An Untamed Mind (aka An Ode to Adderall)

Rambling through the underbrush of an overgrown stream,

finding an ancient tree being slowly choked by entwining vines.

does the tree feel it's mortality being threatened by these living garottes,

or is it dozing right now,

never to see my shadow and possibly to die in it's sleep in one hundred years or so.

What does the tree know of gravity that can only found in death as it falls,

thinking that birds must be little witches as they use magic wands for wings.

And does a tree know it's own strength or is it accepted as normal and part of it's id.

Do trees see people as ants speeding along faster than the sun,

and what of mountains slow understanding of the changing stars.

All these questions invade the untamed mind,

with feral intensity seeking to find the meaning in life,

only to forget this holy grail as fast as speeding rocket ships landing on the moon.

Wouldn't it be cool to run as fast as you can in 1/6th gravity

and how tall would redwoods grow without the heavy burdens of the earth.
Written by APissPoorShaman (Ryszard)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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