Adventures In Copy And Paste II.
Imagery Poems (From Group Play)
It was right there on the tip of his tongue
kissing lemon with some little tart
a stone pathway, pushcart town
awaiting strawberry festival
juicy and succulent drips mix in pitcher
cool of ice lavished with suckle
so sweet She is dribbling my chin
this my friend, tis a wonderful lil town
Shots rang out coupled by whistle of flight
foxholes din and all her men scream bloody murder
between the crackles of short-wave radio
stukas dive taking another pass scrapes and crash of lonely metal
A parachute launch flips as fabric flaps in the wind
shake of teeth rattles an army man shivering in skin
hoorays and distant cheers wave by the thousand
Taps of too many men silenced, marches the beating heart
She lit her candle feeling the warmth
the breath of a lover brushed against the pimples, rising to her skin.
walking back the hallway her hand rubbed against the rough surface.
She had repainted and the grooves bit back into soft hands
Her candle blew out and she reached forward feeling the empty air for something familiar.
A hook on a door surprised her, jabbing its cold curved metal into her.
Oddly the door was warm, she loved the grooves that moved in a straight line, scratching her clothes fabric
the soft clothes she wore matched the fluffiness of her bed linen, de-robing she climbed into plush texture.
Scents of lavender mix with jasmine slow blown to morning breeze
waves waft across the nostril
layered perfumes trace living fragrance
an essence fills every room, light with incense
falling into to engulf
for another dimension that pools to ones lung
breathing in, breathing out I immerse
Eye-line to sky-line, a range from veranda pitch
what craggy formations smooth with painters finger
tall grasses green and gold sway with breeze
my sigh and open-iris shrinks in the sun
trails twist mountain-side
wrapping its snake across and down riverside
as blue lapping waters wave and say hello
another line drawn coaxing in hugs
She woke wide-eyed aware another day envisioned already
all was planned and She could see it
detailed nuances flit eye-line
Iris and brown flecking green
Her dress flowed with vibrancy
the colors deep as the sea
set to sail the aye's have it
Whisper to my ear Darlin'
tell me with it how You feel
warm tones pass betwixt breath
hotter from mobile tongue
those purple'd waves wanting
two tones shared with tips of toes
wrap thyselves in shadow, flickering light
candle and heightened senses
Sounds of early song birds breath and peace fly by window
brown and white flight in flap
from shadow to sunshine again
Chirps to squawks puffed chest
strut of the scratch digging back
I hear the warble defining comfort
as settle down witnessed sublime
Light flooding iris, birds chirping ear
a breeze kissed to face
much I hold dear
I await the mushroom comb
this hour ahead brings spring
I sigh relief here , lingered on the edge of Winter
to Tulip and Primrose glow
they come along giving peace
Sunshine to shoulders, golden nectar warmth of Mother, Love of son
fold me in Your blanket
safe within the womb of security
Hillside shines, frail Winter grasses glowing gold
swell with petal grow and green
turning blackberry true
envelopes of inspire
Baby Blue head to head rubs inner-self entwined blending love
lap acts minute to hr devoted
we of the cuddle cradle one another
Baby, sweet companion mine
my stalwart divine lean to me
green-eyed delight how well You smile
my Love, knowingly in absolute depth
Mumbles and chirps, growls in low The Great Repeater Rising , speaking ease
will tell You everything...just so You know
attention focused routine, absolute, mumble more
Wrapped within each others wandering gaze
green plays in wonderment sparkle and flash
soft plush prod and pull, stroking fur
a caress un-denied crooked under arm
Rows of sprawling flowers direct hidden paths
spun soft, hidden on spiraled dreams
cocoons of wrap raise the reddish bud
green stalks tine to breathless expanse
Wandering within this field of glow
scoops of sun-drops are gathered
a pocket filled, a shape for forever
given deliverance, safe in the garden
Dreaming #3
Resting within cosmos and star-stuff
Serpens back door winds open
white-eyed pathways dot the heavens gait
clouds of creation unfold billowing magic
Epidermal significance from the giving womb
covers its grasp and closes ...
