
Before we begin
I need you to close your eyes
Take a deep breathe
Exhale, in and out, breathe in and out
Now listen to the sound of my voice
And let it linger
I will count to seven, then snap my finger
You will wake up, and in your ear one question I will whisper
And see what reaction that question will trigger.

Now let us begin;

Picture yourself in a garden,
It’s a marvel, flowers can’t help but swivel,
Bees are busy buzzing, birds singing and crickets chirping,
Its Eden, you just put the lion to sleep in its den,
Your name is Adam and you have everything

You just talked to God over a cup of tea,
He promised you a good woman,
You will probably call her sweet tea;
Born of your bones
You and her will be clones,
You will be one, but of course she will look better than you,
Now you cant help but imagine
Ooh, how you wish you had a clue.

Imagine you are the seeker
And this is your legend,
Since God promised; you have been diligently seeking,
Seven years of constant Soul searching
And now you feel lt in your bones that something is definitely missing.

Your heart is dancing- your lips are singing,
You dream of her even when you are not sleeping-you are day dreaming,
Seeing things and calling them visions,
She is your vision of grace and ecstasy,
Perfection living in the walls of your imagination.

Now pay attention and listen!
Listen to the sound of her voice as it fills you with flames of desire,
Picture her hips swaying,
Leaving you with no choice but to burn from this fire,
Burning with passion like Shadreck,
She is no ordinary furnace, she is a phoenix and in all fairness
She warms your heart
But burns all those who are not earnest.

To be honest; She is perfect.
Like desiderata she is all you want and need.
The reason why your heart pumps as you breathe.
The better half you desperately need.
A constellation of the brightest stars.
The remedy to your darkest scars.
And the reason you sing better than Bruno mars,
She is perfect!

Now to complete the trick,
Tell her what she means to you;
How she is the only fountain able to quench your desire,
The elixir of life that puts your pants on fire and the embodiment of the Messiah- In goodness and in Grace

Once upon a time you were Adam,
All alone in a lonely Garden
But now, I present to you Eve,
Now Picture yourself in the same garden
It’s a marvel, flowers can’t help but swivel
Bees are busy buzzing, bird singing and crickets chirping,
Its Eden, you just put the lioness to sleep in its den,
She is and you are the first man she will forever love,
Now you truly have everything.

..Snaps finger... Now wake up,
Im her eyes what do you see?

Written by Soxy (SoxThePoet)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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