Love is a Gate

 Who would have guessed the story behind us two
Thought that no one could understand our point of view
Self-centered thoughts of our youth
Maybe we knew we were all bad news
Cracking laughs, of the memories of these old photographs
Relying on only that to fill in the gaps…

Love is a gate
And girl I just can’t wait
This just could be our fate
We mustn’t hesitate
Heats might just break
But that’s the risk we must take..
We’ve both been crying for far too long
And after all we done
It’s only far to see what we become

Walking on my own to give me time to think
Then our footsteps come to sync
And my feelings peek
Like have our paths crossed before
Because stranger you mean so much more
Hello Love, you happen to have those Eyes that I adore

Love is a gate
And girl I just can’t wait
This just could be our fate
We mustn’t hesitate
Heats might just break
But that’s the risk we must take..
We’ve both been crying for far too long
And after all we done
It’s only far to see what we become

Making sure our tears weren’t in vain
And stranger I know this sounds Insane
But we must reach out for love while we’re in pain
Fill in the blanks of our lives with a risk
We can’t stay hung up on the past kiss
So close your eyes and feel your lips

Love is a gate
And girl I just can’t wait
This just could be our fate
We mustn’t hesitate
Heats might just break
But that’s the risk we must take..
We’ve both been crying for far too long
And after all we done
It’s only far to see what we become
Written by Gersain_Flores
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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