Smoking is bad for you

I breathe you in with every cigarette that you left
Me with an addiction, an affliction, of what is right and wrong
And where the hell I belong
Somewhere in this smoke I guess...
‘Why does Mummy have fire?’
“Because she wants to burn’
How can I tell you these words?
That trapped me, sapped me of all my strength
Cursed creativity for you I bent
All the rules broken and now I’m just choking
Smoke willows next to my heart
A lung just an organ that failed to start
Protesting against your lies
Coughing up the black shit that refused to fly
Away with every exhalation I take
Until I’m back here, where I never thought I would be
Nicotine tears smoking up a chimney
That never existed and could not be swept
Nailing up your deep regret
Forget it, forget me you say
But take the cigarettes and go on your way!
Take my fucking lighter
You might need that too
To burn through the words
Any ash tray will do
Fill it to the brim where I used to be
Yellow stained fingers flick the residue free
Written by Dudette
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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