the reach of deity pouring forth expands
dreary man in buffet, weightless and contained
Touchstones, illuminate with warmth
hearkening back, we've reminisced again
loss amongst hopes, dreams upon despair
tear at the fabric, frayed at all sides
Are You dressed for this occasion
fitted for the outdoors, given over to glove
remembrance then to once kissing glass
as we dance together amid the chaos
Thunder breaks along a sea-side town
delivering message in ominous tone
as rock-slides are triggered, crumbling down chip by chip
glare from above flashes in succession, striking fear
soot to Your tongue settles to taste-bud coal
blackened flesh streamed in myriad line tattoo
a red bloodied gash with offerings to every witnessed door
..............weary traveler entrance denied swallowing more
Pale blue skies dressing down
ready in Winter push to white
sewing slow gentle snowflake
in icy designs piling high again
tufts expand billows to ground
I in glove surrounded soft stillness
smile at the dark cloud passing by
more snow falling, tongue out, eyes closed
Houses dotting hills,overlook the valley
arcs of roofs meander over one another
spilling into night-lines that shadow every movement
bats shake themselves loose, turning ethereal
Pinprick stars wink with smile, gentle laughter
those purple'd nights spreading the veil thin
soft glows spiral, lit along descending earth
wearing wishes, tied tight to infinite dream
Shifting land cracks open, exposing magma
as a heart beats fast with sadness
cries for innocence lost, screamed from cliff-side
as eyes disbelieve human truths, animal honesty
Worlds crumble left without leaders
whispering lost secrets upon white whiskers
we huddle with warmth in yesterdays steps
as your eyes and mine connect, owning each other
We have fallen behind, You and I
looking ahead and trying to catch up
Your eyes are squinted sharing sun
my eyes stay closed not seeing a one
Will of reach, distant distance gathering in
Mark the underlying depth along the way
salted lakes red-rim ridges begging amnesty
The Lake Of Blue cast Beautiful within that setting sun
Lain under frond and leaf
Her eyes find tops of trees
above there somewhere amidst the blue
She knows a spirit lingers
shadows find their way
pieces of hearth and home
brought to ones needed breast
She smiles awaiting his eventual call
Sails billow in morning sun
catching speed as distant dots
seaside observers poised with camera
caricature painters littered fanfare
Moisture and salt mix to air
wound pleasant, inviting, cotton-candy fare
water laps, soothing the bent ear
seagulls search from blue skies, food & pier
Rows of golden fields line hillsides
as flowers lay open in full bloom
trees from nearby reach with crooked limb
another butterfly floating by kisses blue
A mountain wound by endless color
poised in greatness driven and tall
drifts of cloud and flowing waterfall
depth of blue, bottom billowing smoke
Wild-eyed lions prowl empty-eyed clowns
drunk on wine lost in sad thought
the tent folds falling down smells of popcorn
claws tear to ribbons funny face and Steven
Screams of children gasps of parents, absolute fear
a roar among the many, dug in nails rips into flesh
tent folds, wagon wheels and wax, halos of fire burning fast
acrobats eaten cotton candy decision and funnel cake, padded paws slipping away
Streetlights burn in a quiet town, producing endless shadow
buggy's with wooden wheels echo clicking on by
cobblestones stretch for a country mile, side-streets of brick
two-story stone buildings, grey slabs cemented together
The town breathes slow, offering up mist
as nostalgia whispers calm into Your ear
candles to windows invite one in
a wreath to wood and three knocks upon door
Sunlight cleansed an open sill
no filter, no haze, succulent warmth awash in savory
particles sail direct yellow beams
ours is soaked, skin and hair
Twilight giving's lay the fawn glisten to flowers
lone eyes of wilderness bright with wonder, shine
my sense of calm controlled by lilted leaf and apple blossom
earthen smoke wisp between trees, the far off cries, approaching deer
Polar eyes crushing hopeful spirits
vile tongue whips out with lash
sullen wilt the sunken man, surrenders
all alone now in heartache a man laughs
Stretching smiles dagger'd like teeth
his blunt instrument voiced once again
sheepish demeanor of shrinking man
shakes and quivers crying then, giving up
Olive hid her crying eyes
silver tears fall into feathered pillows
gripped imprints will, spirit and strength
still gut-punch everyday, soaking into cotton fabric
Dreams now shake her awake lately
as rusted bones ache worse within worry
the ornamental clock ticking, signals its witness
She wonders of distance, yet memories...they stay vivid
Peaceful glides across memories lake
silver crystal sparkles under a golden sun
waves lap splashing outer banks, spray on tongue
wooden oar rowing forward and backward, trickle tiny drips
I reach out seeking a moments hold
crisp swallows plunge kiss thy offered hand
ancient mariners woe and glee, simplicity simple lake
a once large ocean, now gone, paddle, glide & row
Whispered blades slice hillsides
black omens skimming treetops
mid-day to midnight ominous whirl
closing, indoors, one world governance, 1984
