Image for the poem NOT EVERYONE IS TAKEN


There is a misconception that everyone is in a relationship, yet that is far from the truth for in fact most are single, due to the misconception of what some people call love. For nowadays we have to be able to read between the lines, as some people come playing mind games with you not having, no real intentions of true commitment and consistency and real communications. Now don't get it twisted for one minute for they are not lonely, nor afraid of loving someone else are being alone with me myself and I. But you see the reason why they are single and alone, really it's about there own self value and self worth because of dealing, with the immature ways of some people who aren't ready for a serious relationship. Just as there is an misconception that not everyone is truly in love as they give, the appearance of a true loving couple in the eyes of those that see them. But then again looks can be just an disguise hiding behind a mask of dishonesty, and distrust and disloyalty and betrayal with being unwanted and unloved and unworthy of love, for who truly knows what goes on behind close doors and windows for not everyone that appears to be in love is taken are truly in love.
Written by Stoney223 (WOLF BAY33)
Author's Note
There is an misconception that everyone is in a loving and caring relationship, but who knows if it's true or not for behind close doors and windows we can't see nor hear, if it's truly love or just a waste of time but yet it is through those transcending moments, that all can be seen through the naked eye for even though it may seems, like there is love and honor and respect but feelings and emotions don't lie, for you can see it within the depth of there eyes and body motions and not everyone is single because they want to be, it's because of the people that they have encountered through this cycle known as life....AMAS SHAMEL
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