Seduced (Part I of Part IV)
Las Vegas, Nevada
The Next Morning
Kincaid read over the contracts and title deeds to Shaylynn’s two ballet schools. He lifted them up and was on the verge of tearing them into after her betrayal replayed in his mind.
There was a knock on his door.
Kincaid placed the contracts and two title deeds down on his desk.
“Come in.”
Geoffrey opened the door and walked into Kincaid’s office. He shut the door behind his entrance.
“What can I do for you Geoffrey? And make it quick, I do not have all day.”
Geoffrey cleared his throat.
“Sir, I have been in contact with the builder inspector and contractor for the Watchtower Hotel and Casino. He has agreed to your discreet proposal, however, under one condition.”
“The condition.”
“He stated this small favor is to stay between all parties involved.”
“I hope you had the common sense to advise him, I am a man of principles.”
“Yes sir, and there’s more.”
“Well spill it.”
“He is also requesting unlimited stays in the presidential penthouse suite.”
“Yes, he specified, unlimited visits sir.”
“You get on the phone and advise him one visit per year.”
“Yes sir.”
Kincaid looked at the titles and deeds on his desk. He looked back up.
“Is there anything else worth mentioning to me Geoffrey?”
“Mr. Livoski, what becomes of…Miss. Forrester, and this ring you stated she has in her possession?”
Kincaid looked down at his watch.
“She has two hours, and then I proceed with legal action.”
“The same woman who you profess to be your fiancée?”
“And she still is.”
Geoffrey palmed his chin down.
“I’m confused sir.”
“Do you really think, I would give up a woman to that dick sucking bastard, Matao. A woman who is young, beautiful, good pussy, keeps my bed warm, my dick satisfied, and fertile enough to give me heirs, hell know! If Matao wants my fiancée, then he will have to come through me to get her.”
“But sir, you said...”
“Dammit! I know what the fuck I said to you, but it’s totally altered than what I stated to my fiancée. As long as Shaylynn knows I can dangle her mentality at my whim, then she has no wiggle room to squirm. No, she will marry me, or I will make her life a living hell.”
“Very clever sir, if I’m allowed to say.”
“As far as that no good bastard, Matao. His days in Las Vegas are surely numbered.”
Both men laughed.
San Diego, California
Later That Morning
Shaylynn opened her eyes. She looked around and sat up. She glanced down at her dress drooped below her breasts. She realized she slept on the couch for the entire night.
“Those two ballet school contracts has been revoked. You want them, you buy them from me, cash only, and if my ring is not in my hand by tomorrow. I will have you arrested for grand theft. It’s a pity, I will have to advise the law you stole that expensive piece of jewelry, from out my safe during a home visit.”
“You are not that cruel.”
“Cruel enough for you to believe me. Dammit, you have until tomorrow! I now see you’re not only young, but a foolish whore. Did you not think, I wouldn’t get a whiff of this shit going on behind my back, Huh, damn you!”
“Matao,” she whispered.
Shaylynn drew her knees up to her chest. He did not even stick around, or return she thought.
“Matao, I have nothing more to say to you.”
“Baby, I’m sorry. I never once considered your feelings in the matter, and the predicament I’ve placed you in.”
“I’m with Kincaid, you knew this in the beginning.”
“Yes. Before, my feelings became too intense. Shaylynn, I’m in too deep with you. I just can’t turn away from something I know is a relationship, which I know will last a lifetime.”
“I have to get away from here.”
Shaylynn’s feet hit the carpet. She rose from the couch and hurried to the staircase. She ran up the steps.
Later That Afternoon
Fentin inserted the key inside the lock and twisted it. Thank goodness word has it Shaylynn was living with that piece of shit in Las Vegas, according to Omar. Fentin closed the door and placed his overnight traveling bag near the door. He glanced around the first home he bought, which would be hitting the market soon. One thing he did miss was the California sun, compared to the brutal winter of New York. If he did not open three restaurants in Manhattan, or have active clients for his part time job as a Financial Consultant he definitely would have packed up and headed back to California.
