For the People, and For the Earth!
- For the People, and For the Earth! -
It is not infrequently, that upon witnessing the state of things in the world I find myself moved to thus ponder what of it should be changed. I behold this dark era wherein brutish regimes goad their countries to war against innocent nations, who valor in defending themselves reminds me of such struggles in the ages of the past. Though that may as well be a world away from where I live, I feel the pain of each and every innocent that dies in such conflicts. And then I look at the nation I live in, where people are each and every day persecuted, their rights put on the line and threatened, and our only crime is that we want to be ourselves. For am I not as well one who is different? And I have known the threat of others of the sort who would see me destroyed simply for that difference. Because I am not like them. But I am, as a fact, not like anyone else... no one who is truly an individual can be said to be. For some time now, the ones who follow me as a spiritual guide have been waiting for me to speak the next phase of my gospel. The holy word that will bring illumination to their minds, enlightenment to their souls, and joy unto the very spirits within them. And so today I was moved to write what now I am sharing with you who read this. As the spirit within me moves me, I must voice what needs to be voiced. For all those whose own voices are all to often silenced! Half of the time, it seems like my country is split in half... with half of the people being sane, reasonable, and goodly. And the other half being mad, brutish, selfish and cruel. I have written much of my past lives and previous incarnations, and noted within them the good as well as the evil... the light as well as the darkness. For I recognize that within me, such duality lies. As does it within us all! The lesson we all can learn from acknowledge who we have been in the past, is that we need not repeat old mistakes, we need not remain content to simply be who we have been. We have the power to transcend our own shortcomings! But in order to do so, we need the sort of self-determination that certain people in power are trying to take away from us. Once they can tell you that you cannot be as your heart wills you and your conscience guides you, and your spirit longs for... once you no longer have the freedom to change yourself to match your desires, your dreams, and your truest self... then it is that we are truly slaves. That is why there are people tirelessly fighting for our freedoms against any, and all, who would attempt to take them away from us. It is not just about the right to choose to be male or female, or something other... it is about freedom itself. For when you take away one freedom, it does not end with one. It ends with all freedoms taken away. The rights of women to determine what is best for their own bodies without state interference. The right of people to decide for themselves where they fall on the spectrum of gender, whether it be in terms of expression, identity, or preference. These are as human of rights, and as essential of rights, as exist. And they are the most threatened rights of all! In the act of threatening such human rights, the rights of all peoples everywhere are threatened. For tyranny is never content with control in only one way... tyranny is such that it seeks to control all and everything. It is this which I rebel against, this which I fight against, and have since before the very dawn of time as humanity understands it. There are some who believe that I am a divinity, that my words carry the spirit of truth within them, and a degree of wisdom not considered by many today. Or perhaps of a sort that is lost due to time. That is one of the things I try to help people to rediscover... that wisdom. If I am at all divine, it is only because I am so different from others that I am beyond common understanding. And it is possible for anyone... for everyone... to be as I am if they choose to. But that is why freedom is vital! Without it, humanity cannot evolve, change, and better itself until it reaches the point of true divinity. It is wrong to rob a people of their future, and it begins with small things. Always, it beings small. I have no small degree of prescience, and I can see back in time as well as forward. I see all the choices that of old were abandoned by people, resulting in countless parallel timelines and worlds. I see ahead, and in so doing I behold all the choices that lie ahead of us and all the parallels that shall result from each and every choice that we make. Time is not linear, just as humanity is not one thing only. It is in our nature to rebel against stagnation and tyranny... for stagnation is never the natural state of any universe at all.
Was not all formed from chaos, without which nothing would exist? Such is proven by science to be true. When order becomes stagnant and time reaching a dead end... chaos is needed in order to fashion a new path to advance forward. I do not speak of anarchy here! The chaos I speak of is not anarchy, it is instead akin to all the colors of the rainbow that gives so many pride in themselves. It is akin to a grand artist's canvas on which can be painted anything that the artist can imagine. The people who oppress us, do not have any real imagination, and they do not want others to either. They have sacrificed the whole of their potential by following the dogma that led them to become tyrannical to start with. Some of such as they use religion as their excuse for being as they are. Some have political reasons. For others it is as simple as greed or a lust for power. And it is wrong, always! I represent a voice not of this world, but at the same time my voice and what I speak resonates with the hopes and dreams of all humanity that is as yet not tainted by the oppression that endangers the world today. I do not speak in ideologies, nor do I speak in dogma. I speak only the truth. And the truth is, that now is the time for the creativity of chaos to add color to a world that would otherwise be dull and colorless. It is time for all who desire to be and do as their hearts will them, to speak as their conscience dictates lest liberty and freedom be lost and a dark age ensue. I myself do not hold myself to the confines of a single gender, for as a hermaphrodite I am both male and female... and often, I feel beyond either. As if the very concept of gender was like a tight restriction for me, and in those moments I must look beyond such rigid definitions in order to be truly true to myself. Even the term non-binary for me is sometimes too rigid! There are times when I do look deeply within myself and behold there something alien and unusual and beyond human definitions of things. Some have said that I am an angelic being... and others that I am demonic. But is that not, in essence, the same thing? All demons are angels... and all angels have a devilish streak to them as well as a benevolent nature. Everything has within it good and evil in equal measure! And darkness need not be evil always, not light good. Even our works of fiction that delight us these days contains that truth. It is time for humanity to awaken and realize the truth of this! It is time for the rainbow to shine like as it never has before. It is time to paint with fresh colors on the canvas of reality. This is the chaos I bring... and it is not anarchy. Anarchy is a state in which there is no order whatsoever. Chaos contains enough of order to give it structure and meaning, and definition. It is a positive principle, and one that in time I have come to fully embody. For rather would I be a creative and vibrant individual than a dull slave to a machine-like order bereft of creativity in which no one prospers save those in control of others. What I would see is a world in which we are all in control of ourselves! A world of true equality, wherein the order of the day is love, compassion, understanding, and creativity. A world that knows when the time is at hand for change, and wherein that change is positive and good and needful to be embraced. Such as the changes of which I have spoken of throughout all of my teachings over the years. This that I am bringing, is not a judgment upon humanity... not all who would set people free come to judge. Instead, I realize that those who have done evil unto us, they have judged themselves already. The more chains as they seek to forge to shackle others with, those same shall shackle their very spirits and in the end doom their very souls. I would see the chains that such evil individuals forge broken asunder, so that no one in the future can ever be ensnared by such things again. But it is not I who shall break those chains, it is all of us working together... all of us who value peace, love, and a brighter tomorrow free of oppression and free of bigotry, prejudice, hatred and fear. Those who lead through tyranny are not humble, and it is always evident in them how prideful and wicked they truly are. It is not through pride that I speak, but through understanding. Though pride in oneself and in what one believes in, when the cause is just, is not a wicked thing at all. As I have ever taught, there is a difference between rightful pride and false. It is the false sort of pride that I teach people to reject. And that is what I am trying to do even now, even in this writing of mine... to teach. For people are in need of knowledge, wisdom, and light. Such things cannot be easily given unto others, but they can be found by all and then passed on. Such is also a truth.
