I entered space and stood off afar
I watched the Earth spin off it's axis and slam into Mars
A cue ball effect took place
Venus and Jupiter were both erased

The debris of Mars and Jupiter tore through Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus
Earth and Venus ripped Mercury a new anus
Spun off their axis, nothing but debris, they can no longer resist the pulling of the Sun
And the Sun pulled until Pluto stood where the Earth stood once

The temperature of that rock began to rise
Cracks formed in the face of the rock as steam rose from the ice
An atmosphere was formed trapping the oxygen below the sky
Land mass were formed and some met their demise

As water filled in the voids, oceans were formed
The clouds have became so heavy, but they can't even storm
They need motivation to release their surplus weight
An asteroid crashes from deep space and the clouds weight is abate

This asteroid brought frozen life from deep within space
In this warm environment, life was off to the races
Single cell organisms multiplied at an amazing pace
Water organisms ventured on to land simply for a taste

Slowly farther and farther, no longer swimming, they began to walk
Their mode of communicating lost, they began to talk
They formed groups and built their own communities
Hate developed, I don't like him, and he doesn't like me

They decided to form lines and build dangerous weapons
Others formed their own lines and built even more dangerous weapons
Constantly searching for more powerful material for more powerful bombs
Seems no one did their research as to how this all begun

Seems the inhabitants of Earth got along this very same way
They built bigger and more dangerous bombs thinking it was okay
They thought that it was cool stockpiling these weapons of mass destruction
Until eight planets were destroyed, when some fool decided to push the button
Written by I_IS_ME
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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