No one can see

I love the feeling of the dark
You can bruise and never see a mark
You can cry for hours on end
No one can see you they can't comprehend

To see everything; just like your eyes closed
Trying to make all your dreams exposed
To yell and scream in any direction
No one can see you they can't make the connection

You can bang your fists against the wall
Even trip and not knowing when to stop the fall
All those things I wondered without light
No one can see you if you go bump in the night

I love the feeling of it being all around
Anywhere I look it can be my playground
To see if their really is a better life
No one can see you to look at all the strife

Grabbing handfuls of nothing: it's all my own
It can be anything I want: to you, never to be known
It could be filled with too much love, or too much hate
No one can see you if you need to compensate

To me this is my beautiful place
Hugging myself just to feel that warm embrace
Realizing at that point I'm all alone
This is a feeling I have never outgrown
Written by Atropabelladonna (Atro)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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