Fentin took off his pinstripe Brook Brothers suit jacket and tossed it on the couch. He walked over to the staircase and mounted the steps. He thought he heard running water. Fentin lifted his weapon from out the back waistband of his pants; cocked it and held it up. He walked up the remaining steps slowly; his eyes darted in all directions. Fentin made it to the top of the staircase. He crept over to the bathroom and opened the door. He stood back, cocked his weapon, and then slid the shower door back.
“Hold it right there.”
The soap dropped out Shaylynn’s hand.
“Breaking and entering is a serious crime.”
Shaylynn slowly turned around.
Shaylynn looked down at her nudity. She shielded her pelvis with the cup of her hands.
“Shaylynn what the fuck are you doing in my home.”
“Our home, and what are you doing here? This residence has been empty for over a year, and please slide the shower door close, so I can get dressed.”
Fentin’s eyes journey up and down Shaylynn’s body.
“No rush on my account.”
“Could you at least hand me a towel.
Fentin uncocked his weapon and placed it back behind his waistband. He snatched a washcloth from off the towel bar and handed it to Shaylynn.
“You are real funny, I need a bath towel.”
Fentin looked back.
“There are none out here.”
He snatched the bath towel from off the towel bar and tossed it inside the bathroom.
“Can you at least close your eyes?”
“Sweetheart, I’m way over the fever of your flesh.”
“Screw you Fentin.”
Shaylynn looked down at the wedding band on Fentin’s finger.
“I suppose your wife is downstairs.”
“No, but she is in California as well.”
“Maybe we should compare notes that her husband could be unfaithful.”
Fentin slicked his band back through his hair.
“This black man has learned from his mistake.”
“Sure you have; by marrying someone else who you must likely will abandon.”
“Are you still carrying a torch for your ex-husband?”
“Of course not.”
“Then get over the past, and embrace the future.”
“You’re right, for once. Now if you will be so kind and shut the door, I could get out of here and began to embrace my future.”
“By shacking up with that old bastard.”
“That is none of your business.”
“Yeah you’re right, it’s your boring life.”
“Like a life with a cheater would have been thrilling.”
“Dammit Shaylynn, I’ve learned from my mistake. I have been celibate for over a year, this fucking wedding band you placed on my finger on our wedding day, has been a noose around my neck; deterring me from my future happiness, only because, I couldn’t get past the pain, of hurting a woman, who I truly once loved.”
“Wow, you’re good. Is this is the time, where I applaud you for your self-sacrifice, if so, then you will wait. Fentin, had we still been married, who knows what our life would had been.”
“Just because I’m celibate, doesn’t mean I’m not happy. Are you?”
“Ah…yes, I’m happy.”
“I guess so.”
Silence spoke on both ends.
“The door Fentin.”
“I’ve heard you took the Russia ballet by storm.”
“I have my sources. Oh, I will be placing this beachfront home on the market.”
“Why? I happen to like this residence.”
“Too many memories, and not pleasant ones worth remembering.” Fentin’s eyes danced over Shaylynn’s nudity. “You still are very beautiful, and I see a year has been good to you, all over.”
Shaylynn blushed. She looked Fentin over. His facial features has matured, long gone was the undersized man she married; only to be replaced by mounds of muscles displayed through the sleeves of his white shirt, his chest wall, was now more expandable, he appeared to have inched in his stature, and the goatee wrapped around his lips was fuller, which now blended into a barber trimmed half-beard.
“Likewise handsome black man.”
Fentin palmed his goatee down.
“Where are you heading from here?”
“I need to get away; I’m way overdue for a mini-vacation.”
“I have a three bedroom condominium on Park Avenue in Manhattan.”
“Me sharing a space with”
“Your ex-husband.”
“Is totally unheard off.”