Subtle hindrance, gradual lock-down, population, control
my eyes at the east theirs to west, we blend together
songs of the populace, silent, indoors, tv's blare
consume door to door, no shops, no freedoms, no more
Lists of ones claim to innocence
bore shabby, stale and dry of pen
the man looked wild, his loincloth ripped, darting the eyes
black streaks from coal dust imprinted his skin
Guilt, read upon an insane face
somber verdicts, howls from the crowd
he knew nothing yet starvation, soon to be loaded on
they in armor, he by shackle, drug away, deep within castle
White Dogwoods edge to Elm
as I breathe in crisp cool air
the rustle comes from last year leaves
squirrels play chase, my gentle gait
Necks stretched above evening grass
eight shadowed heads sparkle twice the diamond
I whisper out with love, hello & security
my company comes lain by dusk, hoof & moon
River Bottom
Peer wide-eyed with wonder
follow edges to finger-smoothed blemish trees
far hills paint of green
no flaw Monet', far as eye can see
Indulgence along this river bank
laps toward my direction
stone temple'd bridges broken in distance
no trains travel anymore
Basket Weave
Wheat, golden rows swaying wind
crab-apple trees, black raspberries and green beans
once my summer comes offering, baskets fill
lined with kitchen fabric, wicker handles, laughter
Slanted foot-falls traipsing hillsides
sweets given in forest bounty
fill ones soul, bellies with joy
from seed to secure, we swallow
Utter Somethings
Stain upon fingers quill and ink
my black lines filling in, semi-circle
digits with dots stipple as scribbling
mans paper beholden, aged deliverance
Words collected mind-meld and hazel eyes
as just another scour pad, mornings clean breeze
were it not for ponder I'd be lost and blank
whispering utterance again and again, pen please
Spring Feeding
Yardlings press on soften wet grasses
carpet of comfort, graze with apple and seed
thine eyes to mine brown and deep, titter round table
wrapped by trusts love, respect and place
Songbirds glow, tilt in curiosity
observe the fallen dried fruits
securing place and dominance
til the mourning doves coo in
Concrete Jungle
Dismal dwellings often grey
litter the city quick and decay
black thoughts fill inner-walls
darkening eyes with sedentary thoughts
Dust travels plumes that reach
across the street and down his cage
no windows open still it pervades
the crumbling concrete jungle disintegrates
Prayers To Sun
Glitter eminence warm to wrapped
flows golden down along shoulder
whilst the winds blow gentle breeze
green leaves wave then repose
Mayflower rising, morel meander
kiss of coming butterfly
riding softened wind
twist of reddish vine
Curls Of Craggy Night
Black forests deep and hollow dissonance
craggy arms, knots that carry faces
moon jewels with crystal eminence, drip
loneliest of howls guttural in nature
Oiled ink streams creak in whispers
tongues from natives who stay hidden
twist their heads for night-time rabbits
the echoes wile solitary, shaken bramble bush
Morning Gold
Glitter to brick under sunlit alleyways
the taste of cinnamon tickling nose
Jack had breads as Rose had raisins
in such lips no deny of smile
Aromatic flowers kissed by morning rain
offer indulgence smelling their color
frayed ribbons and dyed textiles, orange then tinge
flags for parks, shop and inns
Cold Feelings
Tips of icebergs shatter like glass
falling down smashed, broke into ocean
white and blue stars congregate
glimpsed by mirrored pool
Fjord landscapes risen in rock
dare to drip with dagger'd teeth
blot of hillside barren and black
the trees grown cold, stone to petrify
Worn to ear she had heard every word
berate the back to her nape of neck
Iris's eye made not one look aside
dead-locked cornea to pupil
Tasting just what stuff he was made of
her tongue caught bits of filament
his tint simply smothered with Ruby's red
she said he smelled awful
Scavenger Of Human Sorrow
Down at the cross-roads
strolled 'ol scratch in sulfur
smelling ripe as peach in summertime
alight by flicker touch of flame
What was buried brought to surface
piece of me and what of you he asks
a time of rights made wrong yet aged
smote over the oven blackened char
Short Term Memory
Golden pears under weeping willows
dappled with dripping honey
the news comes quick, burning ears
how had the age already carried a stench
I had been burned, the flesh knew
turned over salt shakers, slugs of glass
with this instant pitch of reddened welts
there was the walk until there isn't
It was right there on the tip of his tongue
kissing lemon with some little tart
a stone pathway, pushcart town
awaiting strawberry festival
juicy and succulent drips mix in pitcher
cool of ice lavished with suckle
so sweet She is dribbling my chin
this my friend, tis a wonderful lil town
Shots rang out coupled by whistle of flight
foxholes din and all her men scream bloody murder
between the crackles of short-wave radio
stukas dive taking another pass scrapes and crash of lonely metal
A parachute launch flips as fabric flaps in the wind
shake of teeth rattles an army man shivering in skin
hoorays and distant cheers wave by the thousand
Taps of too many men silenced, marches the beating heart
She lit her candle feeling the warmth
the breath of a lover brushed against the pimples, rising to her skin.
