Manipulated Spirits?

Manipulated spirits?
Insinuation hears it.
Particulate the jeering.
Within you hate endearment.

Proliferate appearance.
Administrated weirdness.
Affiliated cheering.
Commiserate sincerest.

Anticipate a leering.
Origination gearing.
Capitulate some fearing.
Your indication clearest.

Initiation nearing.
Delineation dearest.
Deliberated fierceness.
Participation lyrics.

Articulated peering.
Assimilate from Seering.
Reciprocate what's realest.
Equivocation stealing.

Exhilarated feelings.
Debilitating dealing.
Dissimulation here is.
Humiliation healing?

Obliteration rearing.
Disintegration steering.
Incineration searing.
Eliminate appealing.

Invigorate revealing.
Precipitate concealment.
Propitiation pierces.
Facilitated kneeling.
Written by Connotation
Author's Note
This is about someone trying to find identity in drugs, and the resulting process of alienation from personality.  This could allude to my past, in experimenting with psychedelic drugs, and cannabis, searching for "answers" or some kind of "mentality."  It ends with realizing Christ's sacrifice (propitiation pierces, facilitated kneeling), leading to baptism and repentance of sin.  Such could be a similar experience for someone else out there, I suppose, in their "spirit journey" of "self" and using drugs, only to realize you get deeply alienated and depersonalized.  That can lead to addressing the issues of depending on drugs, as well as insincerity and insecurity in self to want to use such things to have identity to begin with.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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