Image for the poem The Influence of Sound

The Influence of Sound

Invade me

Aggressively push through me

Extend boldly

Firm and rigid

Forcing your way

Right to the heart of me

And in return

I promise

I will serenade you with

Moans and sighs

Elevating so loudly

That they influence the persistence and strength of your strokes

Your endurance and method deserves praise my love

And I  will awaken the heavens with screams of your name.

Your instrument conducts harmony from my lips as it engorges within my throat

I am yours

You are the muse inspiring my song

Seduced by your movement in rhythm

I’m Dangerously in love
Written by lmoses2 (Emmanuelle Monet)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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