Many Rivers to Cross

This is for my people.

The ones that want to be treated equally.

Our ancestors put their lives on the line for your success,

yet most of us choose to fail a class test.

Our ancestors knew knowledge was power,

but most of us run away like cowards.

Whenever I discuss about this,

y’all fuss about this.

Tell me to shut up and stop talking,

but when I look into your eyes, I see a dead man walking.

Most live our lives based on things

we see off TV,

mindless zombies,

you can’t see what I see.

An extinct race,

but we are unique people, and nobody can take our place.

We have yet to taste a small grain of freedom,

But rely back on the forever oppressing system.

We work for nothing,

stand for nothing,

stop at nothing,

to prove something.

We are still slaves to the system,

brave birds pf wisdom,

intelligence and visions,

beauty and ambition.

But we are lack courage and self esteem,

confidence from you and me,

A drive… by any means,

and a split from black image TV themes.

Be the change you want to see.

Take risks if you want to succeed.

We may have crossed many rivers

but still have many more to come
Written by SirTruth
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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