is I will know'
'You two aren't even dating or flirting'
'I know but I really do like her'
I started to feel really guilty for what was happening and I just didn't go through with things. Yet as much as the final act didn't happen,
This play was mostly performed.
I knew that I never want to take one for the team again. It never ends well, at least for me.  
I also knew that I no longer wanted to just talk to the girl back home. I wanted more and it was time to shoot my shot.  
However the guilt was also eating me up
Written by Sageofsongs
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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