walking back the hallway her hand rubbed against the rough surface.
She had repainted and the grooves bit back into soft hands
Her candle blew out and she reached forward feeling the empty air for something familiar.
A hook on a door surprised her, jabbing its cold curved metal into her.
Oddly the door was warm, she loved the grooves that moved in a straight line, scratching her clothes fabric
the soft clothes she wore matched the fluffiness of her bed linen, de-robing she climbed into plush texture.
Scents of lavender mix with jasmine slow blown to morning breeze
waves waft across the nostril
layered perfumes trace living fragrance
an essence fills every room, light with incense
falling into to engulf
for another dimension that pools to ones lung
breathing in, breathing out I immerse
Eye-line to sky-line, a range from veranda pitch
what craggy formations smooth with painters finger
tall grasses green and gold sway with breeze
my sigh and open-iris shrinks in the sun
trails twist mountain-side
wrapping its snake across and down riverside
as blue lapping waters wave and say hello
another line drawn coaxing in hugs
She woke wide-eyed aware another day envisioned already
all was planned and She could see it
detailed nuances flit eye-line
Iris and brown flecking green
Her dress flowed with vibrancy
the colors deep as the sea
set to sail the aye's have it
Whisper to my ear Darlin'
tell me with it how You feel
warm tones pass betwixt breath
hotter from mobile tongue
those purple'd waves wanting
two tones shared with tips of toes
wrap thyselves in shadow, flickering light
candle and heightened senses
Sounds of early song birds breath and peace fly by window
brown and white flight in flap
from shadow to sunshine again
Chirps to squawks puffed chest
strut of the scratch digging back
I hear the warble defining comfort
as settle down witnessed sublime
Light flooding iris, birds chirping ear
a breeze kissed to face
much I hold dear
I await the mushroom comb
this hour ahead brings spring
I sigh relief here , lingered on the edge of Winter
to Tulip and Primrose glow
they come along giving peace
Sunshine to shoulders, golden nectar warmth of Mother, Love of son
fold me in Your blanket
safe within the womb of security
Hillside shines, frail Winter grasses glowing gold
swell with petal grow and green
turning blackberry true
envelopes of inspire
Baby Blue head to head rubs inner-self entwined blending love
lap acts minute to hr devoted
we of the cuddle cradle one another
Baby, sweet companion mine
my stalwart divine lean to me
green-eyed delight how well You smile
my Love, knowingly in absolute depth
Mumbles and chirps, growls in low The Great Repeater Rising , speaking ease
will tell You everything...just so You know
attention focused routine, absolute, mumble more
Wrapped within each others wandering gaze
green plays in wonderment sparkle and flash
soft plush prod and pull, stroking fur
a caress un-denied crooked under arm
Rows of sprawling flowers direct hidden paths
spun soft, hidden on spiraled dreams
cocoons of wrap raise the reddish bud
green stalks tine to breathless expanse
Wandering within this field of glow
scoops of sun-drops are gathered
a pocket filled, a shape for forever
given deliverance, safe in the garden
Dreaming #3
Resting within cosmos and star-stuff
Serpens back door winds open
white-eyed pathways dot the heavens gait
clouds of creation unfold billowing magic
Epidermal significance from the giving womb
covers its grasp and closes ...
