
 "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."
John 8:7  
I kneel before you,  
a pile of stones erratically  
scattered amongst my feet  
Each one,  
having torn a piece of my flesh  
taken as a form of payment  
as it bounced off my body  
contently settling on the ground
pridefully boasting, a job well done.  
Blood drips  
from my unrecognizable body,  
trickling down a once familiar path
finding its way down to the earth
seeping around  
and underneath the rocks.  
Trailing the scene of the crime
whispering stories of the evident truth
bearing witness to the shame.  
Standing across from me  
I watch the rage in your eyes  
fade to satisfaction, pleasure
as vindication settles across your face.  
Panting, catching your breath
You glance around at the mess, and smirk  
Eagerly awaiting my reaction.  
Preparing for retaliation
expecting remorseful groveling.
Demanding I beg for forgiveness  
and confess my sins.  
And why not? I’ve already paid for them.  
Having been skinned, and broken  
Forcefully cloaked in your false  narratives
Adorning a scarlet letter for sins I didn’t commit
I begin to lift my frailty off the ground
Knowing there aren’t enough rocks in existence  
to calm the hurt within my heart.  
let alone, compensate  
for the magnitude of your sins.  
Understanding that  
judgement is not mine to give  
And neither is forgiveness.  
I am not the one
to whom you account for your sins.  
Instead, I find my strength  
And slowly
I rise...
Pausing for just one moment
glancing at the heavens
Reminding you of the audience above
I begin to walk towards you  
And in one profound movement,  
I lay grace at the base of your feet  
And walk away with dignity  
Guilt free
Written by Lazy_Dead (.Julia.)
Published | Edited 31st Jul 2020
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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