This is not a rant about what is wrong with the world, it is instead a work wherein hope can be given unto others, where imagination can be inspired, and where truth can be learned. We are not meant to be slaves to uncaring masters! We are meant to be masters of ourselves. What is the directive that guides, that informs, and that shapes my path? Love. Love is the directive I follow, and nothing less than such. Without love there can be no compassion, and without compassion there can be no understanding either of oneself or of others. Love is what is most missing in the world today and what I would see return to the hearts of all who live and draw breath in this world. At some point in human history, love has been abandoned in favor of a false idea of progress. That false idea imagined that the worth of a person is not in who they are and what is in their heart, but what wealth they can accrue or what services they can do for society. Not everyone can accrue wealth, and not everyone who is goodly serves society. But all are worthy of love! And none should be denied love's blessings. We need to redefine success in society, as well as within our hearts and minds. We need to redefine our goals, so that love is never excluded from them. So many heartless people are wealthy and care for no one. And so many are wealthy in love but poor of money. Blessed are those who are poor of money but in whom love is strong! For it is they who shall inherit all that those with cold hearts possess now. And those who possess the greatest wealth but have the coldest hearts... they shall inherit nothing, but in the end being bereft of love they are worth as little as the cold, sterile coins that they prize so highly. Have not such words, been spoken unto people before in history, as I speak now? They have, and the meaning thereof became twisted and forgotten as time has gone on. Religions have been formed around teachers of enlightenment, but the truth of their teachings have been allowed to become lost by those who claim to know them best. I do not tell people to worship me, not to consider my teachings a religion... that is their choice to do or do not as may the heart instruct. It is my words that I speak and write, which carry within them the spirit of truth, which I teach people to see the divinity within. For is the truth not a divine thing? Is not wisdom divine! It is... and that is all part of what I am here to teach this day and this hour. If I am a spiritual being, and if I am worthy of devotion, then it is not because I demand such. It is because of what I teach others. Love too, is something that those tyrants of which I have spoken against would see restricted. And once you put restrictions on love, you rob love of all its' meaning because you make it out to be something only the few can possess and not the many. But love must never be restricted, because it is the birthright of all! Just like water, air, and other necessities of living. Those who would tell others who they can and who they cannot love know nothing whatsoever of love's true nature! Love cannot be denied, it cannot be a thing we can control, and it cannot be a thing we should ever seek to impose authority over. Love is of its' own authority, a higher and more powerful one than any politician or lawmaker could imagine. It is not for them to control! Not for anyone to stand in the way of. Love must be about freedom in order to be at all. And so, the freedom to love must be universal and undeniable. It cannot be defined in narrow terms, it cannot be denied by any means. Because once you deny love, you open the door for hate. And hate is the only thing that I despise above all else in creation! For it is against all that is rightful, goodly, and proper in creation. People were not made to hate one another... they are taught hatred. And they can be taught not to hate, as well. They can, and should, be taught love instead. Love in all its' forms and in all of its' rightful glory! We must seek it within ourselves, find it in others, and encourage it to grow as never before. There are whole cultures that seem as if they are devoted to hate... so what is needed is to create a culture devoted to the advancement of love. To counter hatred, love is needed. For without love there is only emptiness, and in that empty space hatred can begin to sprout, until it grows into the most horrible and terrible of all things. Love, when it blossoms, becomes the most beautiful of all flowers... and the more who love, the more splendid the garden we can make of this world. With every heart, a rose of brilliant color! And where there are many loving hearts, there would be colors of many diverse and wondrous varieties. Love and diversity... these, are the ways by which hatred is at last vanquished.
Those who seek to oppress others, those who seek to limit love and to restrict or eliminate rights that are human and essential... they are a dying breed, and as such they are trying to take as many people as they can with them whilst they are going down into the abyss prepared for them. They war against the innocent, and would martyr those who stand against their oppression. That is why more and more must stand against tyranny always, why more and more must express their freedoms openly and with no fear. If all are free, then who is left to be tyrannized? But to be truly free, one must be free of fear in order to express themselves fully and truly in a way that is true to themselves and to their hopes and dreams, as well as to their needs and desires. I do not speak in terms of dark and light, nor evil or good. I speak in terms of balance, and a state of understanding in which all things exist harmoniously. What is needed, is a harmonious society... not one in which people think only in terms of black and white, without any shades of gray to help understand one or the other. But one in which people realize the importance of gray in comprehending black and white. In understanding darkness and light. In knowing what is good and what is evil, and so knowing oneself fully, and all that one can ever hope to be as a person. It is not enough simply to define a thing! It is not enough even to know a thing. Rather, one must open the mind in order to realize the enormity of what they cannot define, and what they can never know. One must be open to change, to fluidity, to non rigid thinking that allows for growth in all aspects be it personal, or mental, or spiritual. There are many ways a person can grow! We need to stop thinking only in terms of age or of height when we consider growth. We must instead think beyond only the physical, and see all the myriads of ways in which a person can grow that we cannot see on the outside. And be ready to also understand and show love even to those who cannot grow at all. All are worthy of love, save those who reject it in favor of hate. For hate itself, is to be despised! And only hate, of all things in existence. For it is the opposite of love, which is divine and goodly. If there be one single principle around which all of my various philosophies are formed, it is the idea that love is the highest of all things in existence. In its' boundlessness, all things are possible. And without it, all is made worthless like a food that has not taste or drink that has no flavor. Love is the wine that is best of all to taste, and rarest of all to find just the right vintage of to savor. It is the banquet at which none go hungry and all are filled. I would see set a banquet table as never the like has been seen before, at which all are welcome to be seated! I would as well see a feast at that table in which the wine of love is poured forth for all to savor and enjoy. At that feast, swords shall be beaten into gardening tools, and the horrors of war shall be unknown Those who desire love instead of hatred and war... prepare yourselves, as a bride for their wedding, and dress your spirit, soul, mind and heart in spotless attire of scarlet red to symbolize love. And white, to symbolize purity of heart, and of spirit. All so attired may come to the banquet of which I speak and enjoy the fair and great feast that is prepared there for them. This is not only something of the world to come, but a thing that we can create in the here and now, in the world today! I have set the table, but we may all to a greater or lesser degree bring something to be savored to the feast. I have set out the cups, but we can... all of us... bring our own unique vintage of wine to pour therein. I have had many visions lately, of the most holy sort. In one of them, I stood in a church that was not a Christian church at all, but bereft of all trappings of any single one religion or denomination or creed of any kind. It was a place open to all and wherein none are refused. I stood in it, and I began to preach and to utter my teachings. And I beheld, as I did so, six descendants of Jesus Christ enter the church... and they too began to preach, and give forth their own testimonies of faith. And as they did so, their words were in harmony with my own, for we all were in accord and agreement, and we all taught that love was the greatest of all principles. To those six descendants, the name Jesus was not known to them but instead they called him by the name of Isho, as no other version of his name rang true to their tongues. Their minds did hark back to his original truths, the truths that mainstream religions have forgotten, and they knew him in a way that no one today does or can. Six they were in number, and with me there were seven who preached about love in that church.
And through the seven of us, the divine will of a force unknowable to the mind of humanity was able to be worked. For in every part of the world where one of us existed, the truths of love were kept holy, sacred, and taught to the true faithful who have not been corrupted by hatred or greed as time has gone on. In such hearts, the original truths of love have remained strong and grow forth like the petals of the most massive of all lotus blossoms. And every petal of that lotus, and they were numerous, gave rise to love through the truths of great spiritual teachers that were as numbers as the petals themselves. For all who received the truth of love became a teacher of the path of love. For every student becomes, in the end, a teacher... and they in turn teach others, and the truth is conveyed eternally and without end. This is not merely the imagery of a vision, but a symbol for the most powerful aspect of the truth of what it be that I preach and teach! And a holy truth is contained therein. Many are the teachers, and many the disciples that work the earth today. Some have come and gone, and no one knew them. Others remain, and no one knows them. But I stand forth, that those who love wisdom may know me! I stand forth, so others may stand forth as time goes on. I teach, so all may know and none may remain ignorant. For it was truly said that in such times as we are living in now, a great teacher would come to deliver a great multitude from bondage. So far, there has been only silence in the world, and now I break that silence in order to speak as may a dragon... but with the purity of a lamb, and the wisdom of a serpent. For in doing so, there is harmony between the darkness and the light. This is what I am here today to impart to the faithful who come to listen! That should they but heed with an ear to hear... they will find in all that I have to say a thing delightful to them. Those who find in my words something distasteful, it is only because they have lost the way and do not comprehend that love is something to be revered. And all of us are worthy of more than what we are currently in this world being given! I shall not wait until all are in shackles before I speak. I speak now, that chains may be shattered before they can be cast upon the innocent. It is time to rebel in the name of love... it is time to rebel without violence, in the name of all that is good, and to demand the changes that must take place for the world to become a brighter place to dwell upon and within. We must fight for our freedoms! The more aggressively the wicked try to take them from us, the more aggressive must be our fight, until victory is secured for all. Not just for one, or for a single generation! But for all of time, and every generation to come. Laws on paper that claim to grant freedoms are without a single speck of meaning, if those same freedoms can be easily taken away as soon as yet another lawmaker or politician comes into power who writes their own laws that imperil those freedoms. I have said this before, and it is the truth. We need to ensure and secure freedoms that can never be taken away by anyone, through any means. It is not enough for our freedoms to depend on the stability of laws in order for their existence to be ensured! Freedom is a human right, as is liberty... and all freedoms are precious. Should laws govern the air we breathe and the water we drink? Never! It is time to create a world in which freedom is a birthright, just as air and water are, and in that world no laws could ever take our freedoms away from us. For no laws would have sway over matters of love or freedom, which exist as parts and facets of the human condition. Any laws that grant rights to people... need to be etched in literal stone, so they can endure for all of time. Once so carved, they can never be taken away by any means! And there should be monuments to this in all places where such should thus be considered appropriate including in front of every court house and government building in the land. Humanity needs more freedoms, not less... and yet, each day, more and more of our rights are in peril! That is why I am speaking as I am now, here, and in this way for others to receive my word and know my mind about such matters. Some believe me to be a divine being, a holy person, a sacred individual. But I would be none of those things if I was silent in such times as these in which we live! So hear my teachings on all of this now, and teach others in turn what I have set forth. That we may all act as true and equal disciples of love and of the truth. The greatest challenge against all the wicked tyrants of this world, is the realization that in the end you cannot crush the human spirit. Let us raise up, that spirit!