Fentin looked down at Shaylynn’s pelvis, her hips, firm breasts, flat abdomen, her light skin coloring, a headful of wet curls slicked to her back , and the memory of her light-brown eyes that have haunted him for over a year.
“Oh, I get it, you can’t keep your hands to yourself; and it’s only because you still feel this black man.”
“I see you’re still arrogant as the day I met you.”
“And I see you’re still beautiful, unmarried, and childless. What’s the matter, the old bastard can’t hit a home run to put an heir up in that tight pussy of yours.”
“No apologies after that.”
“I did not want any kids my dancing comes first.”
“Let me ask you this and answer me truthfully.”
“Are you on the pill?”
“At this moment, no”
“Had you been with me this black man, we would have several little twin or triplet Fentins running around.”
“I’m sure we would have. Fentin, I’m cold, could you please close the door.”
“Have you eaten?”
“No, I was on my way out to embrace my freedom.”
“For now.”
“Oh, and one more thing, why do you carry a gun?”
“I’m licensed to carry it. Baby remember, I live in New York. I will be downstairs, then we both can leave out and to embrace our freedom.”
He winked at her and slid the shower door close.
Shaylynn smiled to herself.
Seeing her ex-husband lifted a weight she never know existed from off her shoulder.
Fentin walked down the staircase.
“Thank you God, I advised you if I ever ran into my ex-wife, I will make it right, could you assist me a little while longer, please, I’ve been celibate, I’ve prayed daily, and now I can say, I’m ready for the reward of sharing my life again with my ex-wife.”
The doorbell rang.
Fentin walked over to his door and opened it.
“Who the fuck are you?”
Matao and his two bodyguards stood at Fentin’s threshold.
“The owner of this residence, and why we’re playing guessing games, who the fuck are you three.”
“I came for Shaylynn.”
“Over my body, will my wife be walking out of here with you, or those goons at your side.”
Hangman took a step forward. Matao held him back by his chest.
“That could be arranged.”
“Not on my watch.”
Fentin lifted his gun from out the waistband of his pants.
All the men took a step backwards.
“Now, I advised you, my wife, Shaylynn, will not be leaving this residence, and if I were you three. I would leave, or a slug will soil those two expensive suit jackets you three are wearing.”
Fentin pulled the hammer back on his glock.
“You tell Shaylynn, I will be back.”
“Not at this door, partner, and the next time, call motherfucka.”
Matao and his three bodyguards slowly backed up.
Fentin slammed the door close. He replaced his weapon back inside the back of his waistband.
Shaylynn’s cell phone ring.
Fentin looked over at the staircase. He walked over to the couch and lifted Shaylynn’s cell phone from off the couch cushion. He slid it open and looked down at the number. He placed the cell phone up to his ear.
Las Vegas, Nevada
“Who the fuck is this!”
San Diego, California
Fentin looked up at the staircase.
“Mr. Livoski, how nice of you to call and wish my fiancée and me congratulations on our engagement.”
“What the fuck are you talking about! Put my fiancée on this cell phone or I would choke the last breath from out your body.”
“That I could say is a far reach. Shaylynn will be marrying me, slamming that tight pussy on this dick nightly, having my babies, something a sterile motherfucker like you couldn’t accomplish; therefore, step off, this playing field is for this young brotha who will be parlaying that young and tight pussy. You had your time, the pussy, and the woman. Now, it’s time she returns who she started off with, and that seems to be me, bye you old motherfucka.”
Fentin deleted the call, slid Shaylynn’s cell phone close, and then placed it back down on the couch. He walked into the kitchen.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Kincaid slammed the telephone receiver in the cradle. He rose from his desk and hurried over to the door; he pulled it open.
“Geoffrey, get out here!”
Geoffrey rose from his desk and rushed out his office. He met Kincaid in the hallway.
“I need you to assemble everyone, and met me downstairs, ready to fly out to California A.S.A.P. And get a minister on the line, pay him whatever and have his ass with you.”
“Yes sir.”
Geoffrey ran back to his office.
Kincaid returned to his office and slammed the door close.
