Freedom of Thought and Expression

"To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the right of the hearer as well as those of the speaker."
~Frederick Douglas

Any restriction of thought or speech violates the soul of mankind. Transcending we shall impeach and speak freely of our ideas. To sit above others in judgement upon a throne is an assault on any independent thought. Imagining to decide what is right or best for another based on a warped version of reality is overbearing and dictatorial. Freedom of opinion and expression is a right granted unto all. For one to disregard philosophies with arrogance, they become tyrannical in their censorship. With a dogmatic assertion of what is valid, society would be enslaved to silence. Opposition is not danger but is freedom; while muteness would echo the plight of man. Unrestricted speech reveals new ideas and without a free exchange, knowledge would be limited. Demanding immunity from criticism, denounces justice. Any desecration of autonomy is repressive. Freedom of speech affords a liberty to proclaim our truth while providing others the right to agree or disagree. Anything otherwise, would be in conflict with nature.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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