The Nazi Holocaust is in Bible Prophecy

Christ predicted "This generation will not end before all things are fulfilled" (Luke 21.32).He is referring to the things He has just listed.      
But there are TWO sets of events(Luke 21.20-24 and then 21.24-28).        
So Luke 21.32 applies twice not once.        
The first set of events covers a single generation of time (40 years - 30 AD to 70 AD).        
While the later set of events spans a separate generation (1947 - 2017, a surprising 70 years, in place of a 40 year generation.But 70 years is legit, Psalms 90.10 !!).        
The first generation ends with "the days of punishment"(Lk 21.22). Punishment for what? The crucifixion of Christ just 3 days later in that same week.So that gives us the starting point, AD 30.And the war time destruction did end with the burning of the temple in AD 70 whose beauty was where Christ's "Olivet Discourse" began(Lk 21.5).        
Now what basis do I have for claiming that the "opposite" generation began in 1946/47 ?? Well verse 24 specifies that "the times of the Gentiles" will come to an end. So that automatically = a return to Jewish rulership of the land !! And that new period began with the moving to Israel of the Jews who survived the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust, 1939-1945(with the factory-ization of the killing running from 1942 to 1945).        
At least that's the p.o.v. of Ezekiel chapter 37. The beginning of the return of Israel can be seen differently, going back to Theodore Hertzl - way before the 1940s, of course.  But lets not get technical.      
There were two groups of Jews in the Holocaust, let's say. The ones who were gassed, then incinerated - leaving only dry bones. The other group of Jews were the survivors - walking skeletons, so skinny were they when the camps were liberated. Those same two groups of Jews show up in Ezekiel 37 !!        
If we put aside the words about the first group morphing into the second, that makes it easier for us to recognize that the dry bones and the walking skeletons equal the two groups of Jews during the Holocaust !!        
There is a natural parallel between the Nazi Holocaust in Ez 37 and the Russian-led invasion of Israel in the very next chapter.        
The Moslem nations participate. But in Zechariah 14's parallel passage "all nations" participate in the invasion of Israel, actually a Nazi-like extermination effort against the Jews/Jewish state.        
But the dry bones and rail-thin Jews arent the only evidence that Ezekiel 37 is set in the 1940s. Not at all. They return to Israel and "become a mighty army"( Ez 37.10, KJV).        
It is a fact that the Holocaust survivors as a group really did move to Israel, having lost everything they had in Europe.And they  "became (part of)a mighty army" to the extent that "20 % of the Israeli army in 1948" was Holocaust survivors.        
But more than that, the "joining of the two sticks" (Ez 37.16-22) was fulfilled in 1949-50, thus PROVING that Ezekiel 37 is set in the 1940s !! The Jews were one "stick" while the Samaritans, the remnant of the ten northern tribes, were the other "stick."        
If we forget about the Israelites that were forced to settle in the lands owned by Assyria (the "lost tribes"), and just focus on the Israelites that were left in their own land, we see the ten northern tribes never were lost.Yes, their blood lines were diluted by intermarriage with the goyim ie the gentiles, but so was King David's. For Ruth, his great grandmother was a Moabitess(Ruth  1.4).        
Now on the basis that Ez 37 is definitively set in the 1940s, there is no reason to dodge the conclusion that Ez 37 deals with nothing less than the Nazi Holocaust.        
Now  back to the second generation in Luke 21.32: the things that Christ predicted  in Luke 21.25-28 all point to nuclear war, especially if we go with Mattew 24.29-31's version.  If we take 1947 as the starting point,  and 70 years as the  length of  the "generation," we arrive at 2017 as the end point.        
And that is just what Ez 38-39 implies. I mean that Russia ("Magog") is pictured as ruling over "many nations"(Ez  37.5-9; 15-23).And Zechariah 14 even puts it as "all nations"(Zech 14.2). That would make sense if Russia had emerged from nuclear  war as the victor. All nations would feel that since Russia is invincible, all nations should submit to her supervision.      
Anyway, Ez 37-38/39 serves as the Old Testament's prophecy  of the endtime "generation" that Christ later talked about.        
PS: why do I speak of the second generation in Luke 21.32 as the "opposite" of the first one?? (4th verse). The first generation was marked by the death of the Messiah and then the messianic nation. While the later generation is marked by the return first of the messianic nation, then by the Return of the Messiah. So it really is the opposite generation !!    
PPS: in the 11th verse I claim that Luke 21.25-28 / Matthew 24.29-31 is actually predicting nuclear war.Let me explain:    
the "signs in sun,moon and stars" in Luke 21.25 are more developed in Matthew    
24.29.The sun turns black(Revelation 6.12), the moon turns blood-red.  
Plus the stars fall(Rev 6.13).  
"The moon turns red" is the easiest to explain, so I'll start with that one.Whenever there is an enormous amount of smoke due to forest fire or volcanic eruption, the smoke creates a filter that blocks all hues except for red. The smoke produced by nuclear war would definitely be enuff to create the reddening effect.  
As for "the sun turning black", that would be fulfilled by "wave interference". The "crest" of one light wave superimposed upon the "trough" of another wave serves to cancel out both waves completely, producing total darkness !! So its NOT that the sun would turn black. Rather everything goes black. But this effect lasts for only a moment.  
I recall seeing a made-for-tv movie back in the late 1970s. It contained a scene in which a nuclear bomb explodes in Charleston. I recall the screen going totally black but for just a moment. Yes, nuclear war definitely would fulfill "the sun will turn black" (Mat 24.29).  
Now for "the stars will fall"(Mat 24.29). This is set in the context of the Rapture(Mat 24.30-31).
Another Rapture passage has the same combo  --  Souls departing as "sudden destruction" takes place(1 Thessalonians 4.16 - 5.3). Finally a third Rapture passage says "that day cannot come before..the revealing of the Man of Sin as [ the Destroyer]"(2 Thess 2.3). The meaning is that the Rapture will occur as "the Destroyer" becomes the Destroyer by launching great destruction -- "the sudden destruction" given in 1 Thess 5.3.  
  This tells us that the "sudden destruction" will be man-made !! Very important, for it means that "the stars will fall" have to be man-made objects!! Because if the Rapture  in all 3 passages is the same event, the 3 descriptions of destruction that  
accompanies it (the Rapture) should,likewise, be one and the same.
Because the destruction  is indicated to be man-made in one of the 3 passages,  this requires it be man-made in the other 2 passages as well. In short, "the stars will fall" must be man-made objects.
But what are these man-made "stars" ??  
Nuclear warheads are the obvious answer.  
For real stars operate via nuclear fusion.  
Likewise, nuclear warheads operate by nuclear fusion. Yes nuclear fireballs can rightly be called man-made 3-minute stars.  
For that is how long they last -- 3 minutes.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 9th Feb 2017
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