Las Vegas, Nevada
The Next Morning
Kincaid read over the contracts and title deeds to Shaylynn’s two ballet schools. He lifted them up and was on the verge of tearing them into after her betrayal replayed in his mind.
There was a knock on his door.
Kincaid placed the contracts and two title deeds down on his desk.
“Come in.”
Geoffrey opened the door and walked into Kincaid’s office. He shut the door behind his entrance.
“What can I do for you Geoffrey? And make it quick, I do not have all day.”
Geoffrey cleared his throat.
“Sir, I have been in contact with the builder inspector and contractor for the Watchtower Hotel and Casino. He has agreed to your discreet proposal, however, under one condition.”
“The condition.”
“He stated this small favor is to stay between all parties involved.”
“I hope you had the common sense to advise him, I am a man of principles.”
“Yes sir, and there’s more.”
“Well spill it.”
“He is also requesting unlimited stays in the presidential penthouse suite.”
“Yes, he specified, unlimited visits sir.”
“You get on the phone and advise him one visit per year.”
“Yes sir.”
Kincaid looked at the titles and deeds on his desk. He looked back up.
“Is there anything else worth mentioning to me Geoffrey?”
“Mr. Livoski, what becomes of…Miss. Forrester, and this ring you stated she has in her possession?”
Kincaid looked down at his watch.
“She has two hours, and then I proceed with legal action.”
“The same woman who you profess to be your fiancée?”
“And she still is.”
Geoffrey palmed his chin down.
“I’m confused sir.”
“Do you really think, I would give up a woman to that dick sucking bastard, Matao. A woman who is young, beautiful, good pussy, keeps my bed warm, my dick satisfied, and fertile enough to give me heirs, hell know! If Matao wants my fiancée, then he will have to come through me to get her.”
“But sir, you said...”
“Dammit! I know what the fuck I said to you, but it’s totally altered than what I stated to my fiancée. As long as Shaylynn knows I can dangle her mentality at my whim, then she has no wiggle room to squirm. No, she will marry me, or I will make her life a living hell.”
“Very clever sir, if I’m allowed to say.”
“As far as that no good bastard, Matao. His days in Las Vegas are surely numbered.”
Both men laughed.
San Diego, California
Later That Morning
Shaylynn opened her eyes. She looked around and sat up. She glanced down at her dress drooped below her breasts. She realized she slept on the couch for the entire night.
“Those two ballet school contracts has been revoked. You want them, you buy them from me, cash only, and if my ring is not in my hand by tomorrow. I will have you arrested for grand theft. It’s a pity, I will have to advise the law you stole that expensive piece of jewelry, from out my safe during a home visit.”
“You are not that cruel.”
“Cruel enough for you to believe me. Dammit, you have until tomorrow! I now see you’re not only young, but a foolish whore. Did you not think, I wouldn’t get a whiff of this shit going on behind my back, Huh, damn you!”
“Matao,” she whispered.
Shaylynn drew her knees up to her chest. He did not even stick around, or return she thought.
“Matao, I have nothing more to say to you.”
“Baby, I’m sorry. I never once considered your feelings in the matter, and the predicament I’ve placed you in.”
“I’m with Kincaid, you knew this in the beginning.”
“Yes. Before, my feelings became too intense. Shaylynn, I’m in too deep with you. I just can’t turn away from something I know is a relationship, which I know will last a lifetime.”
“I have to get away from here.”
Shaylynn’s feet hit the carpet. She rose from the couch and hurried to the staircase. She ran up the steps.
Later That Afternoon
Fentin inserted the key inside the lock and twisted it. Thank goodness word has it Shaylynn was living with that piece of shit in Las Vegas, according to Omar. Fentin closed the door and placed his overnight traveling bag near the door. He glanced around the first home he bought, which would be hitting the market soon. One thing he did miss was the California sun, compared to the brutal winter of New York. If he did not open three restaurants in Manhattan, or have active clients for his part time job as a Financial Consultant he definitely would have packed up and headed back to California.
