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Passion rises

Passion rises

Oh my passion rises, my need to have you, has just grown, I've thought about you many times whilst laying on my own

Laying here in my bed, into the darkness I just stare, but if I close my eyes real tight, I can see you there

Standing in my doorway, I can clearly see your curves, naked and so sexy, you start to sway and swerve

Hips moving slowly, I'm caught up in your sexual trance, you move like a jungle cat, I'm mesmerized by your dance

You come a little closer, then you simply move away, cruelly you tease me, I think you love to play

You get close enough to touch me, though I'm paralyzed in my bed, I can reach out to you, this life inside my head

In my head I am a man, I can do all a whole man can do, I pull you onto my bed and make passionate love to you

Bodies entwined like binded rope, we're blended into one, sharing all two lovers can share, we greet the morning Sun

Then I awake to find you gone, another passions dream, I hope to find you again real soon, or at least a boy can dream

Written by averageJoe69 (Ron Summers)
Author's Note
A boys got to dream about his muse
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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