
In my male insolence and ignorant risqué
I take liberties with my knowledge
And a dash of generalisation
To try and explain
Your sudden turn of colour
From pale pink shoulder, turned
To the fire-engine red of parted lips
A thickening of tone
Unveiling slumbering appetites

In parallel with your organic release
Of moon tuned clockwork potential
Your alluring pheromones summon
Broadcast libidinous intent
To be ensnared by your sudden fertile gaze
I welcome your need for action

All seeds need rain, of course
And you are generous in your deluge
As your hungry earth beckons
I am seduced by your voluptuous germinate

Basking in your voracious heat
I am bursting with rapture
For nothing makes me sprout so vivaciously
Than being buried in your primitive desire

When next, preliminary motherhood calls
I’ll be your speed dial responder
To deliver my counterfeit procreation
With chivalrous satisfaction
Claiming reward in your urgency
Written by Franko76
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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