Fentin took off his pinstripe Brook Brothers suit jacket and tossed it on the couch. He walked over to the staircase and mounted the steps. He thought he heard running water. Fentin lifted his weapon from out the back waistband of his pants; cocked it and held it up. He walked up the remaining steps slowly; his eyes darted in all directions. Fentin made it to the top of the staircase. He crept over to the bathroom and opened the door. He stood back, cocked his weapon, and then slid the shower door back.
“Hold it right there.”
The soap dropped out Shaylynn’s hand.
“Breaking and entering is a serious crime.”
Shaylynn slowly turned around.
Shaylynn looked down at her nudity. She shielded her pelvis with the cup of her hands.
“Shaylynn what the fuck are you doing in my home.”
“Our home, and what are you doing here? This residence has been empty for over a year, and please slide the shower door close, so I can get dressed.”
Fentin’s eyes journey up and down Shaylynn’s body.
“No rush on my account.”
“Could you at least hand me a towel.
Fentin uncocked his weapon and placed it back behind his waistband. He snatched a washcloth from off the towel bar and handed it to Shaylynn.
“You are real funny, I need a bath towel.”
Fentin looked back.
“There are none out here.”
He snatched the bath towel from off the towel bar and tossed it inside the bathroom.
“Can you at least close your eyes?”
“Sweetheart, I’m way over the fever of your flesh.”
“Screw you Fentin.”
Shaylynn looked down at the wedding band on Fentin’s finger.
“I suppose your wife is downstairs.”
“No, but she is in California as well.”
“Maybe we should compare notes that her husband could be unfaithful.”
Fentin slicked his band back through his hair.
“This black man has learned from his mistake.”
“Sure you have; by marrying someone else who you must likely will abandon.”
“Are you still carrying a torch for your ex-husband?”
“Of course not.”
“Then get over the past, and embrace the future.”
“You’re right, for once. Now if you will be so kind and shut the door, I could get out of here and began to embrace my future.”
“By shacking up with that old bastard.”
“That is none of your business.”
“Yeah you’re right, it’s your boring life.”
“Like a life with a cheater would have been thrilling.”
“Dammit Shaylynn, I’ve learned from my mistake. I have been celibate for over a year, this fucking wedding band you placed on my finger on our wedding day, has been a noose around my neck; deterring me from my future happiness, only because, I couldn’t get past the pain, of hurting a woman, who I truly once loved.”
“Wow, you’re good. Is this is the time, where I applaud you for your self-sacrifice, if so, then you will wait. Fentin, had we still been married, who knows what our life would had been.”
“Just because I’m celibate, doesn’t mean I’m not happy. Are you?”
“Ah…yes, I’m happy.”
“I guess so.”
Silence spoke on both ends.
“The door Fentin.”
“I’ve heard you took the Russia ballet by storm.”
“I have my sources. Oh, I will be placing this beachfront home on the market.”
“Why? I happen to like this residence.”
“Too many memories, and not pleasant ones worth remembering.” Fentin’s eyes danced over Shaylynn’s nudity. “You still are very beautiful, and I see a year has been good to you, all over.”
Shaylynn blushed. She looked Fentin over. His facial features has matured, long gone was the undersized man she married; only to be replaced by mounds of muscles displayed through the sleeves of his white shirt, his chest wall, was now more expandable, he appeared to have inched in his stature, and the goatee wrapped around his lips was fuller, which now blended into a barber trimmed half-beard.
“Likewise handsome black man.”
Fentin palmed his goatee down.
“Where are you heading from here?”
“I need to get away; I’m way overdue for a mini-vacation.”
“I have a three bedroom condominium on Park Avenue in Manhattan.”
“Me sharing a space with”
“Your ex-husband.”
“Is totally unheard off.”
Fentin looked down at Shaylynn’s pelvis, her hips, firm breasts, flat abdomen, her light skin coloring, a headful of wet curls slicked to her back , and the memory of her light-brown eyes that have haunted him for over a year.
