The Waiting Room

This do-it-yourself
death business
isn't for me
I'm far too squeamish
even the thought
of a needle going in
why I'd faint at the sight
and it takes me forever
to swallow one pill
who would water the ferns
and feed Oscar
the rascal from the block next door
I'm important
I might be all he has

I remember
when the place was full
when there was never
a moment for myself
and now
I've all the time in the world
so I'm waiting
for as long as it takes
just until
I'm called

People see me differently
they probably think I'm
missing a slice of pie
because my hair's turned white
and my hands shake
when I don't want them to
It doesn't mean I'm nuts
inside I still feel the same

That nice girl at the market
the one I always talk to
I think she understands
but most young people
they're all too busy
to stop and say hello

They're in a rush
to keep up with the world
ears full of cellphones
They go by so fast
when it's dangerous enough
with all the leaves on the ground
Why do they need
their music so loud

One day
they'll all slow down
They'll learn the art
of quiet and still
just like me
because here in the waiting room
that's the way
life goes
Written by Abracadabra
Published | Edited 3rd Feb 2023
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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