Raven's Song of 'Wise'

A man named "Wise" appeared on day
For all the world to know
His fortune received without delay
To reap without the sow.
And so the People made him king
To rule upon the land
Adorned in gold and ancient rings
No subject dared his hand
So wise forgot the songs of birds
So little did he pray
He tarried more to war than words
And oft' was led astray
The folly of Wise was one bright morn'
On stroll in the Garden of Life
He never suspected that it should be born
A plan of steel and strife!
His gold and his lies had covered his eyes
His rags of purple--long
The color seeped through like blood-red dyes
To perish at Raven's song.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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