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Plagiarism (Solomon777)

Plagiarism, let's call that shit exactly what it is
It's stealing someone else's ideas and experiences, yeah getting up in my biz
It takes a no self respect having motherucker to steal someone else's work
You want credit for the poetry, but you don't want to experience or share in the hurt

I recently had an experience just like this
A low life motherfucker, Solomon777, claimed my shit for his
Fleeing to another site, posting my piece, "Grinding Release"
You have absolutely no idea how much pain it took to create this beast

Shit that you could never relate to through a piece of stolen poetry
So much of my shit is more than motherfucking poetry
But to steal another poet's pieces, you're admitting that you ain't shit
This is I Is Me being nice telling you to stay off my dick

I don't swing that way so stand up straight and pull your pants up bitch
I fucks with nothing that don't come with a pussy and a clit
Not that I'm against those that prefer to switch
But this isn't about them, it's about you, who's stealing my shit

Fucked up thing is I probably would had written you a piece  
It may had been just as good or better than "Grinding Release"
I don't think of poetry like it should have coded security
But this is why my foot is in your ass, because you tried to steal from me

You're not a trick, but for poetry, you're offering to ride the dick
Fucking legs behind your head, dam mouth wide open ready to suck or lick
The only thing that I have for your ass is a dildo wrapped in barbed wire
Just insert it into your ass and I'll kick it up in there higher

Hahaha, fucking plagiarizing trick ass bitch
Stupid motherfucker stealing free poetry trying to get socially rich
I know that you're still on DUP, only Solomon777 isn't your name
There's a lot of great writers that wont join this site because they don't have time for your games
Written by I_IS_ME
Author's Note
This piece and the next were written a few years ago when we had a piece stolen and posted on another site
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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