A letter home from a soldier

Dear Mom
       I have a few days left until I come home. I however will not be alone. I have such a friend that is like a brother to me. We have became so close you will see
                           Love Son

Dear Son
      It is so great to hear from you. Is it an old friend, or someone new?
We have no problem if he comes with you; he can stay a day or two. 
                   Love Mom&Dad

Dear Mom
        I must tell you that while in combat he has lost an arm. Their is plenty of room for both of us on the farm. Mom he is just like a brother to me. Give him a chance and you will see. 
                         Love Son

Dear Son
      It will be ok for him to stay.  For it seems in the military that was his price to pay. He can still help the best he can. Even though he has only has one hand. 
                 Love Mom&Dad

Dear Mom
         That is good news to hear for he will be full of cheer. I must tell you also in combat that he has lost a leg. Please welcome him as if your own I beg. He is such a friend to me. If it wasn't for him. I would no longer be. 
                        Love Son

Dear Son
       I'm sorry to inform you this way. For your father and I can't  let your friend stay. We have no place or time for a crippled man around this home. 
It would not be save for him to roam.  
                      Love Mom & Dad

Two weeks latter their son arrives in a casket . It was not big enough for him to fit His cause of death was suicide. When they looked deep inside. That's when they were alarmed. Their son was missing a leg and a arm. 
Written by Atropabelladonna (Atro)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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