Image for the poem Sacred


My sacred vow, I give until the world my solemn creed      
My Aquarian nature pours universal love as my soul roams free        
Fallacies of the earth, carnage, weeps, mirth        
Life, Death, Reincarnation its celestial rebirth        
Bowing until the wondrous gifts found under mortal man        
My heart, my mind, my spirit, my soul, only God commands        
As a woman’s place in life is to uphold, yet grasp, onto your hand        
Give you comfort when life falls short        
Close your eyes, inhale, and reopen them, soothing your soul to keep you from the abort        
I have walked the miles, in life’s tight shoes        
Never a kiss, tender word, or hug, I’ve ever refused        
When reckless thoughts befall me, drowning in my pools of tears        
The melody of my laughter you shall always hear        
A smile, in remembrance as I seek higher ground concealing, my fears        
I stand in the universe within the bosom of Mother Nature        
Blessed over of ancient times, as a holy baby in a manger        
Soar with me with wings of intellectual conversations        
Entwined souls of love kissed by its Heavenly stimulations, its sanctification        
Take communion as we discover what’s beyond the constellations        
Minds and hearts aligned as we come to understand the forecasted wickedness in the book of Revelations  
I am sacred, the cries of my ancestors whispers to me so        
The blood coursing through my veins, lineage scars of my French Creole soul        
Engraved upon the North Star, as it illuminated its rite of passage, oh thy beautiful glow        
My beautiful melanin coating of honor, a treasure among all Kings        
The Nile, Egypt, Pharaoh, the Ankh my heritage’s bling        
I sit, on my throne as I bow unto you        
Hungry for love, from life’s respite, your soul craves more, as you partake in my spiritual food        
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Published | Edited 22nd Oct 2019
Author's Note
Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possibility.

Oprah Winfrey
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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