
A babbling brook trickles off to the side of the
bride and groom as they stand at a rustic stone
altar. The altar is covered with paper lanterns and
daisy chains. A quartet plays melodically.

He is dressed in a lush tuxedo with a button collar
shirt and she is adorned in a white satin gown, her
hair dressed in a messy bun with mums, dahlias and
thistle. On her wrists are pure platinum wire arm
cuffs of dragonfly and Celtic love knot design. Scent
of lavender and jasmine mingles with the fresh essence
of the woodland.

The sun sits just above the horizon and its rays
trickle through the forest trees to surround the
couple in an eventide glow. Light splashes over
the guests as they sit on rough wooden benches
made from cedar logs.

In the sylvan setting are large tables, hewn from timber
and laden with an assortment of lavish foods. Large
roasts of beef, whole golden brown chickens sit
silently on silver platters. Roasted root vegetables,
along with meats, cheeses and pickles line the table’s
surface. Chilled stone flagons full of wines glisten with
condensation and gold goblets glint in the fading light.
An honouring feast.
Written by Poetic_Quill (Mister Write)
Author's Note
Described somebody’s ideal wedding. 😁
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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