
Is my heart so untrue,
Now how can I be so confused about my burning love for you,
I've found myself lost deep in this Forrest with tree so high I have no stars too follow.
I know your smile could light up any city,     but I'm now so lost and I know you don't need me.
I feel im losing control and it fears me to know , that this lonely darkness will only bleed my soul.
But maybe I just dont deserve to have you, as far to many times have my actions hurt you.
I'm trying so hard to find me, the me that you deserve.
I'll tell no more lies and you my love will shed no more tears, I could be the one who protects you from all your fears.
And maybe we will never be, and I know that this is all on me.
But tomorrow is yet a other today, so too you my lost love,
Say LA ve, I must say......
Written by Breakingbenjamin (Benjamin)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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