the reach of deity pouring forth expands
dreary man in buffet, weightless and contained
Touchstones, illuminate with warmth
hearkening back, we've reminisced again
loss amongst hopes, dreams upon despair
tear at the fabric, frayed at all sides
Are You dressed for this occasion
fitted for the outdoors, given over to glove
remembrance then to once kissing glass
as we dance together amid the chaos
Thunder breaks along a sea-side town
delivering message in ominous tone
as rock-slides are triggered, crumbling down chip by chip
glare from above flashes in succession, striking fear
soot to Your tongue settles to taste-bud coal
blackened flesh streamed in myriad line tattoo
a red bloodied gash with offerings to every witnessed door
..............weary traveler entrance denied swallowing more
Pale blue skies dressing down
ready in Winter push to white
sewing slow gentle snowflake
in icy designs piling high again
tufts expand billows to ground
I in glove surrounded soft stillness
smile at the dark cloud passing by
more snow falling, tongue out, eyes closed
Houses dotting hills,overlook the valley
arcs of roofs meander over one another
spilling into night-lines that shadow every movement
bats shake themselves loose, turning ethereal
Pinprick stars wink with smile, gentle laughter
those purple'd nights spreading the veil thin
soft glows spiral, lit along descending earth
wearing wishes, tied tight to infinite dream
Shifting land cracks open, exposing magma
as a heart beats fast with sadness
cries for innocence lost, screamed from cliff-side
as eyes disbelieve human truths, animal honesty
Worlds crumble left without leaders
whispering lost secrets upon white whiskers
we huddle with warmth in yesterdays steps
as your eyes and mine connect, owning each other
We have fallen behind, You and I
looking ahead and trying to catch up
Your eyes are squinted sharing sun
my eyes stay closed not seeing a one
Will of reach, distant distance gathering in
Mark the underlying depth along the way
salted lakes red-rim ridges begging amnesty
The Lake Of Blue cast Beautiful within that setting sun
Lain under frond and leaf
Her eyes find tops of trees
above there somewhere amidst the blue
She knows a spirit lingers
shadows find their way
pieces of hearth and home
brought to ones needed breast
She smiles awaiting his eventual call
Sails billow in morning sun
catching speed as distant dots
seaside observers poised with camera
caricature painters littered fanfare
Moisture and salt mix to air
wound pleasant, inviting, cotton-candy fare
water laps, soothing the bent ear
seagulls search from blue skies, food & pier
Rows of golden fields line hillsides
as flowers lay open in full bloom
trees from nearby reach with crooked limb
another butterfly floating by kisses blue
A mountain wound by endless color
poised in greatness driven and tall
drifts of cloud and flowing waterfall
depth of blue, bottom billowing smoke
Wild-eyed lions prowl empty-eyed clowns
drunk on wine lost in sad thought
the tent folds falling down smells of popcorn
claws tear to ribbons funny face and Steven
Screams of children gasps of parents, absolute fear
a roar among the many, dug in nails rips into flesh
tent folds, wagon wheels and wax, halos of fire burning fast
acrobats eaten cotton candy decision and funnel cake, padded paws slipping away
Streetlights burn in a quiet town, producing endless shadow
buggy's with wooden wheels echo clicking on by
cobblestones stretch for a country mile, side-streets of brick
two-story stone buildings, grey slabs cemented together
The town breathes slow, offering up mist
as nostalgia whispers calm into Your ear
candles to windows invite one in
a wreath to wood and three knocks upon door
Sunlight cleansed an open sill
no filter, no haze, succulent warmth awash in savory
particles sail direct yellow beams
ours is soaked, skin and hair
Twilight giving's lay the fawn glisten to flowers
lone eyes of wilderness bright with wonder, shine
my sense of calm controlled by lilted leaf and apple blossom
earthen smoke wisp between trees, the far off cries, approaching deer
Polar eyes crushing hopeful spirits
vile tongue whips out with lash
sullen wilt the sunken man, surrenders
all alone now in heartache a man laughs
Stretching smiles dagger'd like teeth
his blunt instrument voiced once again
sheepish demeanor of shrinking man
shakes and quivers crying then, giving up
Olive hid her crying eyes
silver tears fall into feathered pillows
gripped imprints will, spirit and strength
still gut-punch everyday, soaking into cotton fabric
Dreams now shake her awake lately
as rusted bones ache worse within worry
the ornamental clock ticking, signals its witness
She wonders of distance, yet memories...they stay vivid
Peaceful glides across memories lake
silver crystal sparkles under a golden sun
waves lap splashing outer banks, spray on tongue
wooden oar rowing forward and backward, trickle tiny drips
