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Image for the poem "Pictorial Metaphor."

"Pictorial Metaphor."

I held the Long Steel knife
against My chest; had it pushed
in enough so that it punctured
the skin and the blood was
flowing down bright red

Coagulation wouldn't come soon
enough to maybe keep Me from
bleeding-out, since an empty
bottle of whiskey was laying
nearby on the ground

I don't know that if with me being
as drunk as I was I could have
pushed it through into My heart,
so My solution for that was to let
it go and face first onto the
ground fall

Sure, that was My plan to Plunge
it deeply within;I was Hurting so
very Intensely and as I felt torn
into, I also wanted the very organ
that is Symbolic of our Emotions
to look Shredded too

I know that that human blood-pumper
wouldn't end all my Suffering once
I stopped its rhythm's; but that
didn't matter to Me now, as I was
determined to bring Closure to the
Rage I was feeling

Cops had been called, and, also the
Paramedics: they after negotiations
with me concluded that I intended
no Harm to anyone in the Home...

(Excluding Myself)

Then with their Awesome wisdom
thought it Best to check Me in for
some Residential Therapy

They wanted to ascertain if I was...

"Psychologically Healthy), DUH

So into a facility I did go

Bombardments of Family Health
history questions; any drugs I have
been on or were presently one,
(omitted the truth to that one):

Am I suicidal, homicidal; do I want
to harm Myself, (FUCK; didn't You
read the police report), do I feel
like, or, have I ever felt like torturing
animals... I had to laugh at that one
and the, "TheRapeist," asked, "Why;"

To which I replied, "There are people
who deserve to live less than an
animal does."He didn't like that," but

I finally told Him that I meant it as an
Pictorial Metaphor; and, I wanted to
visually illustrate how I felt inside:
besides, I told Him slyly, that I hadn't
meant to do Myself any harm: "After all,
I'm Wiccan and it's against My Belief."

That seemed to make Him feel uneasy,
(Fucking Bible-belt Thumper's), but He
prescribed some Shit that when taken
with My normal regiment of alcohol
consumption, makes me feel very Serene
and Sleeeepppy.

So, a couple of days of that and I Guess,
I'm Square; I Guess.
Written by hungrypan74 (Dantalyon)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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