Heart Stash

He found my stash
Years and years worth
Of exchanges
Emails and texts
I thought I hid them better
He said no one could be as perfect
As I appeared to be
I had to have a secret hidden
Something no one had privy to
To be so open, so vulnerable
So in touch with my emotions

Once he read my poetry
He asked who the muse was
I told him it’s not really one person
It’s a mixture of different people
Different things really
Anything can incite my pen to write
But I knew he didn’t believe me
He said no one writes love the way you do
Someone had to be the object of your affection

So without my knowledge
He searched until he found
What his heart knew was always there
True love for another
Buried deep beneath the surface
Just below my love for him
And he was furious
“How could you marry me
Knowing your feelings were untrue
Knowing that he held a place
That no one would ever take”

At first I tried to deny it
But it was there hidden in plain sight
In black on white
A love that couldn’t be denied
A love that would stand the test of time
And he would end it that very night
He forbade me to ever contact him again
Delete every email and text exchange
Made me change my number
He even made me change my name
So that if the love of my life
Would ever come searching for me
I would be nowhere in sight

What a plight!
I couldn’t deny the truth
But I had to live my life
Had to accept the inevitable
Had to be this man’s wife
Without ever hearing him say my name again
Without the sarcasm from his lips
That breath into me
I was a wreck
I was a mess
I was heart sick
And feeling depressed
The ink in my pen was so dry
And now we both knew the reason why
And he would take the chance of me never writing again
Just to spite the other guy
But he’d never control my heart
And the love that we once shared
As long as there’s breath in my body
It will always be there
Written by simpleasures
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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