Cocaine you powerful drug

My love for you started many years ago. Started off fine and slow I mean really it's just blow, ha that is funny all of a sudden I never have money. You took ahold of me like no other. More powerful than any love I've ever felt.
How can you make me feel like I'm dying but so alive at the same time
You make me chase you around and spend all my money
Sometimes I want to leave you and never look back but the feeling you give me is like nothing I've experienced before. I love the way you taste I love the way you smell I love the way you numb me so my pain is make everything so good and you make me so happy
I can't control the feelings I have towards you why are they so strong
I would pick you over anything
You almost killed me one time but that didn't stop me from loving you
I was right back at it with you just hours later
I don't want to see you go but you are making me look ill
I don't recognize myself anymore
I can't even talk sometimes without slurring my words
You make me so crazy
People are asking me constantly what is going on with me
They can't find out about you
But I want to take you everywhere I go
I want to include you in everything I do
You're the love of my life and you're ruining my life
Why am I letting you do this
Why can't I stop
I don't want to stop
I need to stop
Loving favorite thing to do
I love the way you make my heart beat so fast, too fast it's not healthy but I'm obsessed with it
You bring me to the edge and give me that rush, that rush that I crave so much
You bring me to heaven you bring me to hell
You make my eyes blurry and do things I would never tell
Those things are between me and you and you're the best at keeping secrets
you make my legs twitch like I'm having a seizure
There goes my jaw from side to side I love this feeling that's something I can't deny
I miss you before you are gone and I can't get enough of you
Oh the things I've done to get you...
My hands and feet get so sweaty you make me hot and cold at the same time
How do you do these things and make me feel this way
I think about you all the time you're the one thing constantly on my mind
You keep me up for days
you make my hands shake
You put me in a daze I'm so lost but with you by my side you help me every mile of this ride
I fear the day we have to part you'll always have such a big place in my heart I don't know if I can survive without you so it's till death do us part
You're killing me slowly and I really don't mind
As long as I have you I'm not scared I'm fearless I'm powerful i can do anything nothing gets in my way.
Written by Danielleletoile (daniellexxoo)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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