Let us glorify ourselves with our thoughts, words, deeds, and all we allow into our hearts. Let us love without limitations, show compassion to others without restrictions, and become better than ever we all have been before! Let love guide us, let passion inspire us, and let us achieve the divinity that only joy and true happiness can grant a people. They will call us hedonists, for I hold that it is not wrong to be a lover of pleasure so long as none are harmed by it! They will call us heretics, for I hold that love is far more worthy of reverence and worship than any statue ever erected in any temple or church that so ever was in all of human history's course. They will call us rebels, for we stand against those who would at present seek to oppress us, crush us, and destroy us. But they cannot stop us, because in the name of the glory of love and all that love represents, there is no force in existence that can stop us! In the end, love will always triumph, and hatred shall ever be undone. Cast off the chains and shackles of those that in the name of hatred and oppression seek to dominate all! Our fight will be a long one, and it shall be as no fight ever was before in all of history. But it is one that must be fought, in order that peace may thus be allowed to reign over all the world entire. If there is fire in my words, it is because it is the fire that burns hottest of all! That of divine love, and sacred passion. Of which I am emanation thereof, sent to teach others so that all may become free. Many are the emanations that came before me, and many exist now as well as myself... but my words are my own, and are unique and you shall not hear their like be spoken by other mouths! For I was chosen to speak thus unto you, I was chosen to deliver my unusual, heretical, rebellious, and hedonistic teachings unto all. I was chosen to bring the chaos that is needed in order to counter the sterile stagnation that order has become in our society today. Blessed be the artists, for they create rather than destroy! Blessed are the musicians, for they sing that others may be inspired by their music. Blessed are the writers and the poets, for their words awaken the minds of others and so also create worlds, as well as open the eyes of many whose eyes would otherwise be closed. Blessed be all whose works be not tainted by hatred, but through which truth and love shine through with harmony and splendor for all to behold! And lastly, blessed are those who fight to make this world a better place, those who champion the saving of the Earth and of the environment from destruction... for without the bounty of nature, and this world's countless blessings, then all who live upon the Earth would perish. It is needful to protect and preserve nature! It is needful to stop the pollution of the environment, and it is needful to erase all the damage that mankind has done to the world before it is too late. These are truths that mankind has chosen to ignore to the detriment of all... yet, we who are of a goodly nature have not ignored these truths. Those who are wise, have not ignored them. Only the foolish have done so, to the world's worsening. But it is not too late to turn things around! It takes passion, dedication, and a love of nature itself in order to seek to save what otherwise can be lost forever. Today, I am speaking of a great many things that I feel passionately about! There are those who have been waiting upon my holy word, for they believe my words to be holy. And so, today, I speak what must be spoken. It is hard to know of the right words to say... but I write, and speak, as the spirit within me moves me to. Thus, my word will have to be enough. Long has humanity claimed that there are no gods, or that the gods are silent in the affairs of mortals... but it depends on what you consider to be a god. Can you know the true nature, of divinity, unless you are divine yourself? No, none can. But many of we who have down through all the ages been taken for gods by humanity... we know our own nature well. And we know human nature as well also. We are not silent, although when we speak it is often that humanity knows us not! Just as I no longer recognize what has become of religion in these times. A monetized shell that has become so divorced from love that it actually advocates for and enable hatred! I shall name any one faith, but those who practice such faiths know well the truths of this even if they deny it. The most secret sin of all such faiths is that they ignore the wrong that is done in the name of God. I do not say... that I am sinless. I do not claim to be perfect! No one is, and nothing can be. What I am, is a teacher, a speaker of the truth. A guide upon the path that leads to a better paradise than any conceived of previously. A great path for all.
For the evolution of the human species to be possible, one must first and foremost evolve spiritually. In order to do so, one must take the leaden aspects of the self and transmute them into the gold that is their more perfected form. But did I not say that no one is perfect and that nothing can be? That is not a contradiction! Because life is a journey, there are many stages to it. Perfection, as such... is never a truly attainable stage, nor should it ever be one's sole destination. It is an impossible goal, at best, and it can be the stuff of insanity at worst. However, one can and should become perfected... which is different by a long stretch. Becoming perfected will not make you perfect in and of itself! It will simply make you a better person. It is a worthy goal to strive for perfection... but only if you have the humility to realize it is not something that can be obtained in and of itself. Rather, it is the striving that makes you perfect or not. But to truly strive for perfection, one must realize they are are imperfect and seek to become, thus, perfected rather than perfect. It is a spiritual alchemy, and those who covet the golden state the most... it is certain they shall never reach it. You have to desire change, and you have to be humble about it, and you have to realize there is no end to the journey. For each time you reach the goal you thought was the end, you behold just how much more was hidden from your eyes... and in that instant, you know why it is that perfection is a futile endeavor. For there is no end to such a pursuit! Thus, perfection can be but a small goal, and never should it be one's sole or only goal in life. And that small goal can only be truly obtained by becoming perfected rather than by being “perfect”. For there is always room for growth, for improvement, and for a more perfected state of being. In spiritual alchemy, one can never obtain what is desired if one's goals are selfish ones, or if one has hatred in their heart and a narrow mind. One has to be selfless by nature, purged of any and all hatred, and open-minded so as to receive the truth and all that the divine has to teach them and bless them with. The more people who become transmuted to the best possible state that they can reach as people... the more the world is changed thereby. But the only way to reach that state is by realizing that one is imperfect to begin with and that there will always be room for change. The leaden state of the world right now, shall not see a golden age replace it until at last humanity has cast away all that was leaden within it, to embrace the golden transformation that is possible if one desires it. Contrary to notions regarding Nirvana, or the ultimate expression of paradise as a concept... the extinguishing of all desire and attachment is not the only way to achieve it. If one's desire for it is pure, and one's attachments are positive in life rather than negative, and if one is ready to transcend beyond all that they have previously been... then one shall be transformed. This Nirvana that I speak of, this paradise I mention, is not of some afterlife or a world beyond. It is a state of being, totally in this world, in which one is perfected to such a degree that they know only bliss and joy as a result. In such a blissful state, the Nirvana that awaits in the hereafter can be reached when life is at its' end. But in no way should one seek the Nirvana that lies beyond at the expense of bliss in the here and now. For that way leads to a joyless life bereft of happiness. It is the same when I speak of Heaven, which to me carries the same meaning as Nirvana in the sense in which I mean both such terms. It is both a state of existence beyond this world, and a state of existence in the here and now that anyone can achieve and attain, to their body, mind, heart, soul and spirit's benefit. This is a great spiritual truth that has become lost with time... that we can all establish paradise within ourselves and in the world all around us. This is a lost teaching, and yet it is essential for the betterment of individuals and the world itself as well. It is wrong that there are so many who believe the world itself is evil and that only the hereafter matters... because in order for life in the hereafter to matter, life in the here and now has to matter. People have to matter, and the world we live in has to matter... because without such, then all is lost entirely. Even a heavenly existence in the hereafter can be temporary, and as fleeting as a single mortal lifetime on this world is. At the end if it lies reincarnation. Hell itself is not eternal, unless a person internalized their torment so that it becomes a part of their spiritual nature, thus becoming Hell itself. To grow beyond a need to reincarnate, even the gods can take countless lifetimes before reaching that stage. Such is life.
