The Inner Circle

I was wandering down a beaten trail.
Footprints were barely there.
Grass was growing all around.
With insects and rodents creeping on the ground.
With the sunlight peeking through the trees.
I could smell the honey from all the bees.

Perhaps I had gotten lost along this path.
Searching for glimmers under each pumpkin patch.
But I see it now,
What I was looking for.
The one thing I believed I could never afford.

Peace of mind.

Here it was about.
With butterflies fluttering around.
I couldn’t see too far ahead.
I continued the journey nevertheless.

Peace of mind.

Where nature was kind and humans were scarce.
I could find safety and joy to share.
As I climbed my way through the foliage,
I came across an entourage.

There were fairies,
Even witches alike.
It was like a story,
Like fantasies,
I had never seen such a sight.

They were dancing,
Even singing.
With their wings spread up above their heads.
To the inner circle my feet started to tread.

There was more than peace.

It was sanctity.
Such purity.
Almost as if a prism of light,
Just burning through,
I began to cry.
Then somehow I knew.

I would become something else.
I imagined myself being magical.
Maybe whimsical.
A button nose,
Trinket toes,
It had been unfathomable.

But now here I was,
Flying and springing through clouds.
I lost thought and and even sound.
I reached new heights,
Then dipping back down.
Through the atmosphere and all around.

This was quite magical.
It was ethereal.
Even mythical.
I found peace,
Then I latched on.
I was at ease.
Under a spell I was spun.
Written by Zelle_mirna (Jenifer)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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