Change (Back & forth of two entities talking)

you changed,

I didn’t want to be like you and be the same,

So to me as being the same is something wrong of which to blame?

No, different is all, different does not always equal shame.

But I taught you so much, some through love and some through pain,

And I broke the circle to save us, as it was starting again.

So you change now alone and commit me to remain.

I’m stumbling from a slumber, where I am naked in full gaze,

You were safe with me, in our world, our terrain.

But only for moments, as both good and bad came.

Are you trying to break me, admit I caused pain?

I’m offering us equal creation, where you can live on and I’m not contained.

My teachings were wasted, my legacy is disdain,

You know better than this, your wisdom is ancient, your tears made the rain.

So why do you leave me, are you teaching me shame?

I have nothing to teach a man - who made all this from a grain.

So change is rebellion, to show me I failed.

No - I just don’t want to be with you anymore.


Written by Mo57
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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