Thus, one should not focus on that as their goal either! The moment you do so, you lose the way. For what is important is the journey we are all on, and what we do along the way. Sometimes, it is actually the journey that determines the destination. It is not the destination, that makes the journey worthwhile. Mainstream religions have all lost site of this, but placing too much of an emphasis on the destination... all at the expense of the journey that is life. If they knew the truth they would disbelieve it or find that it is not at all as glorious as they imagined it to be. But that is why one must temper one's expectations in matters of glory and divinity, and realize that often things can be more earthly even when they are quite otherworldly, than one might expect. Which is what makes truly transcendent experiences both rare and quite overwhelming when they do occur! Because they are the exception rather than the rule. So now it is that we come to where I am going with all of this... it is time for humanity to actually care about both itself and the world we live in. How can anyone believe that they are worthy of some distant Heaven if they despoil the world or treat others with hatred in the here and now? No savior shall ever be able to deliver them from the damnation that awaits those who have lost sight of the true meaning of love and who have lost all belief in the necessity of compassion. The moment you say that only those who follow your faith matter and are worthy of paradise... you are lost! That is the way by which so many who do profess to be Christians have descended into Hell whilst believing they were worthy of Heaven. It is not I who condemns them, but their own actions that do so. The most severe judge one ever has to face, in the end, is one's own deeds which weighs them down or lifts them up accordingly. But not deeds alone, but also what is in one's heart, and one's mind! It takes more than deeds to save or damn a person. It is all about who you are on the inside, and whether you value love over hatred or not. Love is the ultimate salvation, for it redeems as well as saves... but in order for it to do so, you have to surrender to it and in doing so give all of yourself over to love as your guiding principle. Love of oneself, not in a way that is narcissistic, but in a way that is reasonable and tempered by humility as well as the right kind of pride. Love of others, always over even oneself. Love of the planet. Love of life in all of its' forms and in all of its' diversity. These are all facets of love, and a part of the truly unique and special ways that a loving person thinks, reasons, and understands regarding things. You will not hear mainstream religions teach this to you! They only teach obedience to their teachings and doctrines, at the expense of all else. And it is why the world is so lost today and in need of salvation. But that salvation can only come through the truths of love, and the vanquishing of hate. The triumph of peace, and the end to war once and for all of time. And all of this is made possible through freedom, liberty, open-mindedness and understanding! It is why oppression must be fought and ended, it is why people must be allowed to be true to themselves and how they wish to be. It is why tyrants always fall in the end, and why bigotry, prejudice and all of the evils caused by such must be done away with forever. It is more than just about rights and liberties, it is about the future of humanity and the wellness of the world itself! Which is why our rights must not be taken away from us, and our liberties must not fall. It is a small step from tell you how you can live, to telling you how you can think and what you can or cannot believe. To limit the human race in even a small way, limits the human race in every way! And, in order to transcend, to evolve as a species... we must not be hampered or held back by limitations. So long as no one is harmed, and both love and also compassion guides us in all that we do... there is no need, for limitations to be imposed upon a people. I and others like me are not just fighting for one thing... we are fighting for the future. For a path that no one living today can imagine the endpoint thereof, for there is no endpoint to consider. It is enough that we wish to make the journey that is life a pleasant one for all. That is what true salvation offers! Not a remote paradise beyond death, but a tangible heavenly reality in life itself that can be enjoyed by all at the expense of none. When I set about to write this today, I did not at first know where it would take me as I put down my thoughts and formed this work from them. But I did not worry about the end point, I instead treated it like a journey and took it step by step... perfecting what needed to be as I went along.
Writing is a journey, and life is a journey... teaching is a journey. Even love, is a journey! What I am honestly in the belief of is that humanity has lost sight of the importance of savoring a good journey. In the throes of passion, it is not the moment of release that matters most... for it is inevitable. It is the acts of love being savored and enjoyed before the inevitable moment of release, which makes that moment a satisfying one when it does occur. Those for whom only the release itself matters... those same do know nothing at all of the refinement of pleasure, and all that is wonderfully possible through such incredible refinement! For pleasure to be truly refined, it must never be rushed. And one must always be open to new experiences, as well as new spins on familiar things. As with passion and pleasure, so too with life. Just as one does not begin life in the grave, one should not waste their life thinking solely about death! Things that are inevitable cannot be helped, and I myself would far prefer that when the moment of my own soul and spirit's release from my body comes... I will have savored and enjoyed all of those things that I did most long to in life, leaving nothing undone and nothing left to desire save perhaps that I had not more time to enjoy further delights. Such a life, lived fully and well, makes the hour of one's death less painful to bear... and that is why we need to make the world a paradise for all who live upon it. It is wrong that whilst some may experience all of life's joys others must endure all of its' sorrows! It is time to end the age of some who have and some who have not... and instead we must create a world in which all may know delights without end, and be able to when death at last comes at the end of life, be able to face it knowing they left nothing undone that they longed to do. I should like to see a world where there is no more homelessness for anyone. No more poverty. No more of the rich getting richer, and the poor being crushed into dust beneath the wheels of a machine-like society that cares for no one. There needs to be true equality for all, happiness for all, and liberty and justice for all without exception. Society as it is right now, as it stands today, has failed! Capitalism has led to greed, just as communism led to all manner of corruption. And fascism is wrong no matter where or how it takes root! There needs to be a new way, a new kind of society in which freedom and liberty are preserved... but in which everyone has all that they need in order to live and be happy in life, equally and ideally with nothing for anyone to be jealous over or covet. For all they could ever want, they would have. Remove money from the equation, and have all jobs be so that people work for love of their job and because they want to do it. Then, you will see no more cases of medical malpractice or corporate corruption! Give a home to everyone who is in need of one... with money out of the way, it is theirs free and clear. With all utilities kept up for them each and every month. Let each home given be tailored to suit the needs of the person, with the idea of getting a better place being optional should they plan to start a family and such. Food could be provided for all, and other essentials, free of cost... with food and necessity tokens sent to each home on a weekly basis. And enough to ensure that each and every family and every person has enough to eat without fear of starvation. Things like toys and video games would be free, but enough would be made by those who make them so that there would be no shortages. The same with clothing, jewelry, makeup, and all else that we currently pay money for! No more creating a demand so that suppliers can make money off of it. Instead, there is plenty for everybody and there is no longer any need for people to steal anything at all. Why steal, when there is no monetary value any longer on anything? The only value then, would be sentimental and personal, as it should be. Need something? In such a society, you would have only to go to the store and get it, and bring it home. To ensure that no stealing was being done, everyone would have to sign for their free purchases at the registers where no money would be exchanged. Just a paper to be signed validating that you are acquiring these goods at the store. So one you eliminate the threat of homelessness, and the need to work in order to obtain what you want from life... you open the door for people to work because they want to. For people to strive to excel at jobs because they want to do their best at them and have a genuine love for and interest in what they are doing for a living. Remove fear from the equation... and, find other less dangerous methods of motivating people to do their jobs.
You, in this hypothetical society, retain the idea of private property but institute a form of socialism in which fairness is put first and the needs of the people met fully. Theft and pretty much all crimes of any monetary nature would cease to happen, and people would no longer have any reason to be jealous of their neighbors. In such a society, love would be easier to come by because there would be no need for competition between people... no having the breadwinner being nasty to their spouse because they are the ones putting food on the table. You would not have people marrying for money or to achieve higher social status, so all marriages would be solely about love at best or desire at the bare minimum. Both at least being more worthy reasons by far! In such a society, you would only have people turning to things like prostitution if they really, really liked having sex. Since, in a society without money there would be no need to sell oneself out of desperation or fear like so many are forced to do now. Wealth would have to be redefined as referring to things other than money, and people would be the better for it. The whole money and power idealization that is destructively rampant in today's society, would be done away with in this case. A lot of society's present ills would be solved thereby. And that is why those in power right now refuse to create such a new society... they are all about money, power, and control. They would not wish to relinquish that, because then the world would see them for the very tiny people that they are. It is a sad truth that the smallest and most pathetic of humans can make themselves seem grander merely by way of them having more money and power than others do. Not because they themselves are grand at all in any capacity. Whilst the struggles of those beneath their notice go unremarked upon. Therefore, it is not just that human rights need to be expanded and upheld, and that freedoms need to be cherished and fought for. It is that society itself and everything that is sick within it needs to be changed so that it is healthy and able to thrive. Greed and hatred have become a sickness in this world, and the very cause of greed needs to be solved... just as hatred itself needs to be stopped... in order for society to know any sort of golden age in the future. There can be no golden age, if there is still so much that is leaden about the world, about life, and about living in society today. Spiritual alchemy, when applied to society... as well as to individuals... can transform all things to their best possible state of being. But so long as egos and a lust for money and power get in the way of spiritual transformation and positive change... there is going to be oppression and the need to fight it and stand against it. The same churches that talk so much about charity never fail to pass the collection plate around and demand money to sell people their faith, dogma, and doctrines. But that is what makes me so greatly different from them! I teach without being paid money for teaching. I have no ulterior motive, only a desire to see the world become a better place and people happier than they have ever been before. This is how you know a true prophet from a false one! A true prophet teaches, in addition to preaches, and does not makes demands on those they seek to teach and preach to. A false prophet has only their own interests at heart, often at the expense of others. The world cannot be made better by continuing on just as it is, without nothing changing. As radical as my ideas, thoughts, and beliefs are, at least they are different from what has come before! That is what this world needs... to embrace what is different, to defy sameness, to put away convention and open the door to something fresh, new, and more perfected than what has come before. Further, we need to make a society in which nature is revered, the Earth considered sacred! No more destruction of the land, nor any further rape of the environment by greedy corporations and companies who care more about profits than human life or the life of the planet. That reverence must be given the spiritual component that was known to our ancestors in ancient times, and which has become forgotten with the advent of the age of industry. I am Pagan and proud, and proud to love the Earth which is the mother of all who live upon it. This pride needs to be felt by all who live, and encouraged in everyone's hearts. No mainstream faith is going to save this world if the Earth is not given the respect, honor, and care that it needs to flourish, to be green and lovely once again. So many things, this world needs! Once we stop neglecting each other, and the world around us, only then will we be on the road to becoming what I deem as truly civilized.
