Mad, Or What?

So here i am again
Living within the mundane
Trying to remain sane
Hoping that the inane, won't turn me insane

I don a white coat, not a mac
This white coat, does up at the back
But it's only put on when i go quack
And a flibble, and a flobble, and a yackety yack

It appears to all intent, and purposes, that ive gone mad
Or is this just another fad
Or another weird dream that ive had
When i need more padding, on my pad

It wasn't long, before i grew palmed hair
As i began growling, like a bear
And laugh insanely, with a debonaire flair
But i was quite loopy, so didn't care

Eventually i was escorted away, by my arm
Whereupon i was taken, to the funny farm
Where i soon learn't to be calm
After being told "take this pill, it's a magic charm

Many years later, as i grow thin
I was still to be found within a loony bin
I'd lost my yang, And tied up my yin
And forever now waggling, my waggy chin

by Jemia
Written by missjem56 (Jemia de Blondeville)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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