The Paisley River - and other poems of 2022

  The Paisley River
The sun comes down to dance on the river
Its colours attract a band of nude bathers  
Looking to wash the dirt
From their sweating sun-browned bodies  
The river doesn’t discriminate  
Like the righteous dead  
Paisley currents spin and swirl  
All the way from the Persian sand  
Across the seas to California  
They wanted to get closer to the gods  
Before the sun falls behind the hills  

The Leaves that fall and Grow back again

Do not sink when your sunshine fades
The joy you felt will be felt again
The sparks that buzz for those you love
Will recharge and flicker neo blue
The times you think you’ve lost forever
When you feel like the sun
That warmed your heart
Will never rise
Those days you cherished will grow back
Sure as the leaves return to a wintered tree
Sure as the tides flood back into the bay
Sure as the daisies open after the dawn
Your darkness is a temporary spin
The joy you felt will be felt again
Let fools laugh at what they fail to understand
You will be dealt another hand

The Glimmer, one and two  (inspired by many love poems from DUP)

And just like that the darkness was gone
The moonless ocean crossed
The raging waves calm
And a glimmer
A diamond glimmer
In the coal mine darkness
Shone back at me

And I followed it across the ocean
Back to your warm embrace
Back to your sweet smile
I am caught in your eyes
The glimmer
Calling me home
To a kiss
Sailing me back
To you

The darkness of the night ocean
Is a pure and honest dark
I embrace it
I watched the ink wash across the sky at twilight
I knew then there was a shine
To the world
A flame lit hidden beauty
I knew we all had seen
I had seen it
If only for the second
Of a glimmering diamond in the dark
I had seen it
And It was worth the journey
To see that second of light
That second of hope
In the eyes of the night
Calling me home
To a kiss
Sailing me back
To you

The March of the Dispossessed

We gathered in the grey city morning
To march against the war
Some people shouted loud
Some walked in silence
Some got stoned.
I had this teenage belief
That we could stop it
If we marched against it
It made us feel better
To be the minority
Standing Proud against the war
I learnt that powerful men
Will override the people
They fight dirty
They hold the aces
They will shoot before
They give up their fortunes
We gathered in the grey city morning
And the sun broke through in the afternoon
Some people banged drums
Some sang songs
I wandered along
Standing proud against the war

Diamond suns

He hunts the stars
Eternity his stride
Never catching his meal

The movement of your lips

It’s miraculous that anyone could smile round here
But they do
Smiles that burn the ice off your heart
It’s a miracle that anyone smiles at all anymore
But they do
Smiles that reassure you that you’re alive

Laughter’s as rare as a marsh orchid
But it is heard
Laughter that brings tears
Laughter you feel in your ribs the next day
And it’s those moments
That make the grey world bearable

More Diamond Suns

The queen of the night
Ruling her vast eternity
From an empty throne

The Sweet Scent of Seasoned Alder

It begins with warmth, a need for warmth
It ends with ash, pale grey ash

Written by James_A_Knight
Published | Edited 27th Jan 2023
Author's Note
I put them in one place. to clear some space.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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