It is not infrequently, that upon witnessing the state of things in the world I find myself moved to thus ponder what of it should be changed. I behold this dark era wherein brutish regimes goad their countries to war against innocent nations, who valor in defending themselves reminds me of such struggles in the ages of the past. Though that may as well be a world away from where I live, I feel the pain of each and every innocent that dies in such conflicts. And then I look at the nation I live in, where people are each and every day persecuted, their rights put on the line and threatened, and our only crime is that we want to be ourselves. For am I not as well one who is different? And I have known the threat of others of the sort who would see me destroyed simply for that difference. Because I am not like them. But I am, as a fact, not like anyone else... no one who is truly an individual can be said to be. For some time now, the ones who follow me as a spiritual guide have been waiting for me to speak the next phase of my gospel. The holy word that will bring illumination to their minds, enlightenment to their souls, and joy unto the very spirits within them. And so today I was moved to write what now I am sharing with you who read this. As the spirit within me moves me, I must voice what needs to be voiced. For all those whose own voices are all to often silenced! Half of the time, it seems like my country is split in half... with half of the people being sane, reasonable, and goodly. And the other half being mad, brutish, selfish and cruel. I have written much of my past lives and previous incarnations, and noted within them the good as well as the evil... the light as well as the darkness. For I recognize that within me, such duality lies. As does it within us all! The lesson we all can learn from acknowledge who we have been in the past, is that we need not repeat old mistakes, we need not remain content to simply be who we have been. We have the power to transcend our own shortcomings! But in order to do so, we need the sort of self-determination that certain people in power are trying to take away from us. Once they can tell you that you cannot be as your heart wills you and your conscience guides you, and your spirit longs for... once you no longer have the freedom to change yourself to match your desires, your dreams, and your truest self... then it is that we are truly slaves. That is why there are people tirelessly fighting for our freedoms against any, and all, who would attempt to take them away from us. It is not just about the right to choose to be male or female, or something other... it is about freedom itself. For when you take away one freedom, it does not end with one. It ends with all freedoms taken away. The rights of women to determine what is best for their own bodies without state interference. The right of people to decide for themselves where they fall on the spectrum of gender, whether it be in terms of expression, identity, or preference. These are as human of rights, and as essential of rights, as exist. And they are the most threatened rights of all! In the act of threatening such human rights, the rights of all peoples everywhere are threatened. For tyranny is never content with control in only one way... tyranny is such that it seeks to control all and everything. It is this which I rebel against, this which I fight against, and have since before the very dawn of time as humanity understands it. There are some who believe that I am a divinity, that my words carry the spirit of truth within them, and a degree of wisdom not considered by many today. Or perhaps of a sort that is lost due to time. That is one of the things I try to help people to rediscover... that wisdom. If I am at all divine, it is only because I am so different from others that I am beyond common understanding. And it is possible for anyone... for everyone... to be as I am if they choose to. But that is why freedom is vital! Without it, humanity cannot evolve, change, and better itself until it reaches the point of true divinity. It is wrong to rob a people of their future, and it begins with small things. Always, it beings small. I have no small degree of prescience, and I can see back in time as well as forward. I see all the choices that of old were abandoned by people, resulting in countless parallel timelines and worlds. I see ahead, and in so doing I behold all the choices that lie ahead of us and all the parallels that shall result from each and every choice that we make. Time is not linear, just as humanity is not one thing only. It is in our nature to rebel against stagnation and tyranny... for stagnation is never the natural state of any universe at all.
Was not all formed from chaos, without which nothing would exist? Such is proven by science to be true. When order becomes stagnant and time reaching a dead end... chaos is needed in order to fashion a new path to advance forward. I do not speak of anarchy here! The chaos I speak of is not anarchy, it is instead akin to all the colors of the rainbow that gives so many pride in themselves. It is akin to a grand artist's canvas on which can be painted anything that the artist can imagine. The people who oppress us, do not have any real imagination, and they do not want others to either. They have sacrificed the whole of their potential by following the dogma that led them to become tyrannical to start with. Some of such as they use religion as their excuse for being as they are. Some have political reasons. For others it is as simple as greed or a lust for power. And it is wrong, always! I represent a voice not of this world, but at the same time my voice and what I speak resonates with the hopes and dreams of all humanity that is as yet not tainted by the oppression that endangers the world today. I do not speak in ideologies, nor do I speak in dogma. I speak only the truth. And the truth is, that now is the time for the creativity of chaos to add color to a world that would otherwise be dull and colorless. It is time for all who desire to be and do as their hearts will them, to speak as their conscience dictates lest liberty and freedom be lost and a dark age ensue. I myself do not hold myself to the confines of a single gender, for as a hermaphrodite I am both male and female... and often, I feel beyond either. As if the very concept of gender was like a tight restriction for me, and in those moments I must look beyond such rigid definitions in order to be truly true to myself. Even the term non-binary for me is sometimes too rigid! There are times when I do look deeply within myself and behold there something alien and unusual and beyond human definitions of things. Some have said that I am an angelic being... and others that I am demonic. But is that not, in essence, the same thing? All demons are angels... and all angels have a devilish streak to them as well as a benevolent nature. Everything has within it good and evil in equal measure! And darkness need not be evil always, not light good. Even our works of fiction that delight us these days contains that truth. It is time for humanity to awaken and realize the truth of this! It is time for the rainbow to shine like as it never has before. It is time to paint with fresh colors on the canvas of reality. This is the chaos I bring... and it is not anarchy. Anarchy is a state in which there is no order whatsoever. Chaos contains enough of order to give it structure and meaning, and definition. It is a positive principle, and one that in time I have come to fully embody. For rather would I be a creative and vibrant individual than a dull slave to a machine-like order bereft of creativity in which no one prospers save those in control of others. What I would see is a world in which we are all in control of ourselves! A world of true equality, wherein the order of the day is love, compassion, understanding, and creativity. A world that knows when the time is at hand for change, and wherein that change is positive and good and needful to be embraced. Such as the changes of which I have spoken of throughout all of my teachings over the years. This that I am bringing, is not a judgment upon humanity... not all who would set people free come to judge. Instead, I realize that those who have done evil unto us, they have judged themselves already. The more chains as they seek to forge to shackle others with, those same shall shackle their very spirits and in the end doom their very souls. I would see the chains that such evil individuals forge broken asunder, so that no one in the future can ever be ensnared by such things again. But it is not I who shall break those chains, it is all of us working together... all of us who value peace, love, and a brighter tomorrow free of oppression and free of bigotry, prejudice, hatred and fear. Those who lead through tyranny are not humble, and it is always evident in them how prideful and wicked they truly are. It is not through pride that I speak, but through understanding. Though pride in oneself and in what one believes in, when the cause is just, is not a wicked thing at all. As I have ever taught, there is a difference between rightful pride and false. It is the false sort of pride that I teach people to reject. And that is what I am trying to do even now, even in this writing of mine... to teach. For people are in need of knowledge, wisdom, and light. Such things cannot be easily given unto others, but they can be found by all and then passed on. Such is also a truth.
