The Rapture Occurs As the Destroyer is Revealed As Such

The Rapture,the departure of souls, happens as the "sudden destruction" occurs. 1st Thess 4.16-5.3. In other words souls depart because people are being killed as the sudden destruction takes place. What is that destruction?? The sudden destruction is what "reveals" the DESTROYER ("the son of destruction"). For we read "that day (of the Rapture) cannot come except ...the Destroyer be revealed."(2 Thess 2.3). The message is that the rapture occurs AT THE SAME TIME that the Destroyer becomes the Destroyer -- by launching the "sudden destruction" (borrowed from 1st Thess 5.3).    
But what is the purpose of this sudden destruction?? What does the Destroyer gain from it?? THE WHOLE WORLD. For we read, "the Beast will make war against" the Christian countries ("the saints") and "will conquer them, gaining power over every tongue tribe and nation"(Revelation 13.7). That gives us the answer - the Destroyer launches "sudden destruction" (military attack) in order to defeat the Western nations (that used to be Christian) Once they are beat, the Destroyer becomes the ruler of the world.    
So which nation will make war on the once-Christian West?? Well, "Beast" goes back to the 4th Beast of Daniel 7.7-7.8. Which focuses on Western Europe (the Roman empire). The "10 horns" are ten kings but also the nations ruled. So they are the nations that will be conquered. For we read "another horn came up among them" meaning one nation INVADES the 10 victim nations.    
Since Western Europe = the prey, this sets up RUSSIA to play the role of predator !! Yes Russia will overrun the West for we have disarmed so much after Gorbachev made peace, ending the Cold War in the hope that America + Europe would disarm. Why did the Antichrist need America to disarm? So that Russia could bomb us and then shoot down our missile warheads because we reduced the number we have of them. So the war will be one-sided.    
But dont worry.The purpose of the Second Coming is to do what? "Destroy the wicked one" (2Thess 2.7-8). Christ will defeat Russia and destroy old Gorbachev.Why is he the AC? Because he made peace. "By peace he will destroy many" (Daniel 8.25 King James Version). talking about the AC.  It fits Gorbachev to a "t."
Late May at Pentacost may be the time. Of the sudden destruction/Rapture/"Wrath of the Lamb" (Revelation 6).For it is 700 days after the supreme court legalized "gay marriage" on 6/26/15. "5 months" is how long Russia will own the world, a very short tribulation period just like Christ promised Matthew 24.22; Rev 9.5,10. When fire falls on America tell people Hold on for "5 months."    
PS: the rapture will be limited to the areas where the "sudden destruction" occurs. Imagine a map on which the USA is on the   far left and Japan on the far right.Our military base is there.Rapture occuring in USA and Okinawa (but not everywhere inbeteeen) would fulfill "horizon to horizon"Mat 24.31.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
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