I reach out seeking a moments hold
crisp swallows plunge kiss thy offered hand
ancient mariners woe and glee, simplicity simple lake
a once large ocean, now gone, paddle, glide & row
Whispered blades slice hillsides
black omens skimming treetops
mid-day to midnight ominous whirl
closing, indoors, one world governance, 1984
Subtle hindrance, gradual lock-down, population, control
my eyes at the east theirs to west, we blend together
songs of the populace, silent, indoors, tv's blare
consume door to door, no shops, no freedoms, no more
Lists of ones claim to innocence
bore shabby, stale and dry of pen
the man looked wild, his loincloth ripped, darting the eyes
black streaks from coal dust imprinted his skin
Guilt, read upon an insane face
somber verdicts, howls from the crowd
he knew nothing yet starvation, soon to be loaded on
they in armor, he by shackle, drug away, deep within castle
White Dogwoods edge to Elm
as I breathe in crisp cool air
the rustle comes from last year leaves
squirrels play chase, my gentle gait
Necks stretched above evening grass
eight shadowed heads sparkle twice the diamond
I whisper out with love, hello & security
my company comes lain by dusk, hoof & moon
River Bottom
Peer wide-eyed with wonder
follow edges to finger-smoothed blemish trees
far hills paint of green
no flaw Monet', far as eye can see
Indulgence along this river bank
laps toward my direction
stone temple'd bridges broken in distance
no trains travel anymore
Basket Weave
Wheat, golden rows swaying wind
crab-apple trees, black raspberries and green beans
once my summer comes offering, baskets fill
lined with kitchen fabric, wicker handles, laughter
Slanted foot-falls traipsing hillsides
sweets given in forest bounty
fill ones soul, bellies with joy
from seed to secure, we swallow
Utter Somethings
Stain upon fingers quill and ink
my black lines filling in, semi-circle
digits with dots stipple as scribbling
mans paper beholden, aged deliverance
Words collected mind-meld and hazel eyes
as just another scour pad, mornings clean breeze
were it not for ponder I'd be lost and blank
whispering utterance again and again, pen please
Spring Feeding
Yardlings press on soften wet grasses
carpet of comfort, graze with apple and seed
thine eyes to mine brown and deep, titter round table
wrapped by trusts love, respect and place
Songbirds glow, tilt in curiosity
observe the fallen dried fruits
securing place and dominance
til the mourning doves coo in
Concrete Jungle
Dismal dwellings often grey
litter the city quick and decay
black thoughts fill inner-walls
darkening eyes with sedentary thoughts
Dust travels plumes that reach
across the street and down his cage
no windows open still it pervades
the crumbling concrete jungle disintegrates
Prayers To Sun
Glitter eminence warm to wrapped
flows golden down along shoulder
whilst the winds blow gentle breeze
green leaves wave then repose
Mayflower rising, morel meander
kiss of coming butterfly
riding softened wind
twist of reddish vine
Curls Of Craggy Night
Black forests deep and hollow dissonance
craggy arms, knots that carry faces
moon jewels with crystal eminence, drip
loneliest of howls guttural in nature
Oiled ink streams creak in whispers
tongues from natives who stay hidden
twist their heads for night-time rabbits
the echoes wile solitary, shaken bramble bush
Morning Gold
Glitter to brick under sunlit alleyways
the taste of cinnamon tickling nose
Jack had breads as Rose had raisins
in such lips no deny of smile
Aromatic flowers kissed by morning rain
offer indulgence smelling their color
frayed ribbons and dyed textiles, orange then tinge
flags for parks, shop and inns
Cold Feelings
Tips of icebergs shatter like glass
falling down smashed, broke into ocean
white and blue stars congregate
glimpsed by mirrored pool
Fjord landscapes risen in rock
dare to drip with dagger'd teeth
blot of hillside barren and black
the trees grown cold, stone to petrify
Worn to ear she had heard every word
berate the back to her nape of neck
Iris's eye made not one look aside
dead-locked cornea to pupil
Tasting just what stuff he was made of
her tongue caught bits of filament
his tint simply smothered with Ruby's red
she said he smelled awful
Scavenger Of Human Sorrow
Down at the cross-roads
strolled 'ol scratch in sulfur
smelling ripe as peach in summertime
alight by flicker touch of flame
What was buried brought to surface
piece of me and what of you he asks
a time of rights made wrong yet aged
smote over the oven blackened char
Short Term Memory
Golden pears under weeping willows
dappled with dripping honey
the news comes quick, burning ears
how had the age already carried a stench
I had been burned, the flesh knew
turned over salt shakers, slugs of glass
with this instant pitch of reddened welts
there was the walk until there isn't
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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