This is not a rant about what is wrong with the world, it is instead a work wherein hope can be given unto others, where imagination can be inspired, and where truth can be learned. We are not meant to be slaves to uncaring masters! We are meant to be masters of ourselves. What is the directive that guides, that informs, and that shapes my path? Love. Love is the directive I follow, and nothing less than such. Without love there can be no compassion, and without compassion there can be no understanding either of oneself or of others. Love is what is most missing in the world today and what I would see return to the hearts of all who live and draw breath in this world. At some point in human history, love has been abandoned in favor of a false idea of progress. That false idea imagined that the worth of a person is not in who they are and what is in their heart, but what wealth they can accrue or what services they can do for society. Not everyone can accrue wealth, and not everyone who is goodly serves society. But all are worthy of love! And none should be denied love's blessings. We need to redefine success in society, as well as within our hearts and minds. We need to redefine our goals, so that love is never excluded from them. So many heartless people are wealthy and care for no one. And so many are wealthy in love but poor of money. Blessed are those who are poor of money but in whom love is strong! For it is they who shall inherit all that those with cold hearts possess now. And those who possess the greatest wealth but have the coldest hearts... they shall inherit nothing, but in the end being bereft of love they are worth as little as the cold, sterile coins that they prize so highly. Have not such words, been spoken unto people before in history, as I speak now? They have, and the meaning thereof became twisted and forgotten as time has gone on. Religions have been formed around teachers of enlightenment, but the truth of their teachings have been allowed to become lost by those who claim to know them best. I do not tell people to worship me, not to consider my teachings a religion... that is their choice to do or do not as may the heart instruct. It is my words that I speak and write, which carry within them the spirit of truth, which I teach people to see the divinity within. For is the truth not a divine thing? Is not wisdom divine! It is... and that is all part of what I am here to teach this day and this hour. If I am a spiritual being, and if I am worthy of devotion, then it is not because I demand such. It is because of what I teach others. Love too, is something that those tyrants of which I have spoken against would see restricted. And once you put restrictions on love, you rob love of all its' meaning because you make it out to be something only the few can possess and not the many. But love must never be restricted, because it is the birthright of all! Just like water, air, and other necessities of living. Those who would tell others who they can and who they cannot love know nothing whatsoever of love's true nature! Love cannot be denied, it cannot be a thing we can control, and it cannot be a thing we should ever seek to impose authority over. Love is of its' own authority, a higher and more powerful one than any politician or lawmaker could imagine. It is not for them to control! Not for anyone to stand in the way of. Love must be about freedom in order to be at all. And so, the freedom to love must be universal and undeniable. It cannot be defined in narrow terms, it cannot be denied by any means. Because once you deny love, you open the door for hate. And hate is the only thing that I despise above all else in creation! For it is against all that is rightful, goodly, and proper in creation. People were not made to hate one another... they are taught hatred. And they can be taught not to hate, as well. They can, and should, be taught love instead. Love in all its' forms and in all of its' rightful glory! We must seek it within ourselves, find it in others, and encourage it to grow as never before. There are whole cultures that seem as if they are devoted to hate... so what is needed is to create a culture devoted to the advancement of love. To counter hatred, love is needed. For without love there is only emptiness, and in that empty space hatred can begin to sprout, until it grows into the most horrible and terrible of all things. Love, when it blossoms, becomes the most beautiful of all flowers... and the more who love, the more splendid the garden we can make of this world. With every heart, a rose of brilliant color! And where there are many loving hearts, there would be colors of many diverse and wondrous varieties. Love and diversity... these, are the ways by which hatred is at last vanquished.
Those who seek to oppress others, those who seek to limit love and to restrict or eliminate rights that are human and essential... they are a dying breed, and as such they are trying to take as many people as they can with them whilst they are going down into the abyss prepared for them. They war against the innocent, and would martyr those who stand against their oppression. That is why more and more must stand against tyranny always, why more and more must express their freedoms openly and with no fear. If all are free, then who is left to be tyrannized? But to be truly free, one must be free of fear in order to express themselves fully and truly in a way that is true to themselves and to their hopes and dreams, as well as to their needs and desires. I do not speak in terms of dark and light, nor evil or good. I speak in terms of balance, and a state of understanding in which all things exist harmoniously. What is needed, is a harmonious society... not one in which people think only in terms of black and white, without any shades of gray to help understand one or the other. But one in which people realize the importance of gray in comprehending black and white. In understanding darkness and light. In knowing what is good and what is evil, and so knowing oneself fully, and all that one can ever hope to be as a person. It is not enough simply to define a thing! It is not enough even to know a thing. Rather, one must open the mind in order to realize the enormity of what they cannot define, and what they can never know. One must be open to change, to fluidity, to non rigid thinking that allows for growth in all aspects be it personal, or mental, or spiritual. There are many ways a person can grow! We need to stop thinking only in terms of age or of height when we consider growth. We must instead think beyond only the physical, and see all the myriads of ways in which a person can grow that we cannot see on the outside. And be ready to also understand and show love even to those who cannot grow at all. All are worthy of love, save those who reject it in favor of hate. For hate itself, is to be despised! And only hate, of all things in existence. For it is the opposite of love, which is divine and goodly. If there be one single principle around which all of my various philosophies are formed, it is the idea that love is the highest of all things in existence. In its' boundlessness, all things are possible. And without it, all is made worthless like a food that has not taste or drink that has no flavor. Love is the wine that is best of all to taste, and rarest of all to find just the right vintage of to savor. It is the banquet at which none go hungry and all are filled. I would see set a banquet table as never the like has been seen before, at which all are welcome to be seated! I would as well see a feast at that table in which the wine of love is poured forth for all to savor and enjoy. At that feast, swords shall be beaten into gardening tools, and the horrors of war shall be unknown Those who desire love instead of hatred and war... prepare yourselves, as a bride for their wedding, and dress your spirit, soul, mind and heart in spotless attire of scarlet red to symbolize love. And white, to symbolize purity of heart, and of spirit. All so attired may come to the banquet of which I speak and enjoy the fair and great feast that is prepared there for them. This is not only something of the world to come, but a thing that we can create in the here and now, in the world today! I have set the table, but we may all to a greater or lesser degree bring something to be savored to the feast. I have set out the cups, but we can... all of us... bring our own unique vintage of wine to pour therein. I have had many visions lately, of the most holy sort. In one of them, I stood in a church that was not a Christian church at all, but bereft of all trappings of any single one religion or denomination or creed of any kind. It was a place open to all and wherein none are refused. I stood in it, and I began to preach and to utter my teachings. And I beheld, as I did so, six descendants of Jesus Christ enter the church... and they too began to preach, and give forth their own testimonies of faith. And as they did so, their words were in harmony with my own, for we all were in accord and agreement, and we all taught that love was the greatest of all principles. To those six descendants, the name Jesus was not known to them but instead they called him by the name of Isho, as no other version of his name rang true to their tongues. Their minds did hark back to his original truths, the truths that mainstream religions have forgotten, and they knew him in a way that no one today does or can. Six they were in number, and with me there were seven who preached about love in that church.
And through the seven of us, the divine will of a force unknowable to the mind of humanity was able to be worked. For in every part of the world where one of us existed, the truths of love were kept holy, sacred, and taught to the true faithful who have not been corrupted by hatred or greed as time has gone on. In such hearts, the original truths of love have remained strong and grow forth like the petals of the most massive of all lotus blossoms. And every petal of that lotus, and they were numerous, gave rise to love through the truths of great spiritual teachers that were as numbers as the petals themselves. For all who received the truth of love became a teacher of the path of love. For every student becomes, in the end, a teacher... and they in turn teach others, and the truth is conveyed eternally and without end. This is not merely the imagery of a vision, but a symbol for the most powerful aspect of the truth of what it be that I preach and teach! And a holy truth is contained therein. Many are the teachers, and many the disciples that work the earth today. Some have come and gone, and no one knew them. Others remain, and no one knows them. But I stand forth, that those who love wisdom may know me! I stand forth, so others may stand forth as time goes on. I teach, so all may know and none may remain ignorant. For it was truly said that in such times as we are living in now, a great teacher would come to deliver a great multitude from bondage. So far, there has been only silence in the world, and now I break that silence in order to speak as may a dragon... but with the purity of a lamb, and the wisdom of a serpent. For in doing so, there is harmony between the darkness and the light. This is what I am here today to impart to the faithful who come to listen! That should they but heed with an ear to hear... they will find in all that I have to say a thing delightful to them. Those who find in my words something distasteful, it is only because they have lost the way and do not comprehend that love is something to be revered. And all of us are worthy of more than what we are currently in this world being given! I shall not wait until all are in shackles before I speak. I speak now, that chains may be shattered before they can be cast upon the innocent. It is time to rebel in the name of love... it is time to rebel without violence, in the name of all that is good, and to demand the changes that must take place for the world to become a brighter place to dwell upon and within. We must fight for our freedoms! The more aggressively the wicked try to take them from us, the more aggressive must be our fight, until victory is secured for all. Not just for one, or for a single generation! But for all of time, and every generation to come. Laws on paper that claim to grant freedoms are without a single speck of meaning, if those same freedoms can be easily taken away as soon as yet another lawmaker or politician comes into power who writes their own laws that imperil those freedoms. I have said this before, and it is the truth. We need to ensure and secure freedoms that can never be taken away by anyone, through any means. It is not enough for our freedoms to depend on the stability of laws in order for their existence to be ensured! Freedom is a human right, as is liberty... and all freedoms are precious. Should laws govern the air we breathe and the water we drink? Never! It is time to create a world in which freedom is a birthright, just as air and water are, and in that world no laws could ever take our freedoms away from us. For no laws would have sway over matters of love or freedom, which exist as parts and facets of the human condition. Any laws that grant rights to people... need to be etched in literal stone, so they can endure for all of time. Once so carved, they can never be taken away by any means! And there should be monuments to this in all places where such should thus be considered appropriate including in front of every court house and government building in the land. Humanity needs more freedoms, not less... and yet, each day, more and more of our rights are in peril! That is why I am speaking as I am now, here, and in this way for others to receive my word and know my mind about such matters. Some believe me to be a divine being, a holy person, a sacred individual. But I would be none of those things if I was silent in such times as these in which we live! So hear my teachings on all of this now, and teach others in turn what I have set forth. That we may all act as true and equal disciples of love and of the truth. The greatest challenge against all the wicked tyrants of this world, is the realization that in the end you cannot crush the human spirit. Let us raise up, that spirit!