“Oh, I get it, you can’t keep your hands to yourself; and it’s only because you still feel this black man.”
“I see you’re still arrogant as the day I met you.”
“And I see you’re still beautiful, unmarried, and childless. What’s the matter, the old bastard can’t hit a home run to put an heir up in that tight pussy of yours.”
“No apologies after that.”
“I did not want any kids my dancing comes first.”
“Let me ask you this and answer me truthfully.”
“Are you on the pill?”
“At this moment, no”
“Had you been with me this black man, we would have several little twin or triplet Fentins running around.”
“I’m sure we would have. Fentin, I’m cold, could you please close the door.”
“Have you eaten?”
“No, I was on my way out to embrace my freedom.”
“For now.”
“Oh, and one more thing, why do you carry a gun?”
“I’m licensed to carry it. Baby remember, I live in New York. I will be downstairs, then we both can leave out and to embrace our freedom.”
He winked at her and slid the shower door close.
Shaylynn smiled to herself.
Seeing her ex-husband lifted a weight she never know existed from off her shoulder.
Fentin walked down the staircase.
“Thank you God, I advised you if I ever ran into my ex-wife, I will make it right, could you assist me a little while longer, please, I’ve been celibate, I’ve prayed daily, and now I can say, I’m ready for the reward of sharing my life again with my ex-wife.”
The doorbell rang.
Fentin walked over to his door and opened it.
“Who the fuck are you?”
Matao and his two bodyguards stood at Fentin’s threshold.
“The owner of this residence, and why we’re playing guessing games, who the fuck are you three.”
“I came for Shaylynn.”
“Over my body, will my wife be walking out of here with you, or those goons at your side.”
Hangman took a step forward. Matao held him back by his chest.
“That could be arranged.”
“Not on my watch.”
Fentin lifted his gun from out the waistband of his pants.
All the men took a step backwards.
“Now, I advised you, my wife, Shaylynn, will not be leaving this residence, and if I were you three. I would leave, or a slug will soil those two expensive suit jackets you three are wearing.”
Fentin pulled the hammer back on his glock.
“You tell Shaylynn, I will be back.”
“Not at this door, partner, and the next time, call motherfucka.”
Matao and his three bodyguards slowly backed up.
Fentin slammed the door close. He replaced his weapon back inside the back of his waistband.
Shaylynn’s cell phone ring.
Fentin looked over at the staircase. He walked over to the couch and lifted Shaylynn’s cell phone from off the couch cushion. He slid it open and looked down at the number. He placed the cell phone up to his ear.
Las Vegas, Nevada
“Who the fuck is this!”
San Diego, California
Fentin looked up at the staircase.
“Mr. Livoski, how nice of you to call and wish my fiancée and me congratulations on our engagement.”
“What the fuck are you talking about! Put my fiancée on this cell phone or I would choke the last breath from out your body.”
“That I could say is a far reach. Shaylynn will be marrying me, slamming that tight pussy on this dick nightly, having my babies, something a sterile motherfucker like you couldn’t accomplish; therefore, step off, this playing field is for this young brotha who will be parlaying that young and tight pussy. You had your time, the pussy, and the woman. Now, it’s time she returns who she started off with, and that seems to be me, bye you old motherfucka.”
Fentin deleted the call, slid Shaylynn’s cell phone close, and then placed it back down on the couch. He walked into the kitchen.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Kincaid slammed the telephone receiver in the cradle. He rose from his desk and hurried over to the door; he pulled it open.
“Geoffrey, get out here!”
Geoffrey rose from his desk and rushed out his office. He met Kincaid in the hallway.
“I need you to assemble everyone, and met me downstairs, ready to fly out to California A.S.A.P. And get a minister on the line, pay him whatever and have his ass with you.”
“Yes sir.”
Geoffrey ran back to his office.
Kincaid returned to his office and slammed the door close.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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