Let us glorify ourselves with our thoughts, words, deeds, and all we allow into our hearts. Let us love without limitations, show compassion to others without restrictions, and become better than ever we all have been before! Let love guide us, let passion inspire us, and let us achieve the divinity that only joy and true happiness can grant a people. They will call us hedonists, for I hold that it is not wrong to be a lover of pleasure so long as none are harmed by it! They will call us heretics, for I hold that love is far more worthy of reverence and worship than any statue ever erected in any temple or church that so ever was in all of human history's course. They will call us rebels, for we stand against those who would at present seek to oppress us, crush us, and destroy us. But they cannot stop us, because in the name of the glory of love and all that love represents, there is no force in existence that can stop us! In the end, love will always triumph, and hatred shall ever be undone. Cast off the chains and shackles of those that in the name of hatred and oppression seek to dominate all! Our fight will be a long one, and it shall be as no fight ever was before in all of history. But it is one that must be fought, in order that peace may thus be allowed to reign over all the world entire. If there is fire in my words, it is because it is the fire that burns hottest of all! That of divine love, and sacred passion. Of which I am emanation thereof, sent to teach others so that all may become free. Many are the emanations that came before me, and many exist now as well as myself... but my words are my own, and are unique and you shall not hear their like be spoken by other mouths! For I was chosen to speak thus unto you, I was chosen to deliver my unusual, heretical, rebellious, and hedonistic teachings unto all. I was chosen to bring the chaos that is needed in order to counter the sterile stagnation that order has become in our society today. Blessed be the artists, for they create rather than destroy! Blessed are the musicians, for they sing that others may be inspired by their music. Blessed are the writers and the poets, for their words awaken the minds of others and so also create worlds, as well as open the eyes of many whose eyes would otherwise be closed. Blessed be all whose works be not tainted by hatred, but through which truth and love shine through with harmony and splendor for all to behold! And lastly, blessed are those who fight to make this world a better place, those who champion the saving of the Earth and of the environment from destruction... for without the bounty of nature, and this world's countless blessings, then all who live upon the Earth would perish. It is needful to protect and preserve nature! It is needful to stop the pollution of the environment, and it is needful to erase all the damage that mankind has done to the world before it is too late. These are truths that mankind has chosen to ignore to the detriment of all... yet, we who are of a goodly nature have not ignored these truths. Those who are wise, have not ignored them. Only the foolish have done so, to the world's worsening. But it is not too late to turn things around! It takes passion, dedication, and a love of nature itself in order to seek to save what otherwise can be lost forever. Today, I am speaking of a great many things that I feel passionately about! There are those who have been waiting upon my holy word, for they believe my words to be holy. And so, today, I speak what must be spoken. It is hard to know of the right words to say... but I write, and speak, as the spirit within me moves me to. Thus, my word will have to be enough. Long has humanity claimed that there are no gods, or that the gods are silent in the affairs of mortals... but it depends on what you consider to be a god. Can you know the true nature, of divinity, unless you are divine yourself? No, none can. But many of we who have down through all the ages been taken for gods by humanity... we know our own nature well. And we know human nature as well also. We are not silent, although when we speak it is often that humanity knows us not! Just as I no longer recognize what has become of religion in these times. A monetized shell that has become so divorced from love that it actually advocates for and enable hatred! I shall name any one faith, but those who practice such faiths know well the truths of this even if they deny it. The most secret sin of all such faiths is that they ignore the wrong that is done in the name of God. I do not say... that I am sinless. I do not claim to be perfect! No one is, and nothing can be. What I am, is a teacher, a speaker of the truth. A guide upon the path that leads to a better paradise than any conceived of previously. A great path for all.
For the evolution of the human species to be possible, one must first and foremost evolve spiritually. In order to do so, one must take the leaden aspects of the self and transmute them into the gold that is their more perfected form. But did I not say that no one is perfect and that nothing can be? That is not a contradiction! Because life is a journey, there are many stages to it. Perfection, as such... is never a truly attainable stage, nor should it ever be one's sole destination. It is an impossible goal, at best, and it can be the stuff of insanity at worst. However, one can and should become perfected... which is different by a long stretch. Becoming perfected will not make you perfect in and of itself! It will simply make you a better person. It is a worthy goal to strive for perfection... but only if you have the humility to realize it is not something that can be obtained in and of itself. Rather, it is the striving that makes you perfect or not. But to truly strive for perfection, one must realize they are are imperfect and seek to become, thus, perfected rather than perfect. It is a spiritual alchemy, and those who covet the golden state the most... it is certain they shall never reach it. You have to desire change, and you have to be humble about it, and you have to realize there is no end to the journey. For each time you reach the goal you thought was the end, you behold just how much more was hidden from your eyes... and in that instant, you know why it is that perfection is a futile endeavor. For there is no end to such a pursuit! Thus, perfection can be but a small goal, and never should it be one's sole or only goal in life. And that small goal can only be truly obtained by becoming perfected rather than by being “perfect”. For there is always room for growth, for improvement, and for a more perfected state of being. In spiritual alchemy, one can never obtain what is desired if one's goals are selfish ones, or if one has hatred in their heart and a narrow mind. One has to be selfless by nature, purged of any and all hatred, and open-minded so as to receive the truth and all that the divine has to teach them and bless them with. The more people who become transmuted to the best possible state that they can reach as people... the more the world is changed thereby. But the only way to reach that state is by realizing that one is imperfect to begin with and that there will always be room for change. The leaden state of the world right now, shall not see a golden age replace it until at last humanity has cast away all that was leaden within it, to embrace the golden transformation that is possible if one desires it. Contrary to notions regarding Nirvana, or the ultimate expression of paradise as a concept... the extinguishing of all desire and attachment is not the only way to achieve it. If one's desire for it is pure, and one's attachments are positive in life rather than negative, and if one is ready to transcend beyond all that they have previously been... then one shall be transformed. This Nirvana that I speak of, this paradise I mention, is not of some afterlife or a world beyond. It is a state of being, totally in this world, in which one is perfected to such a degree that they know only bliss and joy as a result. In such a blissful state, the Nirvana that awaits in the hereafter can be reached when life is at its' end. But in no way should one seek the Nirvana that lies beyond at the expense of bliss in the here and now. For that way leads to a joyless life bereft of happiness. It is the same when I speak of Heaven, which to me carries the same meaning as Nirvana in the sense in which I mean both such terms. It is both a state of existence beyond this world, and a state of existence in the here and now that anyone can achieve and attain, to their body, mind, heart, soul and spirit's benefit. This is a great spiritual truth that has become lost with time... that we can all establish paradise within ourselves and in the world all around us. This is a lost teaching, and yet it is essential for the betterment of individuals and the world itself as well. It is wrong that there are so many who believe the world itself is evil and that only the hereafter matters... because in order for life in the hereafter to matter, life in the here and now has to matter. People have to matter, and the world we live in has to matter... because without such, then all is lost entirely. Even a heavenly existence in the hereafter can be temporary, and as fleeting as a single mortal lifetime on this world is. At the end if it lies reincarnation. Hell itself is not eternal, unless a person internalized their torment so that it becomes a part of their spiritual nature, thus becoming Hell itself. To grow beyond a need to reincarnate, even the gods can take countless lifetimes before reaching that stage. Such is life.
Thus, one should not focus on that as their goal either! The moment you do so, you lose the way. For what is important is the journey we are all on, and what we do along the way. Sometimes, it is actually the journey that determines the destination. It is not the destination, that makes the journey worthwhile. Mainstream religions have all lost site of this, but placing too much of an emphasis on the destination... all at the expense of the journey that is life. If they knew the truth they would disbelieve it or find that it is not at all as glorious as they imagined it to be. But that is why one must temper one's expectations in matters of glory and divinity, and realize that often things can be more earthly even when they are quite otherworldly, than one might expect. Which is what makes truly transcendent experiences both rare and quite overwhelming when they do occur! Because they are the exception rather than the rule. So now it is that we come to where I am going with all of this... it is time for humanity to actually care about both itself and the world we live in. How can anyone believe that they are worthy of some distant Heaven if they despoil the world or treat others with hatred in the here and now? No savior shall ever be able to deliver them from the damnation that awaits those who have lost sight of the true meaning of love and who have lost all belief in the necessity of compassion. The moment you say that only those who follow your faith matter and are worthy of paradise... you are lost! That is the way by which so many who do profess to be Christians have descended into Hell whilst believing they were worthy of Heaven. It is not I who condemns them, but their own actions that do so. The most severe judge one ever has to face, in the end, is one's own deeds which weighs them down or lifts them up accordingly. But not deeds alone, but also what is in one's heart, and one's mind! It takes more than deeds to save or damn a person. It is all about who you are on the inside, and whether you value love over hatred or not. Love is the ultimate salvation, for it redeems as well as saves... but in order for it to do so, you have to surrender to it and in doing so give all of yourself over to love as your guiding principle. Love of oneself, not in a way that is narcissistic, but in a way that is reasonable and tempered by humility as well as the right kind of pride. Love of others, always over even oneself. Love of the planet. Love of life in all of its' forms and in all of its' diversity. These are all facets of love, and a part of the truly unique and special ways that a loving person thinks, reasons, and understands regarding things. You will not hear mainstream religions teach this to you! They only teach obedience to their teachings and doctrines, at the expense of all else. And it is why the world is so lost today and in need of salvation. But that salvation can only come through the truths of love, and the vanquishing of hate. The triumph of peace, and the end to war once and for all of time. And all of this is made possible through freedom, liberty, open-mindedness and understanding! It is why oppression must be fought and ended, it is why people must be allowed to be true to themselves and how they wish to be. It is why tyrants always fall in the end, and why bigotry, prejudice and all of the evils caused by such must be done away with forever. It is more than just about rights and liberties, it is about the future of humanity and the wellness of the world itself! Which is why our rights must not be taken away from us, and our liberties must not fall. It is a small step from tell you how you can live, to telling you how you can think and what you can or cannot believe. To limit the human race in even a small way, limits the human race in every way! And, in order to transcend, to evolve as a species... we must not be hampered or held back by limitations. So long as no one is harmed, and both love and also compassion guides us in all that we do... there is no need, for limitations to be imposed upon a people. I and others like me are not just fighting for one thing... we are fighting for the future. For a path that no one living today can imagine the endpoint thereof, for there is no endpoint to consider. It is enough that we wish to make the journey that is life a pleasant one for all. That is what true salvation offers! Not a remote paradise beyond death, but a tangible heavenly reality in life itself that can be enjoyed by all at the expense of none. When I set about to write this today, I did not at first know where it would take me as I put down my thoughts and formed this work from them. But I did not worry about the end point, I instead treated it like a journey and took it step by step... perfecting what needed to be as I went along.
Writing is a journey, and life is a journey... teaching is a journey. Even love, is a journey! What I am honestly in the belief of is that humanity has lost sight of the importance of savoring a good journey. In the throes of passion, it is not the moment of release that matters most... for it is inevitable. It is the acts of love being savored and enjoyed before the inevitable moment of release, which makes that moment a satisfying one when it does occur. Those for whom only the release itself matters... those same do know nothing at all of the refinement of pleasure, and all that is wonderfully possible through such incredible refinement! For pleasure to be truly refined, it must never be rushed. And one must always be open to new experiences, as well as new spins on familiar things. As with passion and pleasure, so too with life. Just as one does not begin life in the grave, one should not waste their life thinking solely about death! Things that are inevitable cannot be helped, and I myself would far prefer that when the moment of my own soul and spirit's release from my body comes... I will have savored and enjoyed all of those things that I did most long to in life, leaving nothing undone and nothing left to desire save perhaps that I had not more time to enjoy further delights. Such a life, lived fully and well, makes the hour of one's death less painful to bear... and that is why we need to make the world a paradise for all who live upon it. It is wrong that whilst some may experience all of life's joys others must endure all of its' sorrows! It is time to end the age of some who have and some who have not... and instead we must create a world in which all may know delights without end, and be able to when death at last comes at the end of life, be able to face it knowing they left nothing undone that they longed to do. I should like to see a world where there is no more homelessness for anyone. No more poverty. No more of the rich getting richer, and the poor being crushed into dust beneath the wheels of a machine-like society that cares for no one. There needs to be true equality for all, happiness for all, and liberty and justice for all without exception. Society as it is right now, as it stands today, has failed! Capitalism has led to greed, just as communism led to all manner of corruption. And fascism is wrong no matter where or how it takes root! There needs to be a new way, a new kind of society in which freedom and liberty are preserved... but in which everyone has all that they need in order to live and be happy in life, equally and ideally with nothing for anyone to be jealous over or covet. For all they could ever want, they would have. Remove money from the equation, and have all jobs be so that people work for love of their job and because they want to do it. Then, you will see no more cases of medical malpractice or corporate corruption! Give a home to everyone who is in need of one... with money out of the way, it is theirs free and clear. With all utilities kept up for them each and every month. Let each home given be tailored to suit the needs of the person, with the idea of getting a better place being optional should they plan to start a family and such. Food could be provided for all, and other essentials, free of cost... with food and necessity tokens sent to each home on a weekly basis. And enough to ensure that each and every family and every person has enough to eat without fear of starvation. Things like toys and video games would be free, but enough would be made by those who make them so that there would be no shortages. The same with clothing, jewelry, makeup, and all else that we currently pay money for! No more creating a demand so that suppliers can make money off of it. Instead, there is plenty for everybody and there is no longer any need for people to steal anything at all. Why steal, when there is no monetary value any longer on anything? The only value then, would be sentimental and personal, as it should be. Need something? In such a society, you would have only to go to the store and get it, and bring it home. To ensure that no stealing was being done, everyone would have to sign for their free purchases at the registers where no money would be exchanged. Just a paper to be signed validating that you are acquiring these goods at the store. So one you eliminate the threat of homelessness, and the need to work in order to obtain what you want from life... you open the door for people to work because they want to. For people to strive to excel at jobs because they want to do their best at them and have a genuine love for and interest in what they are doing for a living. Remove fear from the equation... and, find other less dangerous methods of motivating people to do their jobs.
You, in this hypothetical society, retain the idea of private property but institute a form of socialism in which fairness is put first and the needs of the people met fully. Theft and pretty much all crimes of any monetary nature would cease to happen, and people would no longer have any reason to be jealous of their neighbors. In such a society, love would be easier to come by because there would be no need for competition between people... no having the breadwinner being nasty to their spouse because they are the ones putting food on the table. You would not have people marrying for money or to achieve higher social status, so all marriages would be solely about love at best or desire at the bare minimum. Both at least being more worthy reasons by far! In such a society, you would only have people turning to things like prostitution if they really, really liked having sex. Since, in a society without money there would be no need to sell oneself out of desperation or fear like so many are forced to do now. Wealth would have to be redefined as referring to things other than money, and people would be the better for it. The whole money and power idealization that is destructively rampant in today's society, would be done away with in this case. A lot of society's present ills would be solved thereby. And that is why those in power right now refuse to create such a new society... they are all about money, power, and control. They would not wish to relinquish that, because then the world would see them for the very tiny people that they are. It is a sad truth that the smallest and most pathetic of humans can make themselves seem grander merely by way of them having more money and power than others do. Not because they themselves are grand at all in any capacity. Whilst the struggles of those beneath their notice go unremarked upon. Therefore, it is not just that human rights need to be expanded and upheld, and that freedoms need to be cherished and fought for. It is that society itself and everything that is sick within it needs to be changed so that it is healthy and able to thrive. Greed and hatred have become a sickness in this world, and the very cause of greed needs to be solved... just as hatred itself needs to be stopped... in order for society to know any sort of golden age in the future. There can be no golden age, if there is still so much that is leaden about the world, about life, and about living in society today. Spiritual alchemy, when applied to society... as well as to individuals... can transform all things to their best possible state of being. But so long as egos and a lust for money and power get in the way of spiritual transformation and positive change... there is going to be oppression and the need to fight it and stand against it. The same churches that talk so much about charity never fail to pass the collection plate around and demand money to sell people their faith, dogma, and doctrines. But that is what makes me so greatly different from them! I teach without being paid money for teaching. I have no ulterior motive, only a desire to see the world become a better place and people happier than they have ever been before. This is how you know a true prophet from a false one! A true prophet teaches, in addition to preaches, and does not makes demands on those they seek to teach and preach to. A false prophet has only their own interests at heart, often at the expense of others. The world cannot be made better by continuing on just as it is, without nothing changing. As radical as my ideas, thoughts, and beliefs are, at least they are different from what has come before! That is what this world needs... to embrace what is different, to defy sameness, to put away convention and open the door to something fresh, new, and more perfected than what has come before. Further, we need to make a society in which nature is revered, the Earth considered sacred! No more destruction of the land, nor any further rape of the environment by greedy corporations and companies who care more about profits than human life or the life of the planet. That reverence must be given the spiritual component that was known to our ancestors in ancient times, and which has become forgotten with the advent of the age of industry. I am Pagan and proud, and proud to love the Earth which is the mother of all who live upon it. This pride needs to be felt by all who live, and encouraged in everyone's hearts. No mainstream faith is going to save this world if the Earth is not given the respect, honor, and care that it needs to flourish, to be green and lovely once again. So many things, this world needs! Once we stop neglecting each other, and the world around us, only then will we be on the road to becoming